Will you still be running the URBAN PHOTO CONTEST? I thought that was a great idea. HERE are my entries. If not, that's fine, but I know the only way to be sure not to succeed at something is to quit. You've got a good reputation and quite a few followers (I had 52 followers a week and a half ago). I would recommend branching out, and exposing more people to yourself. Do some more photos, do a reminder for the black and white Urban Photo Contest, put a post in #food about one of your favorite meals and try a little #writing or #poetry. The more people who are exposed to you, the more may choose to follow you, The more options you give them, the more likely you will be to get noticed and the more likely even a whale may like what you are up to.
Obviously it is your choice, but I too, would hate to see you go. Either way, thanks for inspiring me to take some more photographs, @papa-pepper