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RE: 📌 Quick explanation of blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and why they're so important.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

One of the reasons why it's hard to explain why crypto-currencies have value is because most people don't understand why fiat or government money has value. I think people in countries where monetary systems have failed understand this. It's people in some western nations that don't because they have never suffered through a rapid currency crisis. Currencies like the dollar are dying. It's just that its's happening in slow motion. It's like the frog in water. If you slowly raise the temperature the frog will not notice until it to late and boils to death. It's same with fiat, governments have be slowly flooding the system with money. By the time ordinary people realize what's happening it will be too late to get out. Things like gold and crypto-curreny offer an escape hatch but people don't see that yet.


Yup. It's super hard to explain crypto until fiat is first understood.