πŸ“Œ Quick explanation of blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and why they're so important.

in #steemit β€’ 8 years ago (edited)

Newcomers to Steemit quickly find themselves in a sea of new techno terminology that might seem a bit daunting at first. Let's start with the most-important stuff: Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies. In my opinion, they're just as important as the internet itself.

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Great video again! Blockchain and cryptos are the future and the sooner people are educated about it the sooner we will see forward movement. Steemers are an integral part in this forward movement and they may not even realize it. Thanks for all you do in brining crypto to the masses.

Such rich information, and you know how to keep it simple and concise. Your videos are helping tremendously with information to be talked about during our new podcast that some friends and I have begun producing, in which we'll be giving props and linking to whichever videos of yours we reference.
Would you ever be up for joining in and doing an interview with us if it became an option?

Sure, that sounds fun :)

Awesome, I'm sure the guys will be stoked to hear. We're still ramping up, but we will definitely be in touch as soon as possible. :)

For the at least 90 of you who did not watch the video, but upvoted anyway. Gabriel gives a brief history of cryptocurrency and money and what gives each one value. He feels Steem is a good way to get newbies into crypto and that makes it more useful than Bitcoin in one light at least. He gives his opinion on where he sees Steem going, he thinks it could out perform Bitcoin and could be worth a lot more than it currently is today. He talks about one of the great aspects of cryptos- that governments can't control cryptos (that they don't start). Cryptos could prevent war or at least put a damper on some of the more sociopathic government programs. My latest Steemit post is here: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@bitcoinmeister/the-next-bitcoin-scam-and-my-thoughts-on-altcoin-day-trading

lol Thanks Adam!

Fantastic. Something like this is required if Steemit were to attract the mainstream Reddit audience. I think that is Steemit's biggest challenge - getting the average internet user up to speed, firstly on blockchain and cryptocurrency, then on Steem. The platform itself is solid.

It's simple, but rarely explained as neatly and precisely as you do here. :)

Thanks! Yeah, I think we have our work cut out for us but I can't think of a more fulfilling project. Getting a crypto to really go mainstream would be the best thing I can imagine right now.

Yes, we have been waiting for this moment - an application of crypto that the mainstream will instantly get. It will need some persuasion, but with educators (can I call you that? :)) like you it can be done.

Now it's up to the Steem developers to execute on that promise.

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

One of the reasons why it's hard to explain why crypto-currencies have value is because most people don't understand why fiat or government money has value. I think people in countries where monetary systems have failed understand this. It's people in some western nations that don't because they have never suffered through a rapid currency crisis. Currencies like the dollar are dying. It's just that its's happening in slow motion. It's like the frog in water. If you slowly raise the temperature the frog will not notice until it to late and boils to death. It's same with fiat, governments have be slowly flooding the system with money. By the time ordinary people realize what's happening it will be too late to get out. Things like gold and crypto-curreny offer an escape hatch but people don't see that yet.

Yup. It's super hard to explain crypto until fiat is first understood.

Hey @Piedpiper

Blockchain is complicated for now but it is ground breaking. I think that steemit is making people understand this alot better.

In the near future the term Blockchain will become a very comon term.

Thanks for your videos.


Thanks @piedpiper for the great video explanation. Especially for a noob like me. Got no idea at all what all these crytos about. Just by accident came to know Steemit while googling. Luv it! Am trying my best to catch up from all Steemit posts. Hope to learn how and where to liquidate or to buy it. Steem on!

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

First, open an account on a bitcoin exchange of your choice (search for one that deals with your local currency). Once you have that, it only takes a minute to get your steem dollars off of Steemit. I made a quick demo video here.

Thx, will find out.

Nice topic you have chosen at the moment i have not read any such type of topic it is very informative as crypto currencies are boosting day by day and every daily interact with the currencies but many many don't fully know the crypto concept and the block chain sites.

Good explanation and very easy to understand for new steemians trying to get their head around what Crypto and the Blockchain is. Even for myself only 3 months deep i got something from your video..thanks mate.

Glad you found it useful :)

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

@piedpiper Thanks for the effort and good explanations. I use your post of how to get satisfaction from Steemit to encourage people, not to only be in it for the money, but to actually enjoy themselves to encourage users. Chat soon :)

Happy to help, Jacor.

Cool video, thanks again. The music is beautiful too. Reminds me of Stranger Things.

It 's from Deus Ex, a video game that I used to play as a kid. ;)

Incredibly well explained. Educating people who don't understand the concept behind blockchains is one of the most important things to do right now. Good on you man.

Thanks :)

Anything to educate the masses on how currency is instantiated and used for political ends is great IMO. I have no idea where steemit is heading but I'll stick around to find out. I hoping blockchains can help wake up the younger generations.

awesome video!!


I love what you do. I mentionned you in a post I just wrote, as an example.

Keep up the good work, it's great and it brings a lot here !

Maybe you can tell me how they split prize from posts?
75% for op and 25% for users yes? Please tell me how it works.