WOW! That is definitely going to take some time my friend :) You are awesome @samstonehill!
Sometimes I don't get to write back for a couple hours or the next day, as I also have quite a full plate, but I strongly agree with the importance of taking time to respond to comments we receive...quite an important ingredient when establishing, strengthening & maintaining friendships :)
Thank you for Being YOU, @samstonehill, and for consistently sharing such awesome conscious content with our community.
I am sending some Reiki your way to support the healing process for your hand my friend <3
Much Love & Bright Blessings!
Am still at it 24h later! But I'm close to the finish line now :)
Many thanks for your Reiki and Bright Blessings. Received with gratitude.
The hand is healing well and I am back to speedy touch typing again :)
Happy days!