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RE: A curation refresher guide

in #steemit7 years ago

My VP is so low I don't worry about keeping it near 100 so I give out as many upvotes as possible as people like upvotes even if it comes from someone who's vote is worth next to nil.

There are already some gaming the system. I noticed that with use of specific bots an immediate upvote or two will hit your post of individuals trying to max their curation rewards.

For the time being I have 0 strategy for curation rewards. Once I gain some more SP I will be more cautious to not let my VP sink so low ( I was at 8 % not that long ago ).


Yeah thata true - I found in the past when i would upvote alot more and have lower vp that i would get more followers - aa you said people like upvotes no matter the value!

8% wow that is low!