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RE: So You Wanna Be Divisive? Bring It.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

If a person speaks only French, the best way to communicate with them is in French. For people who only understand hillbilly derp, like you, obviously, one has to speak their native language to be understood. Case in point: you totally not getting the subtext of a comment about chemo that wasn’t phrased as a direct insult. Whoosh! Went right over that balding head.


You’re really quite entertaining, Netty. You think people really don’t click “reveal comment?” 😂😂😂

So should I only speak to you with:


🤣🤣🤣 Why, yes! That way you double the chances of people seeing how goofy you are.

I’m not kidding at all. You’re the best entertainment on Steem right this minute.

I'm enjoying knowing that a couple of 60 year old goons are getting their fat titties in a twist because of some young bald hillbilly.

I don’t know about titties in a twist, but you’re definitely the afternoon matinee. Although sadly, I’m out of spare time so I’ll have to come back to this later. See, I cut my social media teeth on Appalachian pillheads who act just like you. I doubt seriously that you can say or do anything to top their stupidity. However, it would behoove you to recognize when you’re being baited...and you are. Us senior citizens have had a lot more time to perfect the art of making detractors look like buffoons, whether you realize we’ve done that to you or not. But...gotta run for now. Please leave lots more awesome comments for folks to enjoy while I’m gone.

The fact that you have been basically glued to a keyboard, stalking posts and comments, obsessively attacking like a deranged, demented poodle, is quite indicative of who has their panties wadded, and their thumb up their ass, and the fact we take two seconds now and then to respond to some of them, with nary a thought about you in between, is just REALLY chapping your ass, and it's literally hilarious, but a little bit disturbing to watch you flame out this way, as you fail your way in embarrassment off the platform after your publicly humiliating "RC incident"...

You right now: