So You Wanna Be Divisive? Bring It.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

What follows is a derivative of a comment I made on Steem earlier today. I thought about it, thought about it some more, and decided that I’m just going to post this for everyone to see. Well, not everyone, obviously, because the recent rash of unfollows I’ve had by people associated with a certain community on Discord will hide this from their view. Unless, of course, it trends, or lots of people resteem it. Be my guest. Please.

I’m not going to name names in this post. No names at all. Most people will know instantly who I mean. If you don’t, it won’t take much digging to find out. But I want this to be as far from mudslinging as possible, even though that expectation isn’t very realistic. I’m not looking to start a war. Thing is, though—I didn’t, and I won’t, because you can’t start what’s already happening. This war has been simmering in the trenches for months, despite the attempts of many people to circumvent it.

I stand by my choice for witness team alignment, despite the controversy associated with it. I kept waiting to for those who warned me about a certain witness partner to be proven right, and him to be proven base of character the way they claimed. As time went on, the inverse became true based on behaviors I saw with my own eyes. Let’s just call this witness partner “X.” That will suffice for now.

People can "claim" anything they want. For my own personal knowledge, I asked the person who claims “X” owes him money if he would offer proof. He didn't just fail to do so, he flat-out refused. Publicly, in front of many witnesses. Yet the money is still an issue? How? For me, the fact that “X” needed money to care for two animals he committed to says more about his character than that of any self-righteous accuser. It demonstrates loyalty and a clear understanding of ethical responsibility. If the money was a gift, as “X” maintains, what repayment is owed? If not a gift, as the other guy claims, then why be so cagey about offering proof? There’s no logic in his decision to withhold evidence that substantiates his case.

Then we get back to the moral code of the people in question. First, none of the people involved with my witness team or Discord community ever engaged in divisive conduct. We included everyone in everything. Shared members, shared moderators. Shared witness support. No one can argue that “X” says things in the most diplomatic manner, because clearly he doesn't. But I've yet to see him be proven wrong about any points he's made. Others, The behaviors! Licentious remarks in public forums. The creation of an entire Steem account to mock an accidental misspelling of “X’s”name that was downright vulgar. Is there no sense of shame with these people? What about publicly ridiculing a person's appearance after they took chemotherapy and years of immunosuppressants? Yet somehow all of this is okay? But wait--the best (or worst, depending on which camp a person is in,) is the blatant edict by a community leader for his entire drone army to disassociate from “X” and any initiatives he's part of. This edict came with the express threat of removing delegations and all support from anyone who affiliates with "X." And the whole drone army concurred that this was acceptable. And yet, this is okay?

Talk about centralized! It's the antithesis of everything the blockchain is supposed to represent. Bottom line is that no one associated with “X” ever, at any time, forbade anyone else from affiliating with "those other folks," participating in their servers, voting their witness, or following their blogs. We encouraged cross-promotion and teamwork. Then suddenly there it is, in writing, that the leader of the largest community on Discord has forbidden "his people" from association with “X” or his team witness. What the absolute hell, people? HOW is ANY of this not a thousand times worse than any lip “X” ever gave anyone? Yet they get a free pass for this egregious and downright insidious behavior?

Not from me, they don't. Never have I been more pleased about where I chose to place my alliance. I'll take smartass lip over corrupt character any day. I didn’t need anyone whispering crap in my ear or outright threatening me to decide where to place my loyalty. All I had to do was sit back and watch a certain subculture of the Steem community gnaw and gnaw at this bone until finally they broke it in half and divided a year’s worth of friendships and partnerships right down the fucking middle. Congratulations for that accomplishment, folks! You did your drone army proud.

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Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Now remember; you suggested that I should get cancer or some other disease requiring chemotherapy.

You are entirely innocent from the mudslinging and "war" /s

I did no such thing. I simply suggested that Karma is a bitch for people who mock those who went through those treatments. But clearly the subtlety went right over your head.

It's ok. Being this is a blockchain I have all the context I would ever need.

Keep being vile. Keep making vile posts. Keep encouraging SirCock's vileness.

Gives me something to do while I'm powering down.

Yes. I have access to the same blockchain documentation, weirdo.

You so very quickly switch back to insults. Yet you try to say you are somehow mature and above that.

Good god. Do people become mentally deficient in their 60s or something?

If a person speaks only French, the best way to communicate with them is in French. For people who only understand hillbilly derp, like you, obviously, one has to speak their native language to be understood. Case in point: you totally not getting the subtext of a comment about chemo that wasn’t phrased as a direct insult. Whoosh! Went right over that balding head.

You’re really quite entertaining, Netty. You think people really don’t click “reveal comment?” 😂😂😂

So should I only speak to you with:


Listen little man. You dream of being as well known as me and this desperate obsession literally proves it. Yes you have context. A context of your continuously stupid tricks and fails attempting them. Power down. Run away. Power up and fucking stay. You will always be a loser to everyone every single fucking day. Now go back to jerking off on pics of me. Your mom told me she caught you at it again.

who are you? your comments are almost as ugly as you my dude

Oh me? Just somebody people have heard of, unlike you?

Your ego seems very fragile for someone who is so popular :)

First, none of the people involved with my witness team or Discord community ever engaged in divisive conduct. We included everyone in everything. Shared members, shared moderators. Shared witness support.


Bottom line is that no one associated with “X” ever, at any time, forbade anyone else from affiliating with "those other folks," participating in their servers, voting their witness, or following their blogs. We encouraged cross-promotion and teamwork.

Hence why today I have cleared house and cleaned up my feed, for any wondering.

We all know she's talking about you. I mean, put two and two together and you get two X's and your name has 2 X's in it and there's two so 8-4=8.

Same here. I mean, if I'm going to be guilty by association, I might as well be reactive by association, too. Right?

We've sat back long enough.

I definitely feel backed into a corner. No doubt about it.

Interesting that at the moment of writing this I am still voting your witness, and also following and voting Gmuxx because I think he's a good guy and wanted to continue supporting him and I've had no repercussions at all. Weird...

I did however see that @gmuxx unfollowed me today which I thought was pretty sad, despite the splits and tit for tat I thought we were cool. Apparently the hivemind and guilt by association are real things and none of that matters.

People have done shitty things, this post doesn't even address 1% of the story. I refuse to defend or call any of it out but they know who they are, and they're the ones who have to live with it.

Enjoy your popcorn and I hope publishing this post gives you peace or whatever it is you're looking for.

No please, do elaborate. We'll wait...

Would that be your votes on vulgar, cowardly anonymous spoof accounts created by juveniles too weak to sign their own names to their tasteless, baseless and not even accurate attacks?

Or would it be your willingness to roll over to bullying by your organizations "leader" who never shows up for work, but uses mafia like strong arming to control his staffs actions? The very staff that does his homework and helps him tie his shoes?

See I will speak, and I WILL spell it out, and I HAVE the proof. So, go ahead, Julia, make our day.

Oh @netuoso you obsessed little fuck. Youve been at this for twenty four plus hours and you are STILL just making me laugh at you and shake my head. You are so obsessed with me its literally ludicrous. You are accomplishing exactly zero. You still live in your mommys yard. You are still only 4 feet tall and balding. You are still unemployed. And you are still a psychotic person obsessed with me out of sheer jealous rage. You not only look deranged, pathetic and weak but you also really arent even accomplishing anything. Like... At all.

Bit then you never have before anyway.

You are and will remain an abject failure at life.

And i will continue to mock you until your mom calls you for your nap.

Wait... There is one thing youve accomplished. You made me gain tons of followers and witness votes while your decline merely continues.

Your butthurt pathetic obsession is worth seeking a doctor for, because it appears to be making your hair fall out, shorty.

Yes. If he only knew the extent of support we’ve gained from this exercise. Or maybe he’s secretly on “our side” and doing us a deliberate solid.

I have tried for months to keep this from conflagrating. I despise conflict and will avoid it until I'm left with no other choice. I've watched certain people pick and pick and pick at this in the background until it festered. My mantra has been "move on and let it go." But that means both camps have to let it go. Not just one.

When I resigned as moderator and started a different server with GMuxx, it was because of another mod whose behavior was consistently toxic and dangerous to new users who didn't understand how he was manipulating them. Have I persisted in my crusade against him now that I no longer have to share a community with him, even though I'm absolutely certain he trashed me to everyone who would listen? Absolutely not. Did I coerce anyone into disassociating with him? Did I obtain a spoof account to publicly ridicule him and rally people into mocking him by allowing that to go on in my server unchecked? No. I did not. Yet I've witnessed this behavior in others recently, and I've witnessed other, otherwise sensible and fair-minded people overlook and even defend it.

Case in point: my posts are seldom of interest to people in the "other camp." Yet this one clearly is. By "other camp," I don't refer to people in both servers...hell, I'm still in both servers. I'm talking about those who've let themselves be co-opted into a pack mentality. Who in their right mind would think some of the behaviors in that leadership circle are in any way okay? I'm tired of my judgment being called into question when it's their toxic attitudes that are poisoning the waterhole. This never had to be "either/or." It never had to reach a point of "if you're his friend, then I'm no longer yours." Yet it did, despite all my efforts to prevent it. And that's just sad.

Their mod pit is currently on fire with rabid discussion about how best to discredit this post and gaslight you, Rhonda. It's what they have weakly and unsuccessfully tried to do to me, and it's what morally bankrupt, low integrity, basic people do. We know this, because it was just such behavior that caused the three of us to walk out in solidarity before I even knew who you even were!

Only then did that corrupt mod have his equally backstabbing girlfriend ban me and submit lies or somehow convince her fake leader to support it. The same one who had only recently before told me he could not eliminate that mod because he would lose witness votes and money over it. In his own words, now deleted and not screenshotted, but copy pasted before that to what could only now be called unconfirmable text. But it happened, and I'll happily share it for anyone demanding to see it.

There is only so much dishonesty, depravity and disgusting behavior one can observe before just being irate from a so-called leadership team that hypocritically alleges to be about peace, abundance and above all liberty, after all, when it's based on a total lie and exists only out of their personal greed for power and steem coins at any cost, using whomever they can in the process to gain either or both.

But of course, as their leader once said about Gmuxx's Multiple Sclerosis, the same disease that killed my own sister at age 50, it's probably just us, and caused by all that "negativity" in our heads.

When he said that to Gmuxx and we all saw it happen in a PAL channel in front of a team of observers, and I was reminded of my sister's own urn in that funeral home once more, let's just say that asshole is lucky he's only seen "negativity" as a result. Many a lesser person than Muxx or I, both affected in our ways both first and second hands by this grave and serious and typically terminal disease would have probably found him and beat the living positivity out of his ass.

But I suppose no one in his ignorant family ever has suffered or died from a terminal disease because it's all positively de-escalated bubbles and rainbows blowing out the asses of his relatives and kin.

But I guess when you are this sick and depraved, there is nothing you won't stoop to, eh?

If I had not seen this stuff for myself, Cork, I'd think you were being vindictive and petty and mean. Sadly, I was an eyewitness. And said nothing for all these months. And we all see where that got me.

Also, I may never quite get my head around the fact that you and I never exchanged two words to each other while we were mods there. I didn't know you. You didn't know me. So we have no history whatsoever shared there. Yet we saw the same things.

I need to take a break after reading this :S

I've never seen so much anger and profanities in comments! Shocking and disappointing. I don't know what all this is about or how it started, but it's no reason to go on such a flaming rampage. I hope everyone cool it and tone it down. This eclipses bernie's posts.

Drakos, I can't speak for Cork. I know he has a lot of anger, and I know a lot of it's justified. We're ultimately all responsible for our own behavior.

As for me, I sat back and watched a group of people behaving very badly and taking no responsibility for their contributions to a problem that was ongoing for a year. I got trolled pretty badly by one of these people on another post, so when he showed up here, I out-trolled him. Sure, I got flagged, but that was expected. It also goes a long way toward proving the point I made in the original post. There are some very, very bad actors on this platform who hide behind success they gained by treading on the backs of others. I do have some stories to tell. This post is as close as I've ever come to full disclosure about some of the behaviors I've seen exhibited by some very prominent people, very much at the expense of others. :-(

Anytime you want a plethora of evidence about why I am livid, you know where to find ME but good luck finding most of the respondents at all, or at least anywhere in the public's eye outside of the clueless-clique's little clubhouse...

Flagged for disagreement on rewards, and general annoyance at your childish attempts to continue dramas in the pursuit of self promotion. I'm extremely disappointed in your choices Rhonda, I won't be supporting TWB or your witness "partners" and mostly just want you to leave myself and MSP out of your ramblings. Cheers

flagging for being a poser

You never supported anybody but yourself anyway, chump I spent nearly 7 months building the organization you hang your entire existence off of from its 3rd day of existence to over 5000K members, and built its flag ship product that to this day still uses the website and basic infra i assembled, the staff I chose and trained and the logos I made or had made, up until like yesterday when you got a new one after nearly a year of trying or whatever your disgusting pig lapdog clay posted about that, and you never showed up or showed yourself in a chat room till our last day, so fuck off and go back in your hole, you fucking poser.

Soooo much water under these burned bridges....

Well if it's flowing from our direction it's fresh pure spring water. If it's flowing from the other direction, it's piss.

RFLMAO! Leave it to Cork.

They can send ALL the clique dicks and 2 cent bot sucklings and I can single handedly handle all of them at once, with accurate portrayals of their truths. So yeah, they can all go continue their group masturbations.

The amusing thing is them calling us irrelevant, when literally everyone who is anyone is pretty much disgusted by PAL, ignoring PAL or has literally said to me "ignore those dicks, cork, they are completely irrelevant outside their own minds on this platform anyway" - quoth a top 30 witness to me not even that long ago.

Flagging this post is your right. You can do with your stake as you wish. I'm disappointed in you, as well, for condoning the abominable behavior at MSP--I sat in the radio audience today so sickened by Clayboyn's endless dropping of sexist memes that should have appalled every female in the audience, yet somehow didn't. I was so disgusted by it I could barely concentrate on Pennsif's show. I tried to share a screenshot with someone, and the meme was so trashy and NSFW that Clyde-bot would not let me paste it. Yet that is the gold standard your group represents? In that case, you can have it. Lock, stock, and barrel.

As far as TWB, you haven't supported us for a long time. Even though I was spot-on about Sammo, which you guys eventually figured out for yourselves. It was pretty disappointing to me even then that leadership there let themselves be conned for so long and minnow users preyed upon to such a degree. We tried to tell you. But apparently the well-being of mere minnow users wasn't enough reason to act.

I'm not after drama, Ausbit. I actually want the drama to end. But there's more drama coming from your camp at a ratio of about 5:1 than there has ever been from Cork's side of things. But either you're blind to it or deliberately choose to not acknowledge it. Whatever the case, this is the first time I have spoken publicly about any of the problems. Yet apparently it's such a burr under your saddle that you can't just say, "welp, that's her opinion and she's entitled to it." But like I said--your stake. You can do with it as you wish.

I'm not sure if you know what a meme is... but I didn't drop any memes during Pennsif's show. If you are referring to the twerking gifs I dropped during the previous show that wipgirl was hosting, perhaps that's a little out of context and unrelated to the show you were there for and... not actually on? Either way I sincerely don't give any kind of a fuck about your self righteous horseshit and judgment. I'm not trying to impress you, I've never spoken to you, and if you're fishing this hard for some kind of relevance or attention from me, well here it is. Enjoy your moment in the self induced semi limelight of a post that got paid promotion and still had no one give a shit about any of you or Cork's back and forth (seemingly rehearsed) conversation about a group that neither of you have been relevant in for like a year. As Julia said, I hope you find whatever you're looking for with this witch hunt of yours and then all of you and can get on with your lives and find peace. Feel free to provide any evidence of anything you think people don't know. I'm not hiding and the fact that you think any of us are hiding or runaway is absolutely comical to me. For someone with so much "inside knowledge" about things, you'd think if a picture of a woman's ass offends you that you wouldn't be in business with someone CURRENTLY cyber stalking and harassing a woman. Have a nice life.

Flagged for blatant tiny dicked lies clayboner.

Too bad your flag is worth about as much as you are.

Indeed, it's priceless! Gosh I can just SEE the jealous popping those pimply forehead veins out in rage.

Nice "jab" though? I think one one of the big words even had two syllables in it! That hooked on phonics remedial package seems to be really worth your mom's investment in her precious little babbbeee....

You thin skinned little turnup.

You are a fat disgusting sexist, misogynist slug of a little man with a tiny penis, according to the bathroom walls in your cesspool clique clubhouse, so crawl back in it and suck on the drain pipes, slug boy. Also, get some cough drops, your voice on a radio sounds creepy as fuck.

Proof of "cyber stalking" or sit the fuck down you fucking lardass, good god the things ive seen that YOU would say to her and yes there was a time when it was repeated to me. I happen to KNOW how long you've disgusted her and she's tolerated you but hey, I ENJOYED our time together before her tolerance of people like you and assgrown were the REASON we ended up fighting and parting ways so suck it lard ass, I know the REAL truth. And you only DREAM of the things I shared with her. So dream on little boy.

The fact that you seem so sure of who I'm talking about says it all.

Of course we know who you are talking about, there are real damn few people who don't know the other 3 people on this team are married and that I was once involved with a PAL mod fairly publically. So um, yer a real sleuth there peon pally?

Flagged for just being captain fucking obvious? Moron.

Yes. Those gifs. It doesn’t matter which show, Clayboyn. It’s just a really bad look for a group of people supposedly operating in the best interest of all their members, not just those with a sexist fixation. Also, I find it interesting that you commented here, seeing as how I did not tag you. Y’all must be watching this post like hawks.

Nice deflection.

Deflection of what? I’m perfectly on topic with my original post.

No wonder you guys are still talking about this shit a year later. If you had any kind of communication skills you would know how to directly address statements made in a comment that you were clearly baiting out. I'll just add you to mute now too since you just want to play games. Again, I sincerely hope you all can let go of whatever animosity or entitlement you are holding onto and stop trying to triangulate me into you're drama with this self righteous fuckery and virtue signalling.

I wouldn't have flagged if this wasn't bidbotted as well. You are entitled to your (incorrect) opinion but that doesn't mean we should pay you for it. I disagree completely that it's MSP bringing the drama, and anyone that hasn't muted cork will see him bitching all over the chain for months now. I'm sick of hearing about it, it's pathetic and reflects badly on the rest of your team.

Good luck with your future projects Rhonda, I hope you don't get dragged down further.

No one but frightened little PAL frauds like you, who are scared of truth and accuracy, has muted me. They actually start following me and applauding me in DMs and communities. But no one has to mute you either, because you've NEVER SHOWN UP ANYWHERE.

You fucking tool.

Tell someone who cares sircuck

They already know, but you wouldn't realize, sir absentee landlord, outspankbank

I don't doubt you've continued repeating your bullshit fantasies to everyone stupid enough to go near you. I've been here literally every day for 2 and a half years now, I just don't interact with you specifically because you're a pathetic, toxic, irrelevant energy vampire seemingly having a long overdue mid life crisis.

Your public meltdowns are visible for all to see and they show your true character.
You're not worth my time and I refuse to keep engaging with you.
Seek help.

I'm kinda with you on the bidbot thing, actually--the reason for that was for visibility, since in this pay-to-play world we now live in here on Steem, that's pretty much the only way to get it. But for the record, I despise bidbots pretty much, period. Always have. But sometimes you gotta do certain things to stay in the game. I do not object to the flag.


It's ok. We know how fickle your convictions are.

Says the guy powering down in shame.

Flagged for blatant tiny dicked lies clayboner.


I need to order me some, too, I guess. This might get interesting. LOL!

Where's the bully "leader" fraud who routinely breaks his own "guidelines doc" now?

Yep, looks like our "pals" are gonna play their usual weak hand of "non-engagement" as they do when they have been shown for what they are... again.

No wonder they are becoming increasingly irrelevant, as their only good people get disgusted and leave to join or start other communities.

Leaving them with nothing but their ridiculous little clique of bootlickers and degenerates and their legions of 2-cent free-bot worshippers.

In truth, I was not looking for engagement here. I wasn't trying to bait anyone into a flame war. I'm more sad than angry, because I'm just so tired of being disappointed by people.

That being said, if someone had made a spoof account of my name and ridiculed me with vulgarity all over Steem, I'd be pretty angry, too. So much has happened in the background, in private rooms and dark corners, that most of the people reading this will never know about. I totally understand why you are angry, and I will be the last person to tell you publicly or privately that you have no cause to be.

The question for everyone is how to move on from here. It's clear there will never be any kind of sincere truce, not for anyone in the middle or even the periphery of that group's internal problems in 2017. From this point onward, however, I will not be silent when finger-pointing and blame is focused outward when I know darn well (and have documentation of) as much or even more bad behavior by bad actors from their own camp.

I wasn't looking for a flame war, I was looking for a fact fixing mission. As in a little bit of truth amidst the lies emanating from out of the butts of poseurs.

Yeah, I'm definitely more interested in the same thing now than I was before the Grand Edict passed down with the intent of coercing users to blacklist anyone associated with you...which includes me. And it's happened. People I had a perfectly friendly relationship with two weeks ago have unfollowed, unvoted, and completely stopped talking to me. So the gaslighting is definitely working. This makes me much less inclined to remain silent.

The gaslighting? Or the internal mafioso style coercion of the jealous and scared, controlling the actions of the afraid who haven't collectively or in most cases individually been able to achieve anything on their own.