
Would that be your votes on vulgar, cowardly anonymous spoof accounts created by juveniles too weak to sign their own names to their tasteless, baseless and not even accurate attacks?

Or would it be your willingness to roll over to bullying by your organizations "leader" who never shows up for work, but uses mafia like strong arming to control his staffs actions? The very staff that does his homework and helps him tie his shoes?

See I will speak, and I WILL spell it out, and I HAVE the proof. So, go ahead, Julia, make our day.

Oh @netuoso you obsessed little fuck. Youve been at this for twenty four plus hours and you are STILL just making me laugh at you and shake my head. You are so obsessed with me its literally ludicrous. You are accomplishing exactly zero. You still live in your mommys yard. You are still only 4 feet tall and balding. You are still unemployed. And you are still a psychotic person obsessed with me out of sheer jealous rage. You not only look deranged, pathetic and weak but you also really arent even accomplishing anything. Like... At all.

Bit then you never have before anyway.

You are and will remain an abject failure at life.

And i will continue to mock you until your mom calls you for your nap.

Wait... There is one thing youve accomplished. You made me gain tons of followers and witness votes while your decline merely continues.

Your butthurt pathetic obsession is worth seeking a doctor for, because it appears to be making your hair fall out, shorty.

Yes. If he only knew the extent of support we’ve gained from this exercise. Or maybe he’s secretly on “our side” and doing us a deliberate solid.

I have tried for months to keep this from conflagrating. I despise conflict and will avoid it until I'm left with no other choice. I've watched certain people pick and pick and pick at this in the background until it festered. My mantra has been "move on and let it go." But that means both camps have to let it go. Not just one.

When I resigned as moderator and started a different server with GMuxx, it was because of another mod whose behavior was consistently toxic and dangerous to new users who didn't understand how he was manipulating them. Have I persisted in my crusade against him now that I no longer have to share a community with him, even though I'm absolutely certain he trashed me to everyone who would listen? Absolutely not. Did I coerce anyone into disassociating with him? Did I obtain a spoof account to publicly ridicule him and rally people into mocking him by allowing that to go on in my server unchecked? No. I did not. Yet I've witnessed this behavior in others recently, and I've witnessed other, otherwise sensible and fair-minded people overlook and even defend it.

Case in point: my posts are seldom of interest to people in the "other camp." Yet this one clearly is. By "other camp," I don't refer to people in both servers...hell, I'm still in both servers. I'm talking about those who've let themselves be co-opted into a pack mentality. Who in their right mind would think some of the behaviors in that leadership circle are in any way okay? I'm tired of my judgment being called into question when it's their toxic attitudes that are poisoning the waterhole. This never had to be "either/or." It never had to reach a point of "if you're his friend, then I'm no longer yours." Yet it did, despite all my efforts to prevent it. And that's just sad.

Their mod pit is currently on fire with rabid discussion about how best to discredit this post and gaslight you, Rhonda. It's what they have weakly and unsuccessfully tried to do to me, and it's what morally bankrupt, low integrity, basic people do. We know this, because it was just such behavior that caused the three of us to walk out in solidarity before I even knew who you even were!

Only then did that corrupt mod have his equally backstabbing girlfriend ban me and submit lies or somehow convince her fake leader to support it. The same one who had only recently before told me he could not eliminate that mod because he would lose witness votes and money over it. In his own words, now deleted and not screenshotted, but copy pasted before that to what could only now be called unconfirmable text. But it happened, and I'll happily share it for anyone demanding to see it.

There is only so much dishonesty, depravity and disgusting behavior one can observe before just being irate from a so-called leadership team that hypocritically alleges to be about peace, abundance and above all liberty, after all, when it's based on a total lie and exists only out of their personal greed for power and steem coins at any cost, using whomever they can in the process to gain either or both.

But of course, as their leader once said about Gmuxx's Multiple Sclerosis, the same disease that killed my own sister at age 50, it's probably just us, and caused by all that "negativity" in our heads.

When he said that to Gmuxx and we all saw it happen in a PAL channel in front of a team of observers, and I was reminded of my sister's own urn in that funeral home once more, let's just say that asshole is lucky he's only seen "negativity" as a result. Many a lesser person than Muxx or I, both affected in our ways both first and second hands by this grave and serious and typically terminal disease would have probably found him and beat the living positivity out of his ass.

But I suppose no one in his ignorant family ever has suffered or died from a terminal disease because it's all positively de-escalated bubbles and rainbows blowing out the asses of his relatives and kin.

But I guess when you are this sick and depraved, there is nothing you won't stoop to, eh?

If I had not seen this stuff for myself, Cork, I'd think you were being vindictive and petty and mean. Sadly, I was an eyewitness. And said nothing for all these months. And we all see where that got me.

Also, I may never quite get my head around the fact that you and I never exchanged two words to each other while we were mods there. I didn't know you. You didn't know me. So we have no history whatsoever shared there. Yet we saw the same things.

We were too busy in the books and streaming departments building stuff for them to capitalize off of, and in my case, they still do.

Most of the people there today have no idea what we did for them, back then, but the medal of honor I forced "dear leader" to split not just to me as planned but to two other mods who helped, one of whom is wonderful guy and the other of whom turned out to be completely lacking integrity and any kind of personality, is bound on the chain, as is the love letter "bromode" to me from "dear leader" which was titled as such but was really just a full scale love letter to himself with a brief mention at the end to hook to the title using my name to promote himself, as usual, as he does when he used us and so many other people to build "his" community, and his still cheesy ripoff plagiarized derivative stolen card game, lifted from a user who made the same card designs they stole the idea from who has left the chain as a result of his disgust with this chucklefuck and others like him, and all this "leaders" other shit that people do in his name lest he leverage his position to enslave them to his way of thinking by applying fear tactics to them...

A truly vapid, empty and broken, jealous little slug of a man, leading a group of kool aid swilling sheep.

It's truly sad to watch those people kneel to such a vile overlord.

I even loved one of them. Long ago a sweet and endearing person, now run away with power and drunk from the adoration. Comparing her on air voice a year plus ago to now, moved butterflies in my stomach to vomit in my mouth. I miss who she was. I wonder if she misses herself.

I hate getting into specifics, as I'd rather condemn actions and not people. But that's me, my own style. I will concede that playing nice and trying to be fair to all has not served me well in this case.