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RE: So You Wanna Be Divisive? Bring It.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Where's the bully "leader" fraud who routinely breaks his own "guidelines doc" now?

Yep, looks like our "pals" are gonna play their usual weak hand of "non-engagement" as they do when they have been shown for what they are... again.

No wonder they are becoming increasingly irrelevant, as their only good people get disgusted and leave to join or start other communities.

Leaving them with nothing but their ridiculous little clique of bootlickers and degenerates and their legions of 2-cent free-bot worshippers.


In truth, I was not looking for engagement here. I wasn't trying to bait anyone into a flame war. I'm more sad than angry, because I'm just so tired of being disappointed by people.

That being said, if someone had made a spoof account of my name and ridiculed me with vulgarity all over Steem, I'd be pretty angry, too. So much has happened in the background, in private rooms and dark corners, that most of the people reading this will never know about. I totally understand why you are angry, and I will be the last person to tell you publicly or privately that you have no cause to be.

The question for everyone is how to move on from here. It's clear there will never be any kind of sincere truce, not for anyone in the middle or even the periphery of that group's internal problems in 2017. From this point onward, however, I will not be silent when finger-pointing and blame is focused outward when I know darn well (and have documentation of) as much or even more bad behavior by bad actors from their own camp.

I wasn't looking for a flame war, I was looking for a fact fixing mission. As in a little bit of truth amidst the lies emanating from out of the butts of poseurs.

Yeah, I'm definitely more interested in the same thing now than I was before the Grand Edict passed down with the intent of coercing users to blacklist anyone associated with you...which includes me. And it's happened. People I had a perfectly friendly relationship with two weeks ago have unfollowed, unvoted, and completely stopped talking to me. So the gaslighting is definitely working. This makes me much less inclined to remain silent.

The gaslighting? Or the internal mafioso style coercion of the jealous and scared, controlling the actions of the afraid who haven't collectively or in most cases individually been able to achieve anything on their own.