
Why does life necessarily have meaning? What if we just are? Nihilist point of view I know, but still, we don't need to attach meaning to it to appreciate the beauty in the universe and to try and have a meaningful impact on others.

yes! i agree with you! i think maybe we humans attach meaning to it because there is still a vast majority of the population on earth that has not discovered actually how beautiful life is and even then its up to the person to decide.. what beauty is..thanks for the comments and insight!

The title of this article should be What is life?
...instead of What is the meaning of life...Right?@daut44

Almost everything in our life has a meaning and a purpose, like chair is for siting. By default, we think that our life has to have a meaning and so we latch on to the meaning that someone gives us, like our parents or religion but I think we each one need to choose our own.

true! i agree with you 100% thank you for your insight!

one of the purposes of life - change for the better own unlife, usually means staying much longer than in real life. Also, with the current existence of your spirit as well with the universe, and because it has an end. Do not forget that we get what we multiply and nurtured in yourself and in all things, yet walked the stage of life.

indeed you are correct.. there is many stages to life and its hard to measure or to even classify even after life on earth is over who knows what is left after.. thanks for posting!

Asking the question is more important than getting the answer. That is the answer. (Why that is... a whole other story.)

atleast the question is standard for everyone.. its the answer to that question that is very subjective to the users own experiences in life. thank you all for the comment and insight!
