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RE: ...

in #steemit7 years ago

This tool is useless.

If I was trying to find specific posts with specific tags, sure, it'd be helpful. But to see the entirety of my collection in chronological order... NOPE.

And: **I don't need to be told to "calm down."

With the amount of time and energy I've invested contributing to this platform - and the amount of funds kept invested - I have every right to be upset with such a completely unprofessional "glitch."


It's not in chronological order? Ah. I did notice this... it takes into account your last edit time. I need to tweak it a bit to use the created time to get the same ordering. I can definitely make that change, but wasn't sure if it was really needed.


ok. wait...

the issue: this link doesn't work in Safari browser. all I was pulling up was this:

Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 4.08.23 PM.png

tried copying the same link into Chrome, and got the list.

Oh weird! Someone else I was talking to did seem to have the same problem when using iphone and mac. I'll have to investigate why that is happening for Safari..... maybe something about automatically scrubbing query parameters.. Or incompatibility with how I am accessing them actually hm...

As a quick update-- I believe I found out why it didn't work with Safari, and resolved that. Anyway, this was a quick hack that I still find pretty useful from time to time.

Cool. Glad to have helped in bringing it to light to get fixed. :-)

Sorry if you got my calm down wrong, i felt like you where freaking out because you thought all your old post where lost.... but they are there, if its of any relief to you, seems to be a bug platform wide because in both busy and steemit, it ends on your age of enlightenment post using eos, tauchain, etc...

Haha, no worries. Wasn’t freaking out, just rather taken back and reasonably angered by what’s a pretty major flaw for a two-year-old platform...