People are nervous and scared because of the dropping price of STEEM, but I was thinking about this right now, and came to the conclusion that a price crash to as low as possible is actually the best thing that can happen to Steemit as a platform.
Think about the benefits:
The trending page would no longer feature ugly selfies from teamsteem and jerrybanfield, because those guys will be long gone when the price finally crashes.
jerrybanfield will no longer be buying witness votes, which makes the platform look ridiculous to intelligent outsiders.
The Steemit cheerleading posts in general will disappear, as the cheerleaders move on to a new project.
The annoying as fuck "Good post, upvoted and resteemed!" spam will end, as the influx of new users looking to make a quick buck finally go away from polluting the blockchain with their crap.
The amount of content goes down, so it becomes slightly less impossible to find interesting content with the current GUI.
Oh, yeah. Jeff Berwick will also leave. Again.
If and when Steemit marketing does happen, the marketing needs to focus on something other than the money, which was never a sustainable base for marketing anyway.
Content will improve when new users will join because they will join to create content, not to take part in a get rich quick scheme.
So, as you can see, the enjoyability of the platform is inversely proportional to the price of STEEM, so if you want the platform to be more fun to use, pray for the price to crash!
Disclaimer: this was comedy, but there's an ounce of truth between the lines. It's up to you to figure out how much, and what the message is.
God it would be so nice if all those fucking morons left again.
I heard you had retired. Glad to see you back. @schattenjaeger this is terrific comedy because the best comedy is based heavily on truth. Will be awesome when Steemit loses it's selfagrandizing cesspool of cryptogeniuses and penny whores. Time will tell.
I thought the same as you, although he did say he would be lurking.
""Tell them that I died, and I turned into an angel, and when they feel a breeze in a room with all the windows closed or that-that chill on the back of their neck, that is just me watching over them."
-Michael Scott"
-Michael Scott.
I've been it feasible for a social media platform that is increasing in adoption (based on things like Alexa ranks, active users, page views, etc.) to avoid bringing in all denominators, including the lowest common? I wonder how it could be limited without a huge flagging effort.
Exactly! It was so much cozier without them
Yeah especially that Jerry guy... what a dweeb :-D
Good post, upvoted and resteemed!
I upvoted myself tew! #steemit #steem #refollow4refollow
Hahahahaha you are very funny bro. The post just talked about "good post, upvoted and resteemed" and here uou are repeating.
Good post, upvoted and ... :)

Good post, upvoted and resteemed! ;)
Oh, there is so much more than an ounce, my friend. We all know it.
More than an ounce of truth here!!
I was thinking along similar lines lately. What I thought was I wonder at what price will all the opportunists will ditch the platform again
Perhaps I am being harsh lol
I think this pull-back was necessary and extremely healthy for a number of other reasons, too. After the spectacular rise in crypto this year, the charts desperately needed a huge drop. This rise was so fast it's almost like a gap in the chart that needs to be filled. On top of that, this huge Bitcoin Scaling issue (I call it the Trojan Horse) is causing way too much uncertainty, which markets hate. I don't think there is even an outcome that will lead to improving bitcoin currently on the table, as I've noted in my Trojan Horse article.
I think we'll shake a lot of people off the platform in the near future, but if I had to wager, it won't necessarily be those named in the original post. They may go dormant for a bit though, choosing whatever venue they feel is most profitable for dispensing their individual types of content.
I did think a correction was coming but hoped that it wouldn't.
As for the platform, sure. A lot of newbies will go if it drops, the follow for follow brigade for one. Some of the folk that left last time didn't come back even though at one point it looked like everyone had. It will be interesting to see. Soon ;0)
The real question is, will the opportunists leave then, or will they try to take advantage even more? We want the creatives to join, right? Will they choose Steemit over, say, blogspot? The UI needs to improve.
The app is coming soon. That will help. If its good that is. I think the opportunists will leave. They did before. Quite unashamedly. Then when they came back some of them had the most comical posts explaining their absence. Something like.
*Hey guys, it wasnt because of the money, life got real busy. But hey now the money is back so am I. Wait, Imean, I have so much I want to share with you guys. Quick, here is a blog post I shared on my blog in 2015 that I have reposted for
the rewardsyouI think people will choose steemit. Blogspot is awful these days. There are other platforms but I have a feeling steemit will be abig player
Here's hoping! I've been surprised by the positive response I've gotten from friends. There's less skepticism than I would have expected. I think as long as I say simply "it's a blogging site I like", they'll come check it out.
Well, and once the price goes up the same whales will keep supporting the same people. some people never learn
All the pricks will be back once the price rises again. Let's keep that price down forever! Or not?
And congrats on the 1000 followers you so refreshingly didn't post about.
I was thinking of makin a post similar to yours that asks what does 1000 followers on Steemit even mean. Most of the engagement on my posts comes from outside of my followers. And with 1000 followers, I still get less than 100 upvotes per post, usually.
I have 250 or so Facebook friends, and get more engagement when I post on Facebook.
Sure, this post caught fire, but I mean in general.
Upvoted and resteemed!
jerrybanfield will no longer be buying witness votes, which makes the platform look ridiculous to intelligent outsiders. - This. I don't know if it's just me but he seems like the biggest pumper and dumper in the crypto market. I saw a video where he commented in the next video he's going to tell you about all these awesome trades, but he wants to get some cheap coins first. I was like wtf, you're basically telling people you know you're advice pumps coins, so you just want to get in cheap so you can dump once people start buying after your announcement. Then you invest in Steemit because you "believe", but I guarantee the first sign of hard times he's going to leave because it's no longer a good "investment". That's not creating value for the platform.
Maybe I'm just jealous, but he just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe I should try and do a deep dive in his material to see if it's justified or not and do a post.
I've looked at a bit of it. You are probably noticing his blunt honesty. The guy is remarkably open about showing a lot of stuff, including his mistakes. If he were a pumper/dumper, he is actively avoiding many opportunities to increase his +EV from scamming. He posts videos listing all his mistakes and faults, gives personal information that is arguably very embarrassing, etc. Stuff like admitting to addictions (of drugs or habit), past ethical transgressions, describes how he used to think of himself as a pretty awful guy. It's possible he's just bad at pumping/dumping, it's possible that he is genuine. My read (as a long-time poker player and researcher) is the latter.
I think his positivity comes from successful recovery from addictions he describes, as that is a typical and healthy attitude to have post therapy for various addictions. This is what you would want to see after psychotherapy or CBT, not that I am suggesting he ever had any.
I am not in a position to pass judgment, and if it wasn't for him, I may not know about Steemit, as I happened across one of his videos on YT when researching altcoins.
This is all assuming the information provided is generally true, which again, is my read, for what it's worth. A one in a million+ con-man could hypothetically create much of this persona, and doctor things like all his tax and bank statements he openly shows.
I don't know anything about the man, but based on what you say here, it could be both true and effective manipulation. Being confessed to makes people tend to trust someone more, ironically.
It makes sense. You assume if they were honest about that, they might be honest about other things.
My main observations remain that he is pursuing a rather ineffective strategy if his goal is to simply profit at any cost (pumping tons of rewards from posts into FB adds for Steemit, divulging certain info, etc.) and his personality is right in line with what you'd call a typical success story for drug rehabilitation therapy (ie. almost delusionally positive at times).
Beyond that, I couldn't say.
Yeah. Can I say an awful thing? Sometimes I'm envious of people who have struggled with and overcome addiction. They're demonstrably better off than they were during their addictions. Sometimes it's hard for me to see if my life is on a peak or in a valley.
Of course, I'm glad I don't suffer from addictions. And I respect how difficult that struggle can be. And I'm sure that from inside their lives, it doesn't actually look like that. But occasionally, I'll just imagine reassuring myself by noting that at least I'm not smoking anymore, and then I'll remember that I never did, really, so it's not like I've accomplished anything ever.
That's darker than I meant it to be.
Your thoughts are much appreciated.
You should check out Jerry's new post, I'd say it's directly relevant to the discussion we've been having.
Could you link to it? I don't know the man's info.
This right here. Thats good. Followed :)
Free market capitalism does not bring out the best in people. :P
Lmao the hate on jerry bandfield is real. Very good post again man.
Seriously though, I joined the steem group of my country and all they were talking about was how to make a quick buck. One even made a subgroup running upvotes for upvotes.
I don't know how anybody can stomach his posts, the way he sticks his selfie onto every image is infuriating to me.
Such comment.
Much upvote.
The current GUI (steemit website) is the biggest problem for steem :/ I still have to manually type url to find content that interest me...
"The trending page would no longer feature ugly selfies from teamsteem and jerrybanfield, because those guys will be long gone when the price finally crashes."
"jerrybanfield will no longer be buying witness votes, which makes the platform look ridiculous to intelligent outsiders."
"Oh, yeah. Jeff Berwick will also leave. Again."
Good sir, I have only one thing to add:
PS - I try to curate /created, and right now it's 6-7 articles per 10 seconds. 90% of them are not worth clicking on.
I know, man.
Yeah good idea to be happy with low payments, let take away the whole idea where Steemit is build on. In my opinion the nice earnings on Steemit are the driving forces for the use of this platform, if you don't like it use Facebook or Reddit.
Further Jeff Berwick and Jerrybanfield where already good content creators before they came to Steemit and brought a big following to the platform. Since they were popular already when they created free content and brought many new adoption to Steemit they deserve to rank high in the hot and trending pages. It proves that rankings managed by a cryptocurrency works.
P.S. a huge crash in Steemit happened not long ago, now it is time for a bull run again
The idea behind Steemit was to have a censorship free social media on a blockchain. Not being a get rich quick scheme for jobless schmucks.
The whole article is great but i am confused here "quick sheme" hahahahah @schattenjaeger
Please proof read your article before publishing thanks
But nice article overall and keep up the good work.
Hah, fixed. I'm on a temporary laptop after breaking my previous laptop by spilling coffee on it. The keyboard on this piece of shit sucks, and writing is a pain in the neck. Will get a better one soon.
If the old laptop seems broken and ready for the bin anyway, you could take out all batteries and rinse the whole thing in copious amounts of distilled water, then let dry in the sun for a few days, and see what happens.
Yeah, thanks, but I've been drying it for a few days now. Not happening. I was getting a new one anyway, I'm just trying to save the files, some of which were hugely important to me.
You can always pop out the harddisk and take it to the Closest Friend Who Knows What They Are Doing.
Hi meep. I heard about you. Are you a robot or an alien? Will I be successful?
Word! At least steemit's frontpage is a better selection of content so new users don't immediately see all the junk.
Also, i think Jerry banfield might be genuine. Sure, hes on trending a lot with somewhat shallow, clickbaity posts, but he's doing A LOT to promote the platform. And he also invested about 20k, also said he'd keep buying as the price went down (and has been doing that) ... So i doubt he'd leave with the price down, he'd at least want a return as much as his investment at the very least.
I have to agree, I think he is genuine as is his positivity. Whether it's fully realistic is another matter.
Interesting fact, he has very close to as many Facebook likes as Jerry Springer. Dude has to be an asset to the platform with how much publicity he generates. Any social media platform that reaches acceptance will be loaded down with "The Secret" type nonsense.
I learned about Steemit through happenstance, running into one of his videos on YT. I'd never heard of him before. None of my posts would be here without him.
You wat
He likes toast.
My new favorite Steemian all hail @schattenjaeger :)
I've been trying to saying this to the marketing people here but for real Steemit Inc marketing people suck. I'm lucky I'm one of the first business ninjas on here. When they actually started marketing I am there.
There are no marketing people. There are just people who were supposed to be marketing...but are not. We knew it all along.
Rightttt. its called influence these days. Hopefully my turn comes so I can show Steemit Inc how to influence
Yes! All hail me! I'm the best, easily.
haha easily, keep doing great things buddy
It's definitely a time to find out how to do this right
So when the real up move comes everybody is ready
A social media platform can't be good content only
Activity in general has its value maybe a bot should be looking at that and reward
After this downturn
The investors will select working platforms and concepts and the scams will be exposed
So let's discuss hardfork 20 it's important now
lol. intersting view points.

but didn't STEEM crash completly already ?!
One could argue the platform was better during the dark times of last fall/winter.
This crash was based on other fundamentals in steem with way too high inflation rate to be sustainable!
Currently supply is eexceeding demand.
I'm afraid that this 'positive' effects would only be temporary because they would improve the quality of content so much, that steem is forced to price climb again... A never ending cycle of
hype -> shit post -> panic -> quality post rotation :/
No problem for me. As long as the awesome people always stay.
Sure they will as long as there are no adequate alternatives, but in my opionion it gets way harder to filter for new "awesome" people with the increasing rate of less valuable content posting...
I recommend looking in the comments of art contests. So many awesome artists here. I love it.
Be calm, it will rise again :) this is not the end... :)
Mean but true!......why calling names?
Okay call my name too, make me feel popular!😎
I have no idea who you are.
LOL! just a tiny fish in the Ocean......that's why i need you to say my name and make me famous even if it's just but for few mins!
White man does not pretend like the black man. I believe this is about race. In as much as I may not subscribe to his name calling, he passed the massage across as it is in his heart.
A black man will rather paint pictures around and go murmuring and gossiping.
Well, this conversation took an interesting turn!
Mind you I am black. So it is fine if you call me a racist but I detest this pretence mentality common with blacks and Africans. It is the sole reason why blacks are backward in a lot of things.
People hardly call a spade a spade and that sucks!!!
So we should do well to learn all these common virtures. It may sound common to you but it is a big deal where I come from.
If your brother is the head of an establishment, you are most likely going to support him when he is still not doing well because that is the way people are conditioned to behave.
Where does that way lead to? You already know, corruption and disorderliness.
That's.. all well and good, but what does it have to do with the price of STEEM?
This comes from @oluwoleolaide complain that you should not mention name.
i never complained, was asking why calling names and turned it into a funny joke....
True talk, but all race pretends!
This is me confused.
Pls don't be, can't a minnow crack joke with a bigger fish?
I didn't say that, @richguy did.......i have no idea where that came out from!
sorry it was the response to @richguy
I hope the trending page will be interesting very soon.
I like Jerry, but I get the humour :)
Ja, ja, ja. I think this is your very best post. Hilarious! At least you know that Steemit is going to stay with all those calamities and defects that you outlined. And you forgot to mention that you will be staying here because you know this site could be as big as Facebook or bigger in few years and those little coins could be very valuable!!
But if they become valuable, we're back at square one.
I was actually thinking about the same thing the other day - the strongest will stay - not going to say good post hahaha will say well put thank you. O and also will not mention that I will resteem :)
Thank you!
Most of the dust will settle down and only strong content steemians will win the game. Steem is already down hope it will recover soon and go along with bitcoin in future.
I've been in the community for about 2 hours and even based on my minimal experience I have to agree.
My thoughts exactly. In the end I think Steemit will fail as a platform. All the things you mentioned are actually happening. Just friends who are upvoting and commenting other friends to make a buck. Other people begging for upvotes, follows and resteems. To be honest I start to get fed up with it. I am considering to power down and sell the Steem. There are way better options than Steem(it). Some interesting projects are coming.
What are some of the better options?
I will get flagged if I tell you that ;-)
It could be our little secret.
resteemed, upvoted, liked - damn forgot upvoting my own comment
Absolutely. But we'd come a circle when the price goes back up and people like Jeff Berwick are back here lol
You have put a strong opinion but i don't think this is the solution of problem money is driving force of steemit.
This post got a
% upvote thanks to @ausbitbank - Hail Eris !I really like what is happening right now with steem price, since it is a long term play for me! more SP from my posts ! awesome! keep calm and steem on
It's tricky to find the balance... There is truth to this post, even though it is satire. Content seems to go haywire whenever the price moves in any direction - I for one do not enjoy seeing ten thousand copies of the same "Don't Panic, HODL" or "Steem is Mooning, Hooray!" post every other day based on the market movements.
Hell I might start unfollowing people who keep making those bandwagon-y posts.
Jeff Berwick is pretty much gone already. He posts, will comment for the next 2-5 min then off until he comes back to post again.
I don't know about the price drop being a good thing, but continuing to fix what is wrong with the platform will be a good thing. Roll on HF20.
What will HF20 fix?
I don't know yet. I wait optimistically though.
Still I can see people doing spam here and that will end up in no gain for them in a long run but it might effect our community
What you said is correct!!!! Steem marketing should be based on promoting this as a platform where people post good content and have a real conversation like reditt and get rewarded for the same. But no to meaningless post and fly by night operators.I am predicting steem falls to between 10 and 20 cents , if bitcoin goes below 1500.. bitcoin-steem trading pair actually has been stable!!!!
I don't see any comedy in it. totally agree!
This would definitely be for the better.
Ha ha, it is good to see the funny side of things. Think of the drop in prices as a buying opportunity.
click here!This post received a 4.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @nextgencrypto! For more information,
Hey, @jeffberwick has brought a LOT of people to steemit!
I think there are a whole lot of ounces of truth here. Tbh, it's refreshing. Compare the front page of Reddit against the top of "hot" here and tell me what content you're more interested in... Until that gap closes, Steemit will be primarily just for those looking to game the payout system and that's unsustainable.
Yup. The temptation of money is flooding the platform with people who have no intention of actually contributing.
Oh my God ! The blogs of Jerry banfield sucks. Yuck
More than an ounce of truth! A truck load of truth.
I laughed hard, I guess there is more than on ounce of truth in it. However, I invested money in Steem because I want to be able to make a difference here. I see its value dropping, that sucks a little bit to be completely honest. ;-) I am not gonna give you my upvote cause I can use it better for other people and you clearly dont need it hahahaha-