This has happened a few times.
I start writing a Facebook post, like old Seth would have done and then I remember that Steemit exists. New Seth turns that post idea into a blog entry. Yesterday's entry is a fine example of a would-be Facebook post.
Steemit can turn Facebook post that might have given me
nothing more than a handful of likes into cold, hard cash
Thank you Steemit for existing! And thank you for reading/looking at my weird art.
Saw this on the Steemit G+ page. Nice art
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Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Unfortunately an awful lot of people believe that they will earn money on steemit and it just wont happen
But it can happen. I wasn't anybody before I came on Steemit. I didn't have a following that I brought with me. I built up my following and eventually it started paying off.
I won't tell the lie that hard work always pays off. Unfortunately, a lot of it comes down to luck. In order to find success on Steemit you need to get the attention of a whale or two. But I'm almost certain that if a person consistently puts out quality content they will get noticed.
Its worth giving it a try :)