I didn't see @neds post but will go over and take a look at it now.
A Nice analogy of the cat and the elephant and now we are to ask ourselves which are we. The cat or the elephant?
But with respect to this platform, do you think we have been operating as the cat of the elephant? I would say the cat but your opinion might differ from mine.
I think the potential is there to be the cat and considering the behemoths, we do okay but requiring a certain amount of decentralized consensus of people with often very differing desires and views, it can be a challenge.
But the larger we grow, the more resistant to change we will become. When board meetings replace quick decision making by two or three minds, things will slow down. Except some elements of the startup is retained e.g. the flow of information and ideas among every part of the organisation.
The benefit of the platform is opensource and the ability for almost anyone to build upon it.
What I have seen some far, shows the potential for rapid growth but what about policy making? That could slow down growth if poor company policies are made or if they are poorly implemented or if they decide to retain the status quo.
Also as you said because of its open source nature, so many clashes of desires could also affect the growth of the platform.