Last night I read this post by @ned which covered Steemit's last year's successes and acknowledged some of the failures. It mentioned some upcoming developments and very importantly, some new official hires to fill some key positions of CTO and CFO. It was a refreshing change in style from the normal communications of late. Thank you @ned and Team.
It reminded me however of something I had written quite a while ago so this morning I thought I would post a section of it as I think it is relevant to Steemit, especially when they seem to have moved to an agile approach for development. My hope is that Steemit and the tech can be a lot more cat than elephant but to do so, it needs to solve problems quickly and decisively, a challenge in a decentralized environment.
The Cat and the Elephant
Jumping easily up to and walking the top rail of a fence, the cat moves purposefully on its exploration of its world. Aiming to satisfy the endless curiosity that directs its actions, the journey leads to a gap between fence and roof. The cat being a cat, trusts in its own abilities and makes the leap. Today though, either judgement was poor or legs tired after a full morning of sleep - and feet fail to find a hold on the slippery surface. After a short, futile scramble, the cat drops many times its own height, down to meet the hard pavement below...
As a company grows in size, structure is implemented to maintain standards in quality, resources, logistics, people and culture. Optimization takes place and variances in the system are weeded out to create a strong and stable environment. As the company grows further, size attracts hires that are looking for a solid and secure place of employment. With the right conditions, careful planning and a little luck thrown in, growth continues and the company becomes an elephant. Strong and powerful, a force to be reckoned with.
But deep beneath the thick skin, an unseen weakness lies hidden as the weight of growing obligation bears down. The process of building consistency resulted in a loss of flexibility and adaptability with organic trial and error growth replaced by spreadsheet based direction. The low variation environment grew complacency and the strong hires looking for stability are now resistant to change. The dynamic creativity of the wide-eyed child has become the do it the same as yesterday habits of the adult.
The operating environment shifts - Competition innovates ahead, legislations change, global instability, the economy crashes. Oversized limbs move slowly, course correction has a wide curve and decision-making is road-blocked by uncertainty and internal conflict. With limited resources, a hungry system begins to starve and the atmosphere fills with fear as spreadsheets begin to throw wild numbers never before seen.
Back to the cat...
It lands softly on all fours, takes a slight pause, and then resumes its journey. A small error in judgement brings thoughtful consideration, but the fear of the fall is soon forgotten as curiosity returns with a fresh focus on the opportunities that lay along a new path. Eight lives intact.
An elephant can't jump - as the landing would crush it. Perhaps this is why an elephant never forgets.
All systems are influenced and affected by external events but it is the speed of action and ability to bend in new directions that is often the deciding factor between landing on feet or broken bones. Usually, the larger and more complex an animal, the more susceptible it is to variations in its habitat. In adversity, the natural world looks to strengthen itself through the selection of suitability to a changed environment.
Not too different from that of the business world really.
[ a Steemit original ]
I didn't see @neds post but will go over and take a look at it now.
A Nice analogy of the cat and the elephant and now we are to ask ourselves which are we. The cat or the elephant?
But with respect to this platform, do you think we have been operating as the cat of the elephant? I would say the cat but your opinion might differ from mine.
I think the potential is there to be the cat and considering the behemoths, we do okay but requiring a certain amount of decentralized consensus of people with often very differing desires and views, it can be a challenge.
But the larger we grow, the more resistant to change we will become. When board meetings replace quick decision making by two or three minds, things will slow down. Except some elements of the startup is retained e.g. the flow of information and ideas among every part of the organisation.
The benefit of the platform is opensource and the ability for almost anyone to build upon it.
What I have seen some far, shows the potential for rapid growth but what about policy making? That could slow down growth if poor company policies are made or if they are poorly implemented or if they decide to retain the status quo.
Also as you said because of its open source nature, so many clashes of desires could also affect the growth of the platform.
How true everthing must "adapt , improvise to overcome " an ever changing environment.
Elephants bull there way thru that is why something like mouse takes them down. So the phrase goes
well done ! well structured
An interesting analogy. A merry comparison. I like cats!!!
Thank you for the article.
This is a good analysis, there is an old saying that the bigger they are the harder they fall. So the cat approach is good it helps with adaptability. The cat will always find its way around
interesting story....But there are many things to learn...You should continous your post daily...
Wishes your long life @tarazkp
From the both descriptions, the cat's flexibility, balance, 9 lives, adaptability Will bring her success. But how pragmatic could this be for a decentralised group of people.
So expressive! Love it!
An interesting analogy to ponder for sure. The eight lives of a cat definitely makes it beneficial in this sense where we may not know where we are going exactly.
I'm sure there's need for a bit of both in this space, especially at this point in time. We need the developpers to be flexibel and to react quickly to a constantly changing market. They're building and coding something that's completely new and never seen before. Dapps don't have examples from the past to learn from. They have to be cats. On the other hand we nee stabillity and consistency. We need a community which will stand behind the platform, even when it sometimes "jumps and falls". If the community gets to afraid or fearful of these worse moments, the platform won't even have the chance to fail and get back on it's feet. It'll only have once life instead of nine, and no room for failure. So we, the community, should ct like the elephant. That's how I look at it :). Good article!
hoooo So queat i allso love cat..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,:-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
it is your sir..,.,.,.,.,
I am definitely not a cat lover. And I mean definitely but wow this picture is breathtaking. Thanks for sharing it with us
Hay friend.
nice story.