post, there are only 1729 of them on the whole of Steemit and everyone wants the attention of a dolphin right?How indeed, according to @tarazkp’s recent
You might be wondering at this point:
'Is he talking about himself or is he talking about how he attracts other dolphins?'
Both actually but lets start with the first point. How do you attract other dolphins? They may seem like big guys but they are just human beings like you are.
Six months ago in early March 2018 I started my Steemit journey and did a search on a band I love named ‘Porcupine Tree’.
There was not much in terms of results but I found this article written by a certain @steevc. In another dimension this would not have existed and I wouldn't have forged a common interest with someone who has been on Steemit for 2 years.
I remember telling @goblinknackers, a collegue who I worked with at the time, ‘look at this guy, he’s a whale!’. I knew nothing at the time besides looking at the size of @steevc’s wallet that said $41,000. STEEM was in a better place then than now.
In time I would realise that my soon to be progressive loving music friend was a dolphin, and that I was lucky to have connected with one of these medium sized fish very early.
If this event would not have happened, then I would likely have given up and you wouldn't be reading this story.
It’s true that some dolphins are in the circle-jerk category, or ‘sucking each other off’ as @goblinknackers ever so eloquently puts it.
Heed that these are his words and not mine. For someone who has around 600 powered up STEEM and not doing anything with it, he’s still intrigued despite the fear of experiencing Fellatio.
Still, @goblinknackers delegated his 600 STEEM to the account very recently for a very good price, and with the STEEM reward system giving out more recently, there's quite a few getting some bigger votes than previously.
So while some may call it some things, I think it is just plain old human nature and creating bonds. That’s why I am heading to Steemfest 3 to forge some more.
It’s been said once and many times but i'll say it again, respond to posts, interact and communicate if you want others to notice you and keep at it as dolphins usually have a lot of connections and you may need to persist with them to be heard.
While I was the joint smallest plankton in the world on March 3rd 2018 when I first fired up Steemit, I’m now a dolphin myself, and as a plankton or minnow how can you attract me to look at your blog, interact and vote up your articles?

You may be the finest writer on earth, but if I’m not interested in your content or its theme then besides a token visit, I’m unlikely to return.
If you have something in common with me, such as the things listed on my profile, then by all means persevere, visit me, comment, vote up my articles and if its a $0.00 I don’t care, just the act of doing it tells me something.
Rinse repeat and sometime over the next 2-3 years I’ll check you out and see what you're up to. OK, so not so long! but you get the idea?
Note, that I highlighted comment. That's the big thing, keep doing it and it will work for you. I will come and check you out, and the connection or bond may forge.
The connections on Steemit tend to be reciprocal, and yes it may be called ‘circle-jerking’ but we are human but that’s what humans do!

All images used in this article are in the category 'Labelled for reuse' and have been cited.

If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.
There are two ways to attract my attention:
I do too, if I can get them to stick around, that's a big of a problem usually but I try.
Yes, this is the big thing and most important. As someone who doesn't follow me and also someone I have not encountered before I often wonder how you came to see this post. Could you let me know?
Someone from my feed reposted your post. And I found a topic interesting so I read it and made a comment.
And I'll follow you now, actually ))
It's crazy how some posts escalate and some do nothing. I wrote this one 2 weeks ago and was holding it back thinking it was a little self-indulgent. Thanks for the follow, Ill have a look at what you doing later..
Woohooo!!! (BB is waving her arms around in the air frantically) Dolphins, Orcas, Sharks and Whales, please notice me, I am still here! xD (well, maybe not sharks...)
I agree with you, interaction is key. I find this hard though as most of my time is taken up with my family and 5 dogs. I go through phases where I have more time to spend on Steemit and Discord, but then other times, I disappear due to lack of spoons...
Ah well! Keep on steeming as they say!
I can see you waving those arms about too haha! This place takes way too much of my time, and my auto-votes are the only thing I can do about it. If only I didn't have work... , one day I'll be able to do this properly.
Wave under the water, they won't see you waving around in the air. 😉
hahaha that is a very good point! xD
I just watched the portrait of you by Steve and I thought "It's too much time I don't read a content by Slobberchops (my fault)" and so I opened your page and I read this post. I premise this little thing because I totally agree with your sentence "The connections on Steemit tend to be reciprocal, and yes it may be called ‘circle-jerking’ but we are human but that’s what humans do!". This is true and I admit I love it, because we are humans, we tend to read the topics that are attractive/interesting for us and we tend to follow people with similar interests. It's humans and it's a better approach than to read/comments/follow people just because they are "rich". :D
Time is always a big of an issue. This post got a lot of attention and me being me responds to anything half-decent which takes even more time!
Thanks for the visit though, you were on of the first I made contact with and didn't ignore me, I remember such things.
I can't wait to meet you in person in Krakov!!! ^_^
Ditto.. but we wont be around until Friday morning.. see you in the breakfast room at the INX..
It only took me a few weeks to get you on my hook. To everyone reading this, @slobberchops is such a easy fish to catch, go get him!
Jokes aside you have some valid points. it's very often some people come and persist commenting on my content and I love it. But sadly their own content is not very inspiring so It's hard to return to favor despite giving some up votes on their comments. It makes me feel bad but I guess that's just how it is. On the other hand I do have a handful of people I do like to support. It's all a balance.
Oh also I didn't know dolphins were so few. I thought we were more lol.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah I'm easy meat for some... ;) the hiking you do helped a lot.., I wish I could do some more but that dastardly work gets in the way.
I find this too sometimes, is is worthy of a vote, or am I just voting for the sake of it? The latter doesn't happen often and rarely repeats.
"We" ....So here we have Dolphins to catch 👍@holm
Posted using Partiko Android
What defines a Dolphin - is it having 5000 SP?
I think the best way to attract Dolphins is to befriend planktons and minnows, and eventually some of them will become dolphins. The longer you stay active on Steemit, the higher your chances of your "school of friends" becoming dolphins, or even whales. And it doesn't take that long - Steemit's only been around for a couple of years.
This is why I think the Welcome Wagon is a great idea, because as Steemians "graduate" to higher levels, they usually lose contact with newbies, and the WelcomeWagon is a great way to check out the new talent too.
10 Million Vests, but it's easier to just say 5k SP, goes all the way up to 49,999 SP
This has happened with some of the people I met when I started here. You are getting quite large yourself and I hope some of my support inspired you to get there.
I suppose I'm a bit of a fat minnow just now lol! Yes definitely - the support and actions of yourself and some other accounts have inspired me to invest :) Many of the Steemians I followed in the early days just dropped out after a while; others have grown slowly, and some others have grown very quickly. I'm always interested to watch how the fast growers do it!
It's unashamedly investing real cash into the system. Things have picked up for me in the last month quite well and I'm hoping SF3 will take it too another level.
I've just posted about valuing comments. People worry too much about voting and curation rewards, but billions use other platforms that don't have these. Make the social side better and Steemit will grow faster.
Simply because rewards are available, people expect them to be given and its not always the case. I wouldn't devote all this time to another platform that had no reward though.
Its not like I need it, but getting it becomes addictive, and then what do we do with it? Use it to feed the smaller ones.
Yeah it's funny when money becomes part of it 99% of people just sit around expecting everyone to curate them instead of them actively making friends and curating others to deserve it.
Hopefully yes
I could definitely do with a few Dolphins visiting my blog, although to be fair once they get there all you ever see are resteems anyway! Always a good selection of posts to upvote though.
Comments help me a great deal to keep track of people, although I use the comments on over people's posts even more then on my own. In fact sometimes the comments on a post can be even more entertaining then the actual post they are attached to!
Comments are actually a great potential for earning as well, a well made comment can get very good upvote value - I know quite a few people who end up getting more from comments then posting.
#thealliance #witness
Not everyone rewards comments, but then again if you are not at least half a dolphin it takes too much of your VP to do so. I would say this statement cant be very true for the small fish.
I think it is kind of a gold mining of comments idea, if you spend all your time leaving well thought out comments on whale and dolphin posts then chances are you are going to see quite a few decent comment upvotes. If you are like me, and spend most of your time supporting and encouraging redfish and minnows then no you won't see much in rewards. I do now and again tidy up other peoples blog comments by upvoting the good ones to move them to the top, sometimes it can be luck more than judgement.
I think for redfish and minnows getting their posts seen and appreciated is still very difficult, where a good comment on the right post will get seen and rewarded well.
Haha so that's how you "met" @steevc? That's cool actually :) I do love Porcupine Tree, I used to listen to the In Absentia album religiously during a very special time in my life, now I'm getting all nostalgic! Looking forward to talking more music with you guys at SF3 :)
In Absentia is awesome, one of the best but I have played it to death :(
Hahah good thing they have a good few albums for you to play to death then ;)
Truer words were never spoke. Or reduced to floating electrons on a grid. Or whatever.
I don't know about you, but I know about me. I pissed away some time chasing 'big votes'. The rewards were not so good :)
But I've known all along that engagement was the long term key. And the truth be known I genuinely like people and interacting with them. Which is where I met my first 'big guy'. Not that I knew, just that he was a genuine motorcycle freak just like me. We went back and forth a lot. I knew and knew that he knew I was a rider, not a pretender. Anyway, he has shown me a path where I can earn significantly more than by going alone. Go figure.
Genuine comments and genuine answers. There might be another way, but I just don't know it.
Thanks for this.
I think we all did the wrong thing to start with. I followed the infamous Mr H in my first few weeks + a load more of the big bot lads. Later I went through my followers list and shed a good 90%. All good stuff!
There are even less if you consider that quite a number of those accounts are alts, dormant or automated voter accounts. How many out of that 1700 are active and approachable?
Some people are much better at rapport building than others and some are very, very terrible at it.
I don't know why anyone would hold STEEM to a dolphin sized level and not utilise it. If its used for auto-voting then fair enough, it could be a time issue but dormant... is there any of these really about?
I'm working on it!..., time is a factor.. this takes so much time to work into something big. I really don't know how you pump 3-4 things out everyday. I would simply run out of ideas.
there are a several orca accounts at least that are travelling the waters rewarding content producers and no one knows who they are. 6 or so of them I know of have about 700k between them.
I once did a post about @hr1 and @newhope in my early days. It did rather well but answered none of my questions. Neither account responded or voted it up.
What I find frustrating about this platform is that the dolphins, whales and minnows tend to vote exclusively on posts talking about steem: posts on the hard fork, posts on steem spam, posts on the steem price, posts on adjusting steemit's algorithms.
If you don't write exclusively about steemit, you get ignored. Most of my posts are about history, and sometimes I write about economics, and they get ignored no matter how good they are. Because the in-group only wants to read about steemit.
This platform is in danger of being solely about writing about this platform!
I wouldn't say this is a blanket case. I write about travel and music a lot and about everyday things. It's a blog and not all about serious work.
I found this article so invigorating that I am now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva.
.. and so you should be ;)
Nice to meet you. Stick with me. I'll take you to only the nice places.
Very good to hear about the delegation to, that seems like a good way of ensuring value keeps being created across the community.
I don't always have a huge amount in common with people I vote for, I tend to consider whether they are adding value to the community generally (and whether they're good company) 😊
@goblinknackers is threatening to post, and actually earn some STEEM in potential rewards, how about that then? I send these posts to him via Facebook.
Knowing someone personally helps too, which is why SF3 is going to be so great. We are just humans.
hehe - look forward to it!
Steemfest will be great fun, lovely to be immersed in it for a few days.
I've gotten some support from whales and dolphins, but strangely enough it hasn't been because I've made any contact with them. Sometimes I really wonder how some people find other posts.
Maybe they're actually using the Steem website itself to find content? Now that would be neat, wouldn't it? It would take a lot of scrolling to find my content that way though... :D
I wonder about this too. 'This one isn't following me yet found my post'. I got a resteem on this by @steevc, which I already thanked him for. Having 4000+ followers helps.
Yeah sometimes it's the resteems, those definitely bring in some new readers, but sometimes you just get these random upvotes from dolphins it seems.
I wish we had some more stats for our blogs :)
What kind of stats? There are some things available using
I'll get your attention:
Black Lotus + Mox Ruby + Channel + Fireball,'re dead. Round two, sucka? :D
I have a MTG article mostly written up but am afraid it will bore most people. I used to do more of them, but there's barely an audience here.
Your showing you age with the ancient combo, that's an original!
Yeah, I'm from the old generation. :(
Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:
2-3 years? .... well at least I know you'll be around that long and that in itself sounds good haha
I love music too, all sorts... except maybe heavy metal
And I am a big fan of GooglyEyes too
Congratulations on being a Dolphin ... and beyond :)
Truthfully you're one of the lucky ones. I have all but given up trying to attract Whales and Dolphins. My focus is on fellow minnows and forming a solid community around them
Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!
You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 274 (10/07/18)
Very good points. I think it is really hard to get those dolphins to notice you though, even if you are commenting on the frequently. I have a couple whose posts I really enjoy reading. I comment and interact as much as I can, but I don't know as though I have ever gotten an upvote from them. I get it, maybe they just don't care for my content as much as I care for theirs, but still, it can be deflating.
Since the day i earned my first reward 8$ approx a year ago. through commenting, i always put a lot emphasis on interacting and engagement parts. It is not only a passive reward source but also help in building good community . which is what social networking is about. People join in search of quick bucks , they make few posts and not seeing any rewards wave off easily....however the real fun begins, when they start engaging...and knowing the people around. I completelly enjoying it and already taking part in different engagement league around....keep me buzzing all the time👍
You got a very quick leap to dolphinhood...hope steem looks better up there..😉
Posted using Partiko Android
I did because I invested into it. So many complain about crap rewards but don't do this. Some can't and I get that, but like everything else if you invest you get more back.
So investment is the only way to be on top of minnows....anyway ...or by any chance any one can reach to dolphin hood
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm a Dolphin 🐬, anyone can contact me through steem or discord. But there is an etiquette that I follow and hope others do to.
Rules to contacting anyone:
It's that frickin' easy. 😁
I will definitely keep in mind those tips for the next time when I get to the sea in want to make remarked by the sweet dolphins :D
Special articles can draw attention
A really wonderful and beautiful article has a great benefit
Thank you for the great information
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Great.. I just followed.. We'll see. How this goes.
Hi @slobberchops!
Your UA account score is currently 3.775 which ranks you at #4551 across all Steem accounts.
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