The website at the link you shared is much more pleasing to the eye. It is simple, yet elegant.
Your offer is greatly appreciated, and if the issue is not resolved by mid-February, then we would gladly take you up on it.
Also, this live blog feed sounds like it would be a wonderful addition to the site. Could that also be tweaked to show only posts from one particular tag? I'm thinking that it would be great to have a feed of steemadvice posts on the site so that others can read previous advice given before deciding on whether they would like to ask a question.
Thanks for that :-)
I'm not sure about getting a feed using tags. I'm using the SteemJS api so I'm tied to the functionality it serves up.
But it is something worth looking at. for me the best thing was being able to filter out resteems so on my site it only shows my posts.
This template was something I got free off the web, there are thousands of them to chose from.
If you want some guidance on what would work well, troll around the interweb and find some that you like and then email me the links at: [email protected] and I can give you some feedback and pointers etc on the various designs.