I'm no star. The whales must get fed up with people begging. The best way to succeed here is by being interesting. BTW 'thanks for sharing' is another unnecessary remark that I see too often.
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I'm no star. The whales must get fed up with people begging. The best way to succeed here is by being interesting. BTW 'thanks for sharing' is another unnecessary remark that I see too often.
I guess I am guilty of three offences.. I often comment, nice post....use the @ tag and mention the fact that I upvoted. I didn't know that this is frowned upon, guess I have to better my ways :). Anyway, I enjoyed reading your tips, the post is well crafted and informative. Because I think that this post has value I have upvoted it for the max amount available to me. :).
You have to think about what gives your comment value. It should not just be about getting attention