Wow, amazing, congratulations! I love the #freewrites and this amazing community, too, and there I've actually stumbled upon's Inspector Dash, I guess you know him, right? There has been a new development, though, since he now does have kind of a shadow, Pinches, who was set up to follow him. But here, outside the #freewrite zone, she doesn't have to do that, here she is up for something else:
Pinches was exhausted.
When she had volunteered for „Pimp up detective work with music”-week, she had done so because she had been looking forward to get away from Thurman and his annoying Chihuahua Hulk for a few days.
That Hulk had taken up tap dancing hadn’t made him an iota less annoying, in fact, Pinches felt that he was even more energized now and could yap on for not only six but eight straight hours.
Plus: She volunteered because she thought that she didn’t have to follow Dash anymore, although that did have a few humorous moments, as long as Dash wasn’t eating. Which he did almost all the time, so ...
And music, sure, Pinches loved music. A few days ago, on this wild expedition to cloning companies, she had put the company Clone of the Dark on her list. She couldn’t explain it, but she had been humming “I’m a clone who walks alone” for the rest of the day.
Two days ago, “Pimp up detective work with music”-week had started, Pinches had brought a huge suitcase as it was supposed to be a retreat and had waited in front of the building at eight in the morning. At a quarter past eight she pulled out the invitation to have another look: Yes, 8 a.m., it said, nut there was something in the small print she had ignored so far: “Might be a bit later, depending on the fitness of the participants.” Okay – now she was a bit worried. Even more so when she looked up and saw a small group coming around the corner, a few with bit suitcases looked already quite sweaty. Pinches frowned. That suitcase of hers had not been a good idea.
“So glad you’re coming with us”, the guy in front of the small group called out. I didn’t want to start the song again until you’d joined us, but now....” and with that he held up an 80s Boombox and pressed a button.
She recognized the song immediately. She had heard it for the last time in the early 90s when her brother was practicing it with alternate lyrics because he wanted to sing it to a girl who lived 500 inches away. “And I would walk 500 inches and I would walk 500 more ...” She had wondered what girl under 20 would fall for a guy who made 500 inches sound like almost infinity. Well, the girl hadn’t fallen for Pinches brother, to be fair.
The group had reached her, the instructor smiled at her, waved the arm that didn’t have to hold the Boombox: “Let’s go, Pinches, we’re improving our skills to tail our targets, and we’re having fun at the same time.”
“Uhm, yeah ... I think I know the answer, but how far will we be walking?”
Thanks What a treat, loved your little micro-story! Great to see so many of my Freewrite friends popping in to say hello with well wishes..
You are NUMBER 8 in the draw.. Best of luck!
Thank you! I'll probably put all the Pinches stories in one blog at one point, it's really great to interact not only in "real" comments but also in such micro-stories ... Dash and Jenkins are still ahead, though ;))
Absolutely, you should 👍
Guess what I just posted in this very minute, LOL!!
No way!! It was if I knew :o)
I know, I couldn't believe it!! Seems you've got the spidy sense, haha!