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RE: Introducing Promoted Content

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

@steemitblog So I just went to check out the @Null account on STEEMIT.COM and NADA! So I see all the info. goes to the Blockchain through STEEMD.COM.

  1. Things:

    My 2 Cents I don't like the name @null I know I suck but I think something more relevant for future maybe something @STEEMADS or @ADVERTS or @Promos Maybe These post can somehow be shown as @null 's blog so they also come up on Three, Maybe the @null homepage can somehow be redirected or customized specifically for this account where it places "Blogs/Ads" in different positions of the page based on the amount paid, since I see many sending varying amounts to @null . These should be Hyperlinked to the original poster's blog so the up votes go directly to the Advertiser/blogger .

@null was the name of an existing account that has never had an owner. We can change the account in the future, but most people will not need to look at transfer history.