An eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth would lead to a world of the blind and toothless.
I very much agree that something needs to be done - and, intuitively, I feel like there is a very good chance that some of them might indeed be paid and bought for by what you dubbed as Partisan Backers... But even if that is the case! - even if this is our only option at the moment (being flag wars)! - isn't that a horrible way to waste our time and energy??
Something DOES need to be done though... And it needs to come from the platform itself - and we, the users, can offer solutions and be part of the discussion. If we talk about it and make our voices known, changes will happen... and if they don't (I hear the questioner ask)?... Well, nowadays I consider my time amongst the most valuable resources available to me... And I guarantee I will not be spending it watching beautiful minnows suffocate while the dolphins and whales gorge themselves on the the banality of the mundane.