I think the big problem is with integrity and transparency.
Most charity organisations make huge efforts to appear as they can be trusted.
But what's more trustworthy: A known individual asking for help due to specific and identifiable causes, or an organisation asking on behalf of others and issues that it can't fully account for and often conveniently leaving out costs of running the organisation itself?
A charity could be run on Steem, but it would demand a whole lot more than most people probably understand.
That's a good point. Haven't thoght about that. Maybe it's better if individuals ask for help directly..
I think often at least it is. The more "decentralized", "direct" and "investment" like the 'charity' so to speak is, the better it usually turns out.
Darthnavas post was a good example.
With large organisations, this is usually very hard to do and often not even something that the leadership of such organisations want to do.
Yes, all valid points here and above. It needs to be addressed. We don't have the solution yet (as just started), but with some good input from all of you we can achieve something that is greater than the sum of its individual parts. The decentralized aspect should not be neglected, as a network of equal people is always more successful. Yet, everything always starts somewhere and someone has to do it and invest the effort, before network effects can kick in and the system can run as anticipated. Even STEEM needed a few dedicated devs to work for tirelessly for many months to achieve what we see now. So, it starts with a few who take the challenge of the responsibility. If we can be successful, well, we cannot promise that. You should definitely join :D
Yes, even a "decentralized" project needs organisation. Decentralized and centralized are very contextually dependant terms.
It's a good sign you're listening to ideas and considering multiple viewpoints. I will try to pitch in to your project. =)
That is the advantage of grass root organizations. They are small and manageable with some voluntary efforts. As soon as it gets bigger with a much bigger impact as well, people need to get involved full-time to be able to manage it on a professional level. Also to insure continuing proper management. But then it's tricky, where does the money come from for these people? Nobody wants to donate for that...
I agree with you, I'll watch out for such postings and reestem them to help the author.