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RE: Thinking Like a Whale

in #steemit7 years ago

You've written another well thought out post @rhondak and provoked what may seem like a non-sequitur question (sorry, little things can catch my attention and lead me down a different path).

When does anyone expect Steemit to be ready for "prime time" and move out of Beta?

I came here in May and have been hearing "Steemit is only in Beta" since day one.

I think it might help a lot if there was some kind of statement as to where it's all headed. It's not difficult to come to the conclusion that Steemit has been relegated to the back burner.

I'll continue to post and comment but my expectations were pretty high when I first arrived.

Not so much now.


Yeah, and this is taking a toll on the platform, too. It is much easier to get discouraged than motivated, and that is never a good thing for any venture hoping to succeed.

Do you mean to say that at long last someone / anyone is actually noticing?

The Circle jerk is REAL
The PC correct enforcers are REAL
The Whales ONLY support whales is REAL
Minnows have 3 choices:

  1. Wind back clock & join 12-18mths ago
  2. Give up & wander off. (better viewing content is avail on YT & google) & FB & twatter are 'mainstream'
  3. or the only soln I can think of:
    Setup 5 or 10 accounts to increase voting ability (100 votes/day will earn more than 10)
  • posting content is a waste of time on steem (for minnows)

You left out the "create bots" option.

Relatively speaking, Steemit still produces a lot better returns for content that Facechat or the others. It's the disappointment of realizing that you're not going to earn a living doing something creative that takes it's toll.

Especially after the early hype.

@rhondak mentioned "managing expectations".

Ok "bot creation" is an option & I have figured out some logic to create good ones. But not really a "beginner" thing?? (ie having to program to earn on steem doesn't seem beginner level IMHO)

Re the earnings, it seems the $$ are there......just over there, and out of reach.
It's the $ that make steem attractive, its the management that kills the concept IMHO

This rings a bell. I feel like I recently read something about it perhaps leaving beta soon... Or at least being less touted as such. However, I fail to remember where I read it, as usual.

I think i read that as well, but also cannot recall. Maybe on one of @steemitblog content @bex-dk ?