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RE: Steem Is Getting Ridiculous With Spammers and Is Causing It To Be A Unpleasant Experience. This message is for all witnesses...

in #steemit6 years ago

Not much can be done about that. When money is involved in every action people get nasty. If you use SteemPeak you can filter out 0.001 messages.

Outside of that, there isn’t any way to stop someone from sending transfers. I’ve been asking for ignore for transfers for a while but I don’t see that happening.


Thanks appreciate you responding. Wish there was a way to completely block a person. I already got her on mute on everything.

At least with transfers it costs them something to send. As STEEM goes up, should get more costly for them to try and spam you.

fuck you, as long as trevon james stay here, steem price will never goes up

Use SteemPeak, it does a better job at filtering wallet transfers, but it isn't perfect either.

I will definitely check it out. I haven’t got around to checking that one out yet. Just made my comeback a cpl weeks ago. Thanks again.

Aren't you able to mute people? Or does that not affect transfers?

I got the account on mute on Steemit and Partiko the 2 apps I use mostly but she has multiple accounts and could keep making more. If Steem was to have near the same amount of users as a FB or Twitter, I think this will become a big issue with spammers and trolls.


@garudi is a whack job cunt who has spent a few too many days off her meds. @garudi it's time to take a trip back to the hospital where you belong, they'll take good care of you there and make sure you don't harm yourself. Crazy cunt needs some meds!!!

Your totally clueless. I actually feel sorry for you. You got some serious issues and nothing you say makes any sense. You don’t even have enough Steem Power to affect anyone you downvote, your just annoying and very immature. All your doing is spamming, your not affecting anyones Steem or earnings. If anything you’ve transferred me more Steem than you’ve done damage by downvoting. You could continue to send me all the Steem you want and your little insults don’t bother me just shows the type of person you are. This is the last response you will get out of me. Enjoy your pointless existence. 🤣🤣🤣✌️

Posted using Partiko iOS

fuck you for promoting bitconnect and cencorship