3 months, 1000 Followers and $1 Million Later...
It feels like it was only yesterday when I made my first post on Steemit, but it's actually been almost 90 yesterdays. Sure takes a while to make a million bucks on this site doesn't it? My journey on Steemit has undoubtedly been a surreal experience, and I wish to give a short/medium/long account of it here depending on how long this post ends up being after I finish writing it.
Things go really bad for us when that guy falls off his chair
Those of you who are unfortunate enough to have gotten to know me would be aware that I generally dislike posting about Steemit on here. Maybe it's entirely due to me being trapped in my own little social-political bubble, but my Facebook feed isn't filled with posts about Facebook, my Reddit homepage isn't cluttered with talk about Reddit and 80% of the Uber rides I request don't just automatically take me to Uber headquarters as their only destination. So I'm generally fighting an uphill battle of trying to get more mainstream topics trending here as I think they're better for the long term health of the platform, but I think this milestone justifies an exception.
I am also acutely aware that this isn't exactly going to be an inspirational rag to riches Disney fairy tale so I'm not going to patronize my readers by disguising it as one. This will be more like if Quasimodo won the lottery and used the money to to get cosmetic surgery only to still be rejected by Esmeralda, so he resorted to using roofies. I'm not a fan of motivational writing and essentially consider most of these self help gurus to be akin to psychics who are deluded enough to actually believe they can communicate with the dead. If you've ever given life advice through an acronym, then you're either a moron or a scammer, or I.Y.E.G.L.A.T.A.A.T.Y.E.A.M.O.A.S. is how I like to remember it. So this isn't investment, money management or general life advice.
What this is, is hopefully a somewhat entertaining description of how I got here, and a tribute to this wonderful community that has helped me along the way.
Buying My First Bitcoin
I first seriously considered investing in Bitcoin around February this year after listening to an EconTalk podcast recorded back in 2014. I had heard of Bitcoins before of course, but dismissed it as something like buying Gold in Candy Crush Saga, except without the actual game.
It wasn't until listening to the guest in this podcast that I realize the genius behind a secure and decentralized online ledger that is able to reach consensus in a trustless environment. It'll mean men everywhere will be saved from the indignity of being kicked out of the house because their wives found out about the escort services showing up on their credit card receipts, services that perhaps wouldn't have been required had they not have been kicked out of the house in the first place. The host of the podcast was not entirely convinced by his guest's view on bitcoins. He voiced his concern about the possibility of Bitcoins, which stood at a whopping $200 at the time, being overvalued. As I was listening to this 3 years after the conversation was recorded, I took out my phone and looked up the then current price of Bitcoins.
It was $1200.
How Neo sees Bitcoin
I didn't really need any more convincing. I opened an account on a trading platform and began slowly moving money I'd been saving for a deposit on a house and escort services into Bitcoins. This process was quite daunting at first; getting an address that looked like my cat had ran over the keyboard was really off putting. But eventually I got it all working and had a decent chunk of Bitcoins in my newly installed wallet.
Discovering Steemit
As I was researching more into Bitcoin on Youtube, videos by a girl named Amanda B. Johnson started to creep into my recommended list. She kept going on and on about a next generation cryptocurrency, Bitcoin 2.0, Digital Cash and all this other stuff I didn't understand, which made wanking difficult, but I finally figured out that she meant there were other coins like Bitcoin out there.
I started searching for a list of these 'crytpocurrencies' and found Coinmarketcap. I was immediately paralyzed: there were over 600 of these things, and any one of them could rise up and replace Bitcoins as the dominant currency of choice in the future. They all boasted a wonderful set of features, the more modest ones merely self styled as a 'Worldwide Supercomputer', while others promised to automatically take the bins out for you every week.
There are people who can use this text editor well enough to write on the right of this picture. I'm not one of them
Researching into these I was lucky enough to run into a video of a guy FUDing the shit out of this cryptocurrency platform called Steemit. Despite his assessment, I was fascinated by the concept of a decentralized social media platform that rewarded authors based on the likes they receive on their posts. Coming from a Twitter background where I spent most of my free time thinking up stuff like 'Flavored condoms are also pretty good for when you run out of chewing gum', I couldn't wait to try it! Steemit that is, not the chewing gum substitute.
The Power of Steem
I set up my Steemit account in March and tested the platform out. I was stunned: the darn thing just...worked. I could vote, post, comment and it was all so seamless, there was no queue, no transaction fees; it simply just worked. Well there was that error message telling me not to vote more than once every 3 seconds which reminded me of that old Microsoft paperclip that use to pop out and say 'Hi, it looks like you're trying to write a ransom note, perhaps I could help?', but it's not anywhere near as bad as the 3 hour waits that I was getting use to with Bitcoin. I loved it. I wanted to buy Steem.
At the time, most people thought it was short for a Steeming pile of shit
I went to check its graph on Coinmarketcap, and holy dick cheese was it ugly! From August last year, it looked like a trail of piss that hit the pavement by October and continued to dribble slowly down an incline for the next 6 months. It resembled a cardiograph of the last moments of a guy who'd just died of a heart attack. On an unrelated note, I never got that job as a technical analyst on the Business Channel for some reason.
I didn't know at the time, but this was when Ned and Dan had that conscious uncoupling thing going on. And the market didn't react well to the fact that our two dads were going to start seeing other people. Screw it, I thought, I'm going all in on Steem, which turned out to be about 500,000 Steem for 20c each at the time. See, this is why you should take the 'don't try this at home' part of the disclaimer seriously. If it isn't yet apparent, I'm somewhat of a nutter, and just because I got lucky with a very irresponsible approach to crypto investment doesn't mean you should do the same.
A lot of traders and investors believe that there is insufficient reason to hold Steem Power, but from a content creator's perspective, I think they couldn't be more wrong. Not only does it allow you to reward the authors whose content you value, it also serves as a very direct way to invest in yourself on the platform. If you really believe you have what it takes to be an exceptional content creator and want hit the ground running, well on Steem you can do just that buy purchasing these influence tokens! Like an 80 year old hedge fund manager being surrounded by young models, I'm somewhat aware it isn't entirely my brilliant writing and dashing good looks that bring the boys to the yard. But I'd like to believe that having a sense of humor in my posts certainly helped with growth. Investing directly in Steem can fast track your career and is certainly a viable option for those truly considering writing full time on this platform.
To The Moon
In the first month, I also started researching into potential competition after I had invested all my savings into Steem. This was due to a combination of laziness and good old fashioned stupidity on my part. I found Akasha, Synereo, Yours and BelaCoin which, by dint of a small miracle, were all garbage. (For the record, this is the case at the time of writing. If you're reading this a few years from now and Coinmarketcap reads BelaCoin Dominance: 94%, then please don't bother giving me shit about it because, if that were the case, this article would have also served as a suicide note).
Every day I would check Steemit's Alexa rank, and every day it would climb a little. The price remained low for a while, probably because the latest changes at the time reset the rewards pool, but I was as confident as Quasimodo with a bottle of roofies in his pocket that things were going to change for the better. Spoiler alert: god damn, was I right.
I had a lot of fun googling 'moon' but ended up going with this PG image. To make up for it, I'll use the word fuck here
Some time in early May the market woke up from hibernation and Steem price had a pulse again. It suddenly shot up sixfold within the span of a week. It was like somebody had fed it Viagra. To earn more rewards, people started breaking up their posts into multiple parts like movie adaptions of popular young adult fiction franchises. All of a sudden Steemit was seeing more action than the underside of a teenager's computer desk.
Alas, we saw the 'C' word finally appear. Market correction. The value of Steem plummeted by about 50% in a single day. To think that less than a fortnight ago I wrote a piece encouraging people to post more frequently and not be disheartened by the price drop. Yet 12 days later, here we are: a price of over $2, making me a Steem millionaire.
I write this partly to share an interesting story, but mostly to brag. Fingers crossed my exes will see it and drunk text me for a change.
Putting jokes aside, I do want to thank all my followers as well as the entire Steemit community. Judging from the comments, I know at least 3 or 4 of you read my articles, and you have no idea how much I appreciate having people with a similar sense of humor to share a laugh on here.
So, what am I going to do now that Steem is over $2 and I'm up a cool million? Well if you go to Steemwhales and search for me, you'll find the powering down icon conspicuously missing next to my name. I honestly believe with these talented devs and an enthusiastic community, we have a non trivial chance of attaining mainstream adoption. Of course I can be wrong. But be it piss dribble or moon rocket, I'll be riding the price waves out with you guys for a long time yet. Steem on!
Steem at $2? Do you see me flinching?
If you enjoyed this post please Upvote, Resteem and Follow me @trafalgar for more funny articles
Leaked video (three steemians, one issue)
@gtg Hahaha nice one! @trafalgar Amazing story and thanks for sharing! :D
That's great! I'm happy for you. @trafalgar What's your next step? @autonomysystem
David Mitchell and Robert Webb are amazing!
Webb is a little underappreciated I feel as he does less work because he started a family earlier, but he's an excellent comic actor
and David is just a national treasure
A feel good story all around. excellent writing.
Thank you very much Joseph, high praise coming from you
In time I hope we'll get some truly brilliant content creators on here rising to the top :)
What a fantastic post. I just love your humour and writing style. Was giggling the whole way through... but it was also very informative. I am new to steemit so this was a great read. Thanks
thank you very much for checking it out
Cool beans 👌😎😁
Well, for lack of a more subtle and gender appropriate expression - and I apologize in advance for my coarseness - you've got some serious balls!
thank you very much, I just got really lucky
I do enjoy writing comedy on here though, which is honestly it's main draw for me
haha your vote was so big it triggered abit's bot
Thanks for your story we all are a bit richer today :)
Can't wait for the next satirical post...
Good on yah! 😊
Yes, I am unfortunate to not have come across you. Yes, I am fortunate to find you now. Because I share a similar sentiment about posting. I agree that my facebook feed is not all about facebook. I appreciate when I see other interests here. That said, I am pushing myself to write a little more about steemit because I do appreciate it, and I am onboarding more of my friends from the Improv Community. And even then, they don't care about the monies. They don't care about the contests. They care about community and creating comedy. We are a strange breed we comedians of Chicago, willing to sleep in the most cramped places to improvise and do shows every night and then work day jobs the rest of our waking hours. It took it's toll on me and I couldn't stay a starving artist forever.
As an Eagle Scout, I have always served others, even to a fault. For I have been helping people in chat rooms and emails. I have been answering emails and phone calls. The majority of my posts have always been comments, like this, long and thoughtful and hopefully encouraging. My rewards to do not show my value as a person and what I do for others. I do not need other people's approval to know I am a good person, despite when others with money call me a looser. I do not feel those who are financially successful are loosers, no, they are successful, and rightfully so. But I have never understood the obsession with anything that is just financially based. Money is a store of value, what do they do with that value, why chastise those simply doing valuable things.
And with all that considered, I am seeking to find a balance. Steemit has helped at least seek that balance. I still spend most of my time helping an elderly loved one, answering questions of facebook friends, and a dayjob, teaching and doing improv. I have taught myself trading this year and slowly getting less rekt. And I turn to steemit to explore the world. I try not to worry about money, the money will appreciate as long as we appreciate each other. I only used that 'RandoWhale" thing to send money to Steemtrail, which I also curate for because it gives back all the time in sharing people's creations. I expect nothing, and perhaps that is why I have nothing. Perhaps it is something in the improv philosophy, from nothing one can discover everything. I see it every class. I see it every show. I see it every morning I write in a journal that nobody sees, but fills each day.
So today I woke and worked and helped my elderly loved one. Then looked at steemit and found this post. Today started as nothing and discovered someone else's story. I discovered your journey which is everything to you and your loved ones. The discovery alone gave me joy. The encouragement is a great reward. I see that you have made monies. And congrats on that. But I also hear someone who is happy with their decisions and actions. I hear someone who has accomplished their goals. I hear someone looking back on those who may have called them a looser, and feels vindicated. I hear someone worth more than any dollar amount celebrate their community and appreciate those who supported you.
Congratulations to you on all you do. Congratulations to your true friends and family. I look forward to the day that I can add money to the things that I give back to my friends and family. I am thankful to have discovered you when I did. I look forward to more of your gifts to the steemit community. And should I accomplish my goals between now and then, perhaps even meet the one and only trafalgar in Lisbon. I hope to make it there and teach improv to any steemer interested. That is just one of my goals. I hope that you continue to create and accomplish all your goals. Be well.
Really interested in seeing some of the comedy from the improv community, I think you guys will make a great addition to this community
Honestly not enough comedy writers on here, persevere and when the community grows, you'll do well, comedy has really broad appeal!
Thank you for that. I do indeed agree.
money makes people nicer , regular income makes people regularly nicer

anyone else notice that about steemit?
just remembered that you could buy a house for 100,000 dollars....cantwait til i have enough steem to buy a warehouse with bunkbeds in san diego and end homelessness here in san diego once and for all, here is my plan well i put it in instgra, but i cant find it i drew up a nice plan with bunk beds and showers and i could make a capsule hotel version that could charge for privet capsues japanes estyle and we could make money with cheap capsule hotels and we can take stem or SBD or bitcoin and have cheap $10 to $20 a night capsule o od hotel style rooms
I know the feeling @ackza. I am from SD and my own uncle is on the streets of Oceanside. It's a project I would be willing to help support.
I think this is debatable. I have seen my fair share of wealthy people who go out of their way to make others feel bad. Of course I have also seen kind ones, too.
If you are a naturally nice person, having money probably makes this niceness more apparent, as you are not constrained by the stress of surviving into next month.
Yep, more good comedy writers please. :)
Totally agree!
I upvoted your comment.. mostly because it is so long and I don't have time to read it all. It looks like all of us want to say :) this reply is to @jacobts
oh, well thank you. I was just inspired and decided to improvise my appreciation.
Thank you. I am new too. I hope that this is a great opportunity for us.
Really interesting, facinating and super article!!!!
Definately changed my perspective on BTC and *STEEM and now I have a deeper understanding.
I am definately following you @trafalgar!
Ride along like Ice cube and that funny little guy mate😊, trying to buy my 1st btc and then use it to buy back some dope steem.....that is my little black Op secret buddie
Sounds like a conspiracy theory :D hahaha
Just wow! Maybe I will catch you one day.
i came in through reseaching bitcoin and haven't yet bought a coin -- i found your name on team australia and decided to read a couple of your posts - i am impressed and am now following you and i upvoted too.. Hope we can amuse eachother enough to become friends --- David
Wow. Steemit makes everything possible. Congratulations on your achievements.
thanks a lot :)
Btw I love the way you write..and your sense of humour is awesome :)It is AWESOME @trafalgar. Though I am very new to Steemit, my already strong trust in the community has been boosted further more. Your story has inspired me like a shot of adrenaline and I hope that I too will be able to attain this feat !
thank you very much
yes, I'm very optimistic about steem, I think in the not unlikely event it gets mainstream adoption, we won't bother worrying about money, but how best to do good for the world
This is why Steem was created.....read bytemaster's blog for a greater insight: https://bytemaster.github.io/
It's honestly a true shame he left
I never got to know him because I came pretty much the moment he broke up with ned
I truly have a lot of respect for him
Very strong alturistic motives and a towering intellect
A far better man than I could ever hope to be
ha ha! You realize yourself.
I think that is why i like your writing so much. I feel silly for not finding it earlier!
There's so much to read now! I love to read, but i feel distracted by feeling the need to comment on replies to my stuff.
Anyway, you should read the whitepaper for EOS, Dan's next invention..
Dan is an inventor. He's always inventing. So, I understand why he had to invent EOS. It's an Ethereum killer.
well, you did save a lot of us, and you coming in when you did, combined with others who were thinking of the positives, you all helped us. Steem was all I had, because I put my entire life into this platform starting from June 2016. I was getting burned out i think..........about the time you arrived.
Exactly! to do good is the ultimate purpose and responsibility of mankind.
IF I could EVER not have to Worry, week to week, about if My Dogs and myself are gonna eat, I would do SO much good, it would be amazing! I want to buy an abandoned old Hotel, and turn it into Housing for Homeless Veterans, and have On site drug counselors, job coaches, and classrooms to help them integrate back into Society..That's all a dream..am so glad to find this place, it reminds me of the 1st time I ever used the Internet! At 54, it's harder to Discover new and Exciting things ya know? LOL But onward I go! Your writing style is quite humorous, and witty, by the way! Followed you yesterday from the Comments, and super glad I did! Thanks for putting up with us Minnows!
thats a noble goal
i think we're all early adopters here and stand to gain a lot if this place goes mainstream, which would allow you to fulfill your dreams
I am just enjoying the Freedom!
Freedom is a great dream to pursue :)
it's so refreshing to see someone like yourself come along (after a lot of us early adopters were languishing in the pit of doom in March, watching our accounts fall into a cesspool) and sort of save us. Thank you so much. I love your writing. It's hilarious.
Thanks a lot stellabelle, I really like your stuff too
I think with time a lot of great talent will slowly be drawn to this platform, and things will look a lot more interesting then
I'm torn between trying to help people and being just my nutbag self............I am seriously thinking of developing my other accounts....i have 3.
holy crap! you have over 2000 views of your article.
Today I bought 2 Steem Coins at Bittrex with some satoshi I earned in some faucets :)
The same here...new in steem but am fred up and ready to promote this baby to more success. I believe that steem is the future of social media and we are in a good place...thanks for sharing
Newbie here too, Brother! Just upvoting your Positive Comment, and following you now! Excited and Motivated here too!
Very inspirational post indeed. I will bookmark it. No, wait, even better, I will resteem it! :)
Great Minds think alike! LOL..
Same here :)
Jealous much? I quite literally did the opposite, and am now broke as fuck, lol. Congrats :-)
dang yo, that hurts
but if steem gains mainstream traction, you'll make a lot more back
of course, it's a big if
Ah, it's the word if that spoils many a good story :-)
Yesterday I bought 3 Steem coins at Bittrex. Just gonna hold them. No good if Steem price goes up and I have none on hand. :)
Hands down, Trafalgar has the best personality of any of the 'Whales' on this site. Everyone else seems obnoxiously fake. Keep it up bro, every article is amazing!
Thank you very much
I just try to inject a bit of humor into my articles
It works, whatever witchcraft you are using 😂
Hahaa! Believe it or not: this post was the first I read on Steemit 8 days ago. Fast forward 8 days ahead and here I am. Thanks for sharing!
hey welcome to steemit
honestly a lot of opportunities here for content creators and other business minded ppl (who i care less about, but can't deny that they're doing well)
I see:
I just need more time to learn the rules of the game here. Your approach is among the good case studies.
Best post I have read on my few days on Steemit so far. Very motivating.
thank you, glad you enjoyed it
I certainly did. You write very funny. Check out my memory posts when you are interested in improving it. It probably sucks, like with most people - at least that's what they they think. You became a millionaire in 90 days. You can become a memory athlete in the same time and remember all your coin passwords without a wallet.
You took a big risk buying that much STEEM, I'm happy it paid off for you. At the same time, I would not recommend anyone reading this put all their savings into the one pot: best to spread it across a diversified portfolio of investments (crypto and non-crypto)
yes I would recommend not doing what I do too, as I stressed a few times in my post
are you using some sort of whalebot trail thing?
wow your story is inspiring @trafalgar and freaking brave thing you did. I would never dare to put all savings into anything. I'd rather spend it. I need to rethink my patterns lol
haha I can't recommend doing what I did
it was dumb luck that it paid off but it's not a good portfolio in terms of risk/rewards
that being said, i think there's a lot of potential in investing a disposable amount of money into steem
No.. was adding my 2c
Great post :)
Great read. Success is a bit of talent and luck. Thanks for the real
I'm not done yet...
If you are going to write a milestone post, this is how you do it. Entertain me during it!!!
Thanks hans, you're one of the people who I look up to on here
This made me chuckle a lot.
But, man, and here I was thinking my investment was decent over a period of time. Incredible investment in 20 cents Steem. No other words but congrats to you.
I'm with you on not powering down.
thanks a lot exyle, love your posts too
i just got lucky with the investment, but i do enjoy writing silly humor on here :)
WOW! Thats a really awesome story, and to think that you are here now and only just started is a very big accomplishment. Thank you for this post and inspiration in it!
Great read, I like your writing style , had me laughing !
thank you
Upvoted & Followed you.
Thank you very much for sharing your successful experience.
Hi @trafalgar,
I know you may not see this, but your success on steemit is truly inspiring to me! I recently referenced you in my post about how I lost my life savings in a coinbase hack because while I don't have many followers, you have shown the true virtue of steemit. Anyways if you would like me to remove the reference I will do so! Once again thank you for the wonderful content you inspire people like me! Here is the post I tagged you in
shot you an upvote, hope you do well :) in the long run we're all early adopters
if this steem ship makes it, you'll be far wealthier than I am right now
Thank you for that! I just noticed the payout made a huge jump (I guess that is what happens when a whale worth 1 million dollars upvotes you). If I may, would it be possible if you could resteem that post, or the main one that contains a warning to others to be wary of coinbase, I would hate to see others lose their crypto aswell, you could probably prevent a catastrophic change to a couple of lives! Since you have a much larger audience and a lot more influence than I do, so it could make the difference for some people. Anyways even if you cannot, thank you for taking the time to upvote and respond to me!
Do you think Steem's price can go much higher?
That's so nice! We can tell that you've spent a lot of time and effort on Steem:) hahahah and I see the cat photo! I rmb you say you're a fan of cat aren't you haha!
I very much am :) thanks for checking out my post
Nice one took guts to go all in. People are probably still going all in today and think it's still going to be great decision!
it very well could be, steem is one of the few that has a decent chance at mainstream success
if it ends up in the shitter, at least you can laugh at me :)
@trafalgar love your post here I read all of it and am so impressed/jealous you went in on Steem at $0.20 all the way right and are still holding without powering down! A man after my own heart and thank you for the laughs!
@jerrybanfield I have no worries about you. You will rise to the top. I have seen the quality of the work you do and the passion you have to make amazing things happen.
How much will you continue to push Facebook marketing now that you have been putting time and resources into this platform?
We have the power, people and resourses to conquer the internet!!!
Heck Yes, we do! :) and we are doing it!
Nothing less than world domination, man. :)
how to sell steem are take it out????
Hey @jerrybannfeld this might help you https://steemit.com/steemit/@nxtblg/how-to-withdraw-steem-and-steem-dollars-from-your-account-poloniex-and-bittrex
Thanks a lot for such a fun and motivating post. I am not only new to steemit but also to crypto...these posts encourage me more to actively follow my passion to share my life experiences..this is perfect example of potential of the steem portal. :)
You did very well. Your strategy is sound. Looking you up in the blockchain I can see that you say the truth. I have been going back and forth in trading cryptocoins, but evidently STEEM is a keeper and a winner. I will be keeping this in mind in all my upcoming crypto adventures. Very inspirational post, @trafalgar :)
thank you galactic, I don't trade at all, I try to pick one or two I really like and just keep them for the long run
but i'm success here, as per this post, is mostly just dumb luck :)
First of all, congrats to 1000 followers - I'm one of them!
The story of how you discovered bitcoin and steemit is awesome.
Props to you for risking your savings and investing into cryptocurrencies - that was definitely the right move! Your gut feeling was right.
It's so awesome to see the steemit community growing, people hitting milestones, steem prices rising... everything is going UP and we're not done yet!
Thanks for sharing your journey and STEEM ON!
Thank you for always putting up with my posts
I enjoy your stuff too sir winchester
Hope to be a around here for a long time to come!
Thank you, I appreciate that!
I believe the future of steemit is bright, the community is growing and it's only getting better and better, so we're definitely here for the long run!
Looking forward to many more funny and insightful posts from you
really helpful!;P
You had me at "more action than under a teenager's desk." I love you sense of humor and how you sprinkle it throughout your article like bits of candy. I agree that the type of articles need to change from self help and I'll do my best to do that. Speaking of naughty pictures. I do late night movies. Check out my blogs about my slide down the rabbit hole @bruckdashel. I've followed so I can keep chuckling along with your writing.
Great thanks!
amazing story @trafalgar Great move and a lot of guts.
full steem ahead!
thanks a lot streetstyle, hope this all works out well for everyone. If it does, everyone who opens an account even 3 months from now will be early adopters
It is amazing how many people just roll their eyes when I tell them about this. Even after seeing some of the amazing results, they still won't budge.
Pioneers and fearless movers like yourself are the ones make the difference.
I had just a great lecture and funny thing is that te same thing happened to me too the first time on Coinmarketcap. That day I started to discover this new world and it's super! Thanks for the article and these minutes spent to read valid stuff!
It's the little decisions in the life that has the most impact. Whether it is coincidence or destiny, you found your way on Steemit and enjoy it. Great times are ahead and this was just the beginning!
Btw I am disappointed I didn't found you in London at the Square :D
thanks tim
you just didn't look hard enough! :)
Cheers to all the SP holders. We've got good taste in coins!
ya we do, I got really lucky, but I think there's a lot of upside to this if it gets anywhere near mainstream adoption
of course if it fails it won't be worth the hair between your ass
feeling lucky?
A good chunk of my cryptos are in form of SP - yea i'm feeling lucky ;)
Trying to hold some SP myself too now that I am getting the hang of this site.
Amazing and inspirational story. This is one of the coolest things ive heard. STEEM is such a sexy story. Congrats on having the insight and fortitude to make a move on your own conviction and belief. Bravo!!
STEEM is great indeed! :)
Wish I had known about it sooner... Joined just recently, after seeing someone mention Steemit in one of the trollboxes at some coin exchange. Poloniex? Bittrex? Don't remember where, but here I am.
Wow, congratulations and great to read your "full story". I still remember your first posts too and by all accounts, you have done extremely well. Good for you, good for us all! Steel on & thrive on, namaste :)
Hilarious and brilliant! I agree about the no steeming about steem thing too, but I am guilty already. Please follow! And keep up the great work! So cool.
: )
thanks a lot, I think there's a good chance everyone already on this platform right now will do quite well in the long term
Great story. I really loved the humor. Congratulations on your well timed purchase! I'm in the same boat in that regard, although not quite the same amount. I'm riding it to the moon too. :-)
congrats to you too! thanks for enjoying my humor, or at least attempts at humor
yes if this platform gains mainstream traction, steem could go $100+, of course if it fails it's not worth much more than it is today
fingers crossed
There is no if, my friend. Question is just when. I admire your work here from your firs post. And btw: If one want to have millions in $$ he should follow our example and put all savings in steem. It's still early. No pain -no gain. It'll be enough time for diversifying later. If one have $5000, no point to split them. That's my advice and I stand behind it. Sue me if you want.
OMG I giggled non-stop!!! And thank you for the fucking moon! How did I miss your posts before?! From the poster of series herself!
Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed my silly sense of humor! I honestly think we could do with a little more comedy and a little less charts on here :)
Wow! Woot Woot!. . I love your posts. I'm new here and I put a considerable amount of my crypto holdings into STEEM, then joined here and transferred it ALL into Steem Power. I've read some stuff about how hard it is to do well here, but your posts give me hope that if I write good blog posts, curate even better blog posts, and stay active in the community, I will gain followers too!
I think there is so much room to grow here. And investing quite heavily in a platform will almost MAKE you want it to succeed. It's genius really lol
it's certainly very likely, especially if your a decent writer
in the grand scheme of things, you got in early, if this platform does take off, I honestly think steem can go over $100
of course it it doesn't it won't be worth much more than it is :p
Congratulations for your super achievements!
thank you future, just dumb luck, so i'm really appreciative of the founders and steemit and the community who made it all happen
It's hard for me to believe that was just dumb luck, but if you say so...
According to your great work you are doing, it's just a matter of time until you reach 2-3 millions of $. Max 2-3 months! Congratulations, I really appreciate your work!
" It was like somebody had fed it Viagra" Hahaha that add me dying. Wow omg I can't believe this happened to you congrats this is amazing this what I am waiting for to prove and brag all to all those who doubted me!
haha thank you, for me it was all luck, but I do enjoy writing comedy, or at least attempts at comedy :p
You know, this post of yours had me on a bit of a roller-coaster. First, I was laughing my ass off at your sense of humour and thinking, "Damn, three months and this much success? And he's hilarious too? Awesome!" then I got to the part of where you bought $100,000* worth of Steem then I was like "Man, fuck this rich motherfucker! I can't do that shit! I hate him and I'm jealous now!" but then I kept reading and you had me in stitches again so I guess you win.
You are absolutely followed but, you know, this post is three months old and my upvote is worth about 1 cent anyway so ... no resteem and no upvote for you (ain't like you need it anyhow :D)
So, consider yourself followed ... you rich-ass mofucker.
If my math is wrong, well then maybe that explains why I haven't been able to invest in Steem Power too.
Great and interesting as always. Oh, that screech of tires you hear in the driveway is an ex on an apology visit! LoL
hahaha thanks for having a look at my post once again :)
really glad to have people with a similar sense of humor
To me you are one of these rockstars on steemit that are really adding value to everyone. Great content you write, you support others with your Power and you are engaged - in a nutshell (even it sounds bloody slimy) - you are an asset to Steemit and to the currency!
thank you very much for saying so, you're always reading my posts and I wont' forget it!
I'm glad to have people like you who share a sense of humor :)
Thanks a lot - it gets tougher with many new users coming in to really read anything but I really try to read as much as possible before i vote stuff - not easy thoug
That is the best post about Steemit I've ever read on Steemit - but people have started going on about the circle jerks....
as long as curation rewards remain circle jerking will also
linear rewards will make the distribution better but the jerking itself will likely remain
curation rewards has its benefits though, so who knows how voting concentration will evolve over time
my guess is rewards will very gradually align better with post quality in the long run, very gradually...and it might get a little worse before it gets better
I'm not sure I fully grasp all that, but you could always just have an I made shitloads party:)