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RE: VLOG#2 Why Steemit will CRUSH fakebook

in #steemit7 years ago

Agree! You should check out this book by Eli Pariser titled "Filter Bubble." The book was copyrighted 2011, yet it is still relevant. Pariser's argument is that technology, in the form of algorithm imposed filters are censorship tools. These fiulters become bubbles blinding and separating us. Thanks for the video!


That sounds like just the type of literature I would be into reading. I will obtain a copy and check it out. I have done some reading on algorithms during my never-ending research on artificial intelligence. Scary stuff.. Thank you so much for stopping by, and checking out my vlog. I'm going to head over to your page now, and check it out. Judging by your description, I'm quite sure I'll be a follower. Take care!