in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

UPDATE: - As it turns out, edits had absolutely NOTHING to do with this issue, and I can't apologize profusely enough, everyone. This whole thing was completely my own fault, and I regret posting this without doing my research and waiting for help to arrive to help me look into this. I thought I had it figured out.
You won't see this kind of behavior from me again.

Therefore, what I would like to do with any earnings that I create with this thread is simply to


If you replied to this thread from the time it was created until 2:26PM Central Time,

I am going to split every transferrable dollar evenly to everyone here.

I promised to serve this community and be human to the people I encounter here, and therefore in this scenario, I feel that would be the best course of action.

See you at payout, everybody.

EDIT: At this rate, with losing votes and garnering downvotes for this (which I'm not complaining about, I'd be doing it too), there may not be much left to divide up, but even if I can only give you guys pennies, I'm doing it.

There are 2 pages

It should not include edits. If so that is a bug.


It could be a bug and further analysis is suggested. if possible.
Specific example:
in the past 24h I had:

  • 3 posts
  • 5 total edits of those posts

One of the posts that had it's payout a few minutes ago had a value of over 900$ before the Payout, total Payout was 344.352 SBD and 0.432M VESTS. Now the post is showing 688$. It's a difference of over 200$.
This is the post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@anduweb/billboards-nah-i-rented-the-top-banner-space-on-one-of-the-most-renowned-blogs-in-romania

This is due to the pending payout displaying total post rewards, including curation, and the post-payout total displayed being only the author reward. It's confusing and needs a change, but it's not due to top-level post penalties.

Shit, I edited my post like 3 times yesterday, so am I going to be penalised if my next post is within 24 hours?


You should be fine

Sorry, @cryptogee . Didn't mean to alarm you.

Yes! Shouldn't we also be aware that an edit was made? If this is already the case, then I may have missed it, but what's to say as a joke someone switches from a thoughtful post to an nsfw or similar post that you would not wish to have your name associated with and reputation tarnished. I'm not entirely sure how the blockchain handles that or if you simply have to go back and remove comments and remove your upvote. This is even more true of comments. Once someone comments on your comment you cannot completely delete your comment, only change it. And someone could completely change what they have said to troll someone else and make them look bad. As far as I know, edits do not show up in the blockchain like on steemd.com correct me if I am wrong.

If this whole thing turns out to be my fault, I have a great plan with the earnings which I think will be awesome for the community here. I will keep exactly ZERO % of it.
My goal is to not lose community trust. And I would hate for that to happen because I simply put the cart before the horse.@dantheman - I would like to avoid downvotes from the whales if at all possible.

I'll revoke my down-vote if you corrected the info in the post. IMO a misleading post doesn't worth high payout. Please don't take it personal. Thanks.

By the way, you can set the maximum payout of this post to a lower value even zero, probably can only be done in CLI though, but I think many people here can help.

I've corrected my information, and vowed to split any remaining earnings that I can transfer among all the people here who have posted before it was brought to light that I was who was mistaken, not the system.

I think you should not be rewarded because plenty of people read this post over the last 15 hours and probably won't read it again. Make further inquiries before posting misinformation.

You can rest assured this will never happen again from me. Misleading people was NEVER my intention, and I agree that I deserve nothing from this. My power of deduction failed me here, and this is probably going to be the hardest lesson I learn here. I am so sorry. :(

If you made new quality posts in the future, I believe all of us will still upvote. Afaik nobody is going to set a downvoting bot against you. We won't take it personal, so I hope you don't take it personal as well. For this post, I agree with @pfunk that it shouldn't be rewarded much, since I'm unable to get contacted with the ones who upvoted with large SP to remove their vote, I'll keep my down-vote.

Understood. Thank you for getting back to me. I appreciate you guys only looking at this from a business perspective and not being vengeful like I've seen happen in other places. Adding this to the many reasons I love this place.

In the 24 hours during that post's lifetime, I only had a few other posts I made. I concentrated on that one because it was getting so much attention.
I hope I'm wrong about the whole thing, honestly, because editing (even in unreasonable clusters) is kind of important to me...and evidently to others.

Yes that should be removed. Sometimes you have to edit to correct inaccuracies or based on new information. We are already limited on this by the 12 hour rule. Limiting it still further is going to cause a lot of problems.

It does as of now still appear to affect edits.

This is extremely counter-intuitive and there are also some issues with photo uploading that may necessitate some edits and re-edits... it should be fixed IMO and exclude edits.

Wanna know what's funny? I have another point to add to my post...
...but I'm afraid to edit it. So I've decided I'm on board with everyone else that this isn't cool.

That point is that posts get "bumped" to the top of the Active pages when they get edited, which could be a vulnerability that spammers would exploit. They also get bumped when a comment is posted. So to fix this issue, they could simply remove "edit bumps".

I gonna freaking cry!

I'll be rob like crazy for my last post. Oh my god this is hard to take. I don't know why it wasn't mentioned in the release. I feel like this should have been mentioned even though it was obvious. Damn.

Agreed! This should have been mentioned ! Although this is nothing to be upset about guys!
How much would you have made posting these blogs on Facebook or Reddit? You're not losing money, you're just getting less free money!

Check it out, he posted this 40 minutes ago.@winstonwolfe https://steemit.com/steemit/@dantheman/notice-to-bot-spammers

Sounds as if this is not how they wanted to system to behave when it comes to edits.
Hang tight for further information.@dantheman has said that if this problem is indeed caused by edits, it's a bug.

Exactly. Edits should not count as posts, and edits should not bump activity :(

The good news is they don't count as posts. But they DO bump activity. I'll leave the latter up for discussion, but please accept my apologies for alarming you for the former.

I got the same problem, i asked why to the community and they only told me that curation rewards took the rest out of it. But i don't believe it for a second. I believe that the money is just gone. My post was at 190 just seconds before payout, then when payout came, i got 100.

If the post showed 190 at the time of payout and you received 100, that means you received 100/190 = 52.63% of the total rewards for the post. Remember that the payout numbers are the TOTAL amounts to the author and to content curators (upvoters).

That's not what happened. The post was at 1250 at the very second the payout occurred, then dropped by 85% down to 190. I DID get the proper payout had the value actually BEEN 190, but that's not what it was.

Oh geez. I'm sorry. You were talking to @najoh Sorry, @complexring

Yup. I knew you were talking about. But what @najoh was saying needed to be clarified as to the difference between the author rewards and content curator payouts and how they are both lumped together as one sum on a post.

I think I edited one post six times because the photo insertion button through me off. So much for getting anything for that post!

Hang tight on that. Based on what I'm seeing from one of the whales, my post here could be incorrect.
I kind of hope that it is, too, because just like everyone else here, I need to be able to edit.

I think you are incorrect also. You still got my vote but I feel like removing it. I just can't confirm either way.

I didn't saw @dan had commented. I'm pretty sure you're wrong. I don't know why but post always seem to get a drop from the moment they are pay from just before being paid. Maybe it's the price feed being re-adjusted.

Anyway, if true you totally merit this reward if not well I feel like you shouldn't be rewarded.

I kind of publicize this post a lot. I voted on it when it was worth only a couple dollars and I thought it should be seen by everyone if true. Will see. You might as well merit the reward anyway as even the dev doesn't seem to be sure right now.

I'm going to refrain from posting any other blog posts today, as well as from editing this post to see if my theory has any weight when this goes to pay out. I'll report back in 9 hours.

Yes, I've noticed the same thing with the way they upload pictures, especially recently. I always have to edit, go in and change the html link to the direct link because they seem to change it to include a // before the link. I haven't noticed nor had this problem until very recently however. It used to work just fine linking to photos.

There must be a way to fix this. I don't think the intention of the hard fork was to penalize people for editing. The intention was to limit people spamming low quality posts. Editing shows someone cares and wants to make their content even higher quality.

True, but if you think of your post like a book you want to publish, well...if it were a real book that's already been published, you CAN'T edit it. You're stuck with it. Looks like it's just best to get all your edits out of your system before posting it.

Yes, but with a book, you usually have an editor look it over and have someone proofread for you. I don't think anyone is going to hire a staff to do a blog here. Good thing we are still in the Beta phase of this project. I'm sure Ned and Dan will come up with a solution to this problem.

Yes, but with a book, you usually have an editor look it over and have someone proofread for you.

Yes, before it goes to the public, at which point it's too late.
I don't think it's a problem, really. Be your own editor before the public gets it.
Besides, when a post gets edited, it gets bumped back to the top of the Active pages, making it more visible, thus making it advantageous for spammers. If this is something that they feel should be corrected, they would just need to remove that "bump" function.

Yes but you will never catch everything though. It's just how things are. It would be sad if we were lumbering ourselves with limitations of ancient technology in the 21st century.

I think this is a really big problem for the same reasons and would like to see it resolved. I edit my posts to improve quality.

After some thinking, I'm with you that if this is true it should be dealt with accordingly. I've already encountered reasons to edit this post, but won't do it because I want to see what happens at today's payout.

Well, at least we now know what happened now.

Are comments count as "new posts"? If I make 20 comments will the rewards get split with my posts?

No comments don't undergo any kind of penalty. You can post/edit them as much as you want.

I hope not, i comment a lot. If yes, then i will only comment top posts in the future...

I'm going to guess not, because it does not alter the original post and in steemd.com appears as a comment, not a authored post

I hope comments don't count. I always reply to comments as a matter of courtesy because I think it is a way of saying thanks to people who have made the effort.

I got the exact same problem, 190 USD became 100 USD because i edited the post a few times to correct grammar.

Why isn't there a way to save a post as a draft? I think the ability to work on a post, save it as a draft, be able to view what it will publish as and go back to edit it BEFORE a live publish would be the best way to solve a lot of issues that I know I'm having and probably not the only person.

I can get behind this. Even Wordpress has this.

That was my thought. When posting online in a blogging fashion most if not all platforms have this basic feature.

Hello @winstonwolfe - so Editing does not mess with the post-count... finally a straight answer. thank you.

No problem. Sorry to worry everyone. Not my intention, won't happen again.

Sorry you had to go through this... In my opinion, edits should not count as a second post, anyway, seems counter-intuitive.

Good catch - I admit I am not up to speed with the implications of the latest fork and rely on people like you to shout about all the quirks!

A lot of people were continuously editing in order to get their posts to feature high on the "active" tab. I guess with this change, they are going to have to get comments to do the job (and I suppose that's what the comment bots are for!)

I am glad that you sorted it out.

I am also glad that the dilemma is settled.

We can edit :)

I really love steemit in a lot of ways. It has brought me back to writing after a long hiatus. There is too much to keep up with in the way of changes that may or may not be obvious. You may or may not see the updates. I know why they are trying to limit the posts but for honest content generators who are trying to get by on participation in the system it is pretty limiting. Also the thing with edits is a bit problematic. I think you do have to sort of forget about the money. Which is odd on a platform tide to a revenue system. It seems to negate the very reason that the platform exists. New users have way to much of a learning curve and I think we could loose lots of people.

That's okay. Think of that learning curve to be a filter which filters in only the determined ones.

True but that has not stopped frivolous posts and it is not really "social" for a social network.

That is a very good point. And it's the "social" part that is the fuel of this place.

It what brings me here. I feel like I have a lot to learn about this place.

I think I might be in the same boat with my article here. I edited it 3 times after I posted it to add additional information :(
It's at about 570$ right now. We'll see how much it will actually pay out.

[Mistake - Edited] The assumption I made was wrong, I am sorry for that. @anonimau5 posted the correct answer.

Thank you for posting this. I'm glad to see we may have identified a bug.

Thank you to for bringing awareness to this, If there wasn't for you no one would've known about this problem!

I read your post a little closer. You're only going to get less than 1% for your post?? Ouch. :(

Nope. This is not what that means. It's the portion of total curation rewards that will be donated to the author from voters who voted within 30 minutes of the post being made.

@pfunk What? Please clarify a bit more, This topic is important! What does it mean than if it's very low? Yo seem like you know what your talking about? please reply asap.

Every user who votes on a post within 30 minutes 'donates' a portion of their curation reward to the author. That is a bonus for the author, on top of his post creation payout.
If the percentage is low then most people voted after 30minutes.

Thank you so much for explaining! Man this, s@#t is confusing.... anyways I will edit the comment. Also It's hard to know what is true and what not, when we don't have mods/admins etc....

Oh wow. Good to know. I had no idea!

Just replying so you see the update, Sean. Turns out you can edit away just fine.

Great news!

LOL. You still don't know the reason.
Whatever you are making and spreading is baseless and untrue.
I'll give you the correct reason on why this is happening.
The amount written on the post is the total value of the post that is it includes the rewards of both author as well as voters as well as people who have commented.

No matter if u edit or not you will be rewarded less after deducting above charges.

Hope this helps

Actually, I hope I'm wrong. I need to be able to edit, just as a bunch of people here say they need to as well.
It's just interesting how a post with over $1250 only paid out $143. I understand you don't ever get what the full amount shows, but that's an 85% drop. That's a HUGE drop.
Tell you what, though, looks like this thread is going to give me the perfect opportunity to test my theory.
I'm not going to touch it, and I'm not going to post anything else today. If the payout comes out in a similar fashion, then c'est la vie.

It was really a matter of deduction based on this information (which is available as a pop-up when you hover over your thread in the "Next Cashout" column of the "Posts" section of steemstats.com), the 85% drop shouldn't have occurred. After doing all the research I could on the subject, and checking out all of the history as it was recorded to my http://steemd.com/@winstonwolfe profile, there are no other reasons that I can surmise why this would occur. If there is an unseen reason, I would need to be informed of that.

Another thing I just thought of as well, the total amount made on the post is still at that 85% dropped rate. If the culprit was the dividing of the earnings, the original amount of $1250 would still be visible on that post. It's not. So what got divided was that final number which appears there now - so EVERYONE involved with that thread got shorted, not just me.

Hey man, I feel your pain and the resulting confusion. This is an open public forum. People are going to say all sorts of things that later they wish they hadn't. I think people can forgive you immediately and note that it could be them next. At least you are NOT faking posts and writing posts about how steemit sucks. You were just freaked out by the $$$ signs, happens to nearly EVERYONE. You are not the Dali Lama, and do not need to be. Peace friend! And I am going Follow you, you have deep integrity man, I know it!

Thanks for letting us know. I will wait for your test and report. I hope that it will come out OK for you, though :)

thanks for this! I didn't know!

dantheman said that if this is true, it's a bug. I'm going to hold off any further judgment, refrain from further posts and editing, and wait for payout to see what happens.Honestly, @stellabelle - I hope it's either a fixable bug, or that I'm wrong. I need to be able to edit.

Dan will fix this, hopefully. That is not a good feature because good writers are notorious for editing. I have stopped my ocd with editing though...are you sure about this???? oh yeah, before the hardfork i edited a lot. now i don't....

Turns out I was wrong. You can edit to your heart's delight. :)

My assumption for why it happens with edits is because a post gets bumped back to the top of the Active pages when it's edited. This makes it more visible, and thus would be advantageous for spammers.A big fat THANK YOU to @psygot for helping me figure this out.

Nice call out bro.. and I edit a lot too so this is good to know!

Thanks dude :D

Was not aware each edit counts as a new post, and put you over your limit. Signed a fellow editing fiend.

I'm using this thread as a test to see what happens at payout. Still got about 4 hours left, according to steemstats.com.Hang tight on accepting this as fact, @ann-hoy - the jury actually still seems to be out on this.

That not a bugs like some other dude tell us ! Fork him forkkkkk !

Wow I always post with out picture and go back and edit the picture in. I also always see about 4 typos per post 4 edits ouch

Thanks for approaching this in a calm and rational way, and using this post to test if your theory is correct or not. I learn something new about steemit everyday, usually from posts like this, and then tomorrow i do it better and know a little more. Don't forget we are still in Beta, expect the odd glitch in the matrix ;)

Hey no problem. That was my promise to the community from the start - to help the community.
I decided I can't be mad about something I spent literally nothing but my time on to start this whole experience.

Agree 100%. I view steemit as an organic being that is evolving around us and with us, so we can either choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution.

Does this apply to replies aswell?

I'm going to assume not, because comments do not alter the original post, and appear as comments/replies in your steemd.com/@username profile.

Thank you for that valuable piece of information that will help this Steemit newb.

Glad I could help. :)

This is a possibility, I'm sorry if I'm wrong. But. Maybe you don't know the following:

  • You make a post it makes 100$ within 24 hrs Edit In 12 Hours NOT 24!

After 24 hrs in separate payouts (You don't get one big payout that, gives you your SD and SP) you will get paid out.
This may take even more than 24 Hrs depending on how well the miners do their job and how many transactions are being made (the awesome dudes that process all these transactions)
You might not know but your earnings from a post will be split in two: Steem Power and Steem Dollars and there is a second payout now that occurs one month after the post is posted.

But If I'm wrong, and editing does count as "new post" I'm in the same basket as you as I also tend to edit after I post....

I thought about that, actually. The thing is, if you look at the original post, the total amount shown is $143. In the very second just before payout occurred (I was watching because I was going to take a screen shot of it to show my wife), the amount dropped by 85% to $190 (as it now shows in steemstats.com). That $190 amount is what everyone involved got paid from, of which I received $143, which was my 75% cut. So I don't think what you're suggesting is the case, because all the posts I've seen which have made thousands - or even tens of thousands - still show that high dollar amount next to the post itself.

Ah man yeah my assumption was that somehow u didn't know the above mentioned, but you do, that means the "edit" thing is true or not? We really need a clarification on this problem, For now I'm not going to edit my posts until'l we get a clarification.

I've come to that conclusion as well. I'm sitting tight today and seeing how today's payout goes. No more blog posts, no more edits.

Well you shall see the results in 3 Hrs from now. Please report back with a comment, I'm gonna get back here in 3hrs to see your report and please title it "REPORT" so that I and others can easily find your comment using search. Good Luck!

Tip: I'm using steemd.com as a "notification" center, If your not, start using it, It's awesome.

I hope to see this reaction from you, hahahaa...

Actually, it tells me 9 hours.

9 hours ago by winstonwolfe

The post was made 9 hours ago what means, when it says

12 hours ago by winstonwolfe

So In 3 hours you will get your 1st payout form this post.
Also I just realized I have edited my posts 27 times in the past 24h....
just found out that "Comment is nested 6 posts deep, maximum depth is 6" so I can't reply on your last post instead I had to reply to the previous one...press the reply button for that one ...what?

Right, like I can spell things right on the first try. I can barely function as a human being.

Quite glad i read this. Bit of a noob to Steem. I don't know how you earn money from a post, and i didn't know you got penalised for posting too much. So all in all, pretty informative and should stop me from making the same mistake.
Thank you.

As it turns out, this information was incorrect. I'm sorry for the scare. :(

A good heads up since I like to post my pictures individually. Might have to switch to a bulk or spread them out more. I appreciate the heads up, Thanks!!!

I, too, am guilty of this. Thank you for the information!

Thank you for the info.

"I proofread AFTER I post."

I do this a lot too. Gotta learn to be patient and only post when you are 99% sure.

I heard about the "4 posts a day limit" in passing, didn't really know what it meant - that's for the explanation, very good to know!

well, you learned the lesson the hard way. so keep it up, and search for perfect content before posting

Glad it all got worked out and what happened. Great info for us all to know!

Thanks for the info! I too am guilty of editing , ALOT! usually its because i dont like how it looks once its posted! I like to tweak it, make it fit and look better!

Thank you for information.

What, I edit at least 20 times each post lol this is alarming. Thanks for the heads up dude!

So, you are saying you are OK with losing nearly 90% of your revenue because you edited your post?

It seems ludicrous that editing a post will be punished so harshly, seems stupid that edited posts jump to the top of the active list. You're making it too easy for them, you have been conned into thinking you were earning over a thousand dollars and you got a small fraction of earnings stated at the bottom of your post, it's all a bit deceptive isn't it?

It is, i also got rewarded only 100 USD instead of 190 USD, i edited my post 5 or 6 times to correct some grammar.

I think the gig will soon be up for this site, I'm guessing the real reason payouts are way lower than it appears is because the devs are cashing out our money. Enough articles have been written exposing the scam that this is, just google 'is Steemit a scam' plenty of evidence that the devs are making loads of money, the economy is unsustainable, the voting system is rigged etc. No rebuttals from the devs, they just seem to be dumping all their Steem stock before it becomes valueless. We got well and truly ripped off by these people and going into denial about it ain't gonna get our money back ever.

I am, because the site is new, and also because I didn't put in one single dime to get this started. I didn't "lose" anything. And to be perfectly honestly right now I'm definitely okay with it because this thread only had $13 on it when I went to sleep last night.

oh you wrote another post. If a whale upvotes more than 20 times, its weight vote decreases dramatically.

Thank you for telling me this!! I've posted a lot of photos, and it seems like the photo insertion button is broken? It strips out the http: from the beginning of the links to my pics. So, I go in and edit, and reinsert it. That's at least two edits.

This gives our newbs a disincentive to try different things and learn. :/

My upvote is worth $ 0.0019346420935205. Sorry to disappoint.

On the bright side, you more than made up the loss with this post. :)

Well, at this point my day is going to be an experimental one. I plan on leaving this post here, I'm not going to touch it at all aside from replying to comments, I'm not going to post any other posts today at all, and then in 9 more hours when it pays out I'll see what happens.

thanks for the post, I have found that sometimes my photos do not show properly when I have submitted my posts so I then have to edit and retry. Does this effect me as well?

If this is correct, then possibly.
The more I read through my comments here, though, and also considering @dantheman 's comment here about how it's a bug if this IS true... I'm hoping it's either a bug, or that I'm just plain wrong.

haha well lets hope so! thanks for the reply

This explains a lot. I was wondering why my payout was less then expected. Thanks for the heads up

Keep in mind that the amount you get paid is 75% of the total visible next to the thread. The other 25% goes to the curators. If your amount still shows what you ORIGINALLY expected, then yours may actually be correct.
In my case, the thread DID show around $1250 up until the precise moment of payout, with a payout expectation of about $940 (half of which would've been about $470 in Steem Dollars). The full total itself dropped to $143 or $190 (depending on which page you view it on), which is the total that's still visible next to my thread, and is also the total everyone got paid from.

Understood. One more thing... Do replies to posts or replies to replies count toward your post count? I assume they dont?

I'm going to assume not since they don't show up as an "authored" post in the activity in your http://steemd.com/@username profile. Edits show up as "@username authored a post", just as when you create a brand new one.

So I just happened to revisit this post and read your update above and then read through a few of the comments. So to clarify there is no penalty for editing a post. I can still make a total of 4 posts per day without any impact?

Just want to clarify since I was thinking I would need to adjust my posting behavior due to the editing guidelines.

As for your post itself - no damage done. Everyone makes mistakes and Im sure the community wont punish you for it... we are all human

Correct. Editing doesn't hurt you in any way. I put the cart before the horse on that one.

This helps a ton! Thanks a lot. I have been wondering the same thing as I have seen some of my post amounts drop in size recently. A shame, but I can see the reason for this. Now that I know it will be a lot easier to not make the same mistake. Thanks a ton my friend. I greatly appreciate this little tidbit of knowledge. Mucho gratzie!

I guess we'll find out for sure if I'm correct. According to some of the comments I'm seeing here, and considering dantheman's comment, if I'm right it could be a bug. If I'm wrong, then I'm sorry for this post.

Wow. I did not notice this at all!!! You are very helpful and fanatic on getting this word out to the community to not do the same mistakes. Thank you!

There are 2 pages