What am I missing?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I was told about this site where you can check the value of an individual upvote by entering the Steemit user name in the blank. I often use it to track the slowly growing value of my own upvote.

well over six cents.Today one of my posts was upvoted by @williambanks. I checked the value of his upvote and Steemdollar tells me it's currently worth

But when I look at the overall value of the post he just upvoted, it's only showing a total worth of one cent, and this is with a few other people having upvoted it.

This is not a complaint, just trying to understand where the discrepancy is coming from. I'm wondering if the formula for the SteemDollars site is off? If so, is there another site I can go to obtain more accurate information about upvote value?

Thanks in advance to all who can give me some insight.

Update: This post was upvoted by @ned and is only worth a dollar. @ned is well known to be a whale. Something is off.


The value of your vote will change based on how much the post is worth.
For example:

  • If your vote is worth $.02 on a new post, it might be worth $.08 on a post already worth $10
  • It might be worth $.45 on a post worth $250
  • Several dollars on a post worth $1000s

What your saying sounds right.

However when I vote on any post I usually only contribute 0.01 and that site says my votes are worth 0.12

...my guess is that they're working off a wrong price feed, from steem before it crashed downward. They need to show what the current value of steem is that they are basing it on..

I definitely like that theory better than the one that says my vote value is somehow tied to the whales who also upvoted the post.

Really? So a site that tells me the value of my upvote would need to include the ability to enter other variable parameters. It also seems based on this info that the system favors whales in more ways than I'd realized. I mean, my upvote as a minnow can only have significant worth if a whale has already upvoted the post?

Based on my limited testing so far, that website is accurate for a post that is already worth about $10. If an article is worth less than that, your vote will be worth less than that website shows, and vice versa.

Minnows can have a significant impact in a couple of ways:

  • Votes from a handful of minnows can get a post to appear in the "hot" category; a place where whales often look for quality content. Get your post to appear in that category and it is far more likely to get a whale upvote.
  • Dolphin and whale bots look for minnows who consistently upvote popular content before it becomes popular. Bots will then follow these minnows' every moves and upvote content after the minnow upvotes it.

So how much Steem Power would you need to be able to take a post from zero to $10 with just your single upvote?

I tried that site too, and it grossly overestimated my vote value. Right now my vote is worth .03 but it says .25

i think the algo might be off.

I also WAY over vote. This reduces the power of each vote.
At our level voting isn't "paying", it's just showing appreciation for your contribution.@wiser

Nice to know my vote is worth 6 cents though! Thanks!
Oh I hope you don't mind, but since this posting is about my vote...
I'm raising funds to get to Guadalajara for a conference involving some SETI scientists and I would really like to go.


actually, the site takes overvoting into account (it looks at your voting power) its just way wrong.... I think it might be using an old steem to $ conversion ratio,

That sucks, I really do want my two cents to be worth ten. :D@sigmajin

i kno tell me about it ... i want my 4 to be worth 25

I don't mind at all. This is social networking at its finest :)

The site does seem to take "overvoting" into account, as according to it your vote would be worth 9 cents if you weren't overvoting.

I totally appreciate the voting support, even if it doesn't pay big money. I posted this query because it was something I'd noticed, and trying to understand how Steemit works. It's quite complex.

The theory that makes the most sense to me right now is that the steemdollars site is based on an outdated price feed. It might be using an average over a week price which would lag in situations where the price changes substantially over a much shorter period of time.

Here's to a more stable Steem ;)

OK now I'm really confused: this post was upvoted by @Ned and is currently only worth a dollar: https://steemit.com/mydearfollowers/@luminousvisions/my-dear-followers-002

Can anyone shed some light?

ned , stan, dan etc have lately taken to voting with very minimal amounts of power except when they are voting for the minor internet celebs we've attracted like dollarvigilante , stellabelle etc.@wiser

Take a look at @casandrarose for instance. @stan is always in her posts talking with her about religious matters, but she's yet to break a dollar on any comment where he's involved.

Not to judge. But she's a single mom who's ex-husband had to leave the country just to earn enough to pay child support. She works a fulltime job and still tries to find time to post on steemit about topics she cares about.

She makes some very compelling arguments especially in regards to religion. Yet she goes largely unnoticed.
But stan is always there, debating religion with her. But she's a dedicated missionary and feels the need to apologize or whatever it's called about god. I doubt she even knows @stan is a whale with the power to bless her life with what would amount to a weeks salary for her, with just a single upvote. I doubt that even if she knew that it would change her viewpoint.

A single full power upvote from him could cover her internet bill for a month or help to cover groceries. If he was enjoying the conversation and valued the debate, to my mind it's worth the upvote otherwise spent on more frivolous stuff like the latest complaint about how unfair the system here is etc.

In @casandrarose's case if she could develop the kind of dedicated following that lesser authors like myself have, she could cut her hours down at work and make more time for her kids and steemit.

Instead she puts a week into a single post and feels grateful for the on average $0.25 she gets despite pouring her heart into everything she does.

Sorry, guess I'm ranting, she is someone I know IRL.
I dunno if she would want me talking about her business like that.

Anyways, she's someone to consider adding to your follow list.

But yeah even whale upvotes aren't what they used to be. Just celeb status in the community. It's beginning to change though and once the drama queens are gone and they fix the long term content issue I'm sure things will get better here.

I will definitely check out @casandrarose. I always enjoy discussing religion :)

So, a whale can decide to vote based on only some of their steem power? How do they do that? Is there a setting on their account that allows them to set how much of their power they want to put into upvotes? And if so, what exactly would be the utility of doing that? To use your example, why might @stan only want to give @casandrarose a partially powered upvote? What's the upside to @stan for doing that? What's the upside to Steemit in general? I'm not a whale, but could I potentially choose to vote on only some of my Steem Power too?


Whales have a slider in their UI that lets them scale their power up and down. You don't have it and neither do I. But I really wish we all did. There is no technical requirement for that being a whale only feature and if you access steemit through alternative clients you too can scale your voting power.

I've been thinking about launching a site that is basically steemit with a different UI.
Instead up upvoting you would just rate 1 to 5 stars.

As for the benefit of vote scaling. I think it just leaves them free to add their full power to stuff they really believe in. While still tossing the minnows some minor acknowledgement of their presence. Problem is what they really believe in vs what the vast, vast majority of the platform really believe in is completely different.

You also can't lump all whales together like that because everyone has their own motivations for what they do. So I'm probably not being really fair here.

I can't complain for my part. I've seen a lot of full power upvotes. My blog has seen trending 2 or 3 times and I've said stuff that evidently rang like a bell with them in the past, just commenting in other people's blogs. You'll notice I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I speak truth to power and I also speak it to those who feel powerless. I say the same message regardless. You are the power in your world and change is up to you.

I have a feeling I may be viewed as a bit of a rabble rouser, but that's not my intent.
I just speak my mind bluntly and I know my own mind really well.

wantIt's actually a relief to learn that they are doing it on purpose. When I saw @ned's vote only lift up @luminousvisions' post by one Dollar, I started to worry that maybe some day I too would become a whale... and then I'd actually to bless someone like @cassandrarose... only to find that for unknown reasons I'd only given her a Dollar or a few cents.

We can question and discuss all day why the whales are doing this and whether or not it's truly fair and all that stuff. But at the end of the day, it doesn't change the fact that it's their choice, and not some arbitrary system thing or a glitch. That's good news. It didn't take me long to figure out that this platform massively favors the whales. The only way to really impact that is to become a whale--you know, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. But I didn't know they were withholding their whale steemit blessing by self-limiting their voting power.

Have you heard of the Robinhoodwhale? That might be a good way to get people you believe in some additional exposure and upvotes. I intend to look into it more myself.

After thinking about this, I'm realizing that I now question the wisdom of making the investment to eventually power myself up to at least dolphin status just to make my vote more powerful. The founders, of course, can do what they want with their own platform. However, to have it rigged so stunningly to favor a particular type of political view or type of Internet celebrity does not bode well for the long term value of Steem. This is where I have to carefully consider my role in it as an investor. Up until today I assumed I'd direct resources toward powering up my account. Now I'm hitting the brakes. I like the influence powering up can buy, but I don't want to end up sitting on a huge stash of a worthless coin because it comes to be viewed as the coin of a very particular and small minority group.


I write an basic elementary ideas blog called steemit college level education course. Therein I try to give simple clues to how to use Steemit, how to find your niche in steemland as well as finding and using resources to manage your steem life around the steemuniverse.

STEEMD.com will tell you your voting power; you should keep it at a very important level. I am not sure but if your voting power is 100 % then you have votes you are simply not using and wasting.

If your voting power is under 85% your votes are diluted and less effective, plus if you let it go lower they take longer to regenerate. I suggest people hang out on steemit, and vote occasionally.

In fact the voting is sort of rigged, you cannot just click on lots of things; most steemians have only about 20 votes per day, but if you click slower you can earn more votes simply because it takes longer for your voting power to run down. Click slowly over the course of your session and keep your voting between 97% and 87 %.

Always upvote yourself and I reserve a third of my clicks for new content and one third for people I am following, so learn something new about steem every day and then think how you can use it for yourself and for the steemit community.

Remember helping other steemians helps you because together we all work and increase the value of steem over time. Personally I love the fact someone in Argentina is using Steemit while I sleep and thus making steem more valuable and marketable ; )

/ hugz ; )

The smarter you vote the more the system will respect your tiny insignificant voice here and increase your reputation accordingly, if you just pump out 99 votes every session steemit will guess you most likely did not spend a lot of time evaluating that content. . .

@ned is at 99.8 percent voting power, and yet his vote only added a Dollar to someone's post. Does your Steemit university course answer why?

Interesting site. According to this my upvote is worth a whole 0 cents. I'm crushed. :-)

According to the same site, my vote is worth $ 0.00015. - LOL -
I'm two zeros (huge 2 decimal places) far from only 1 cent ($0.01)!Guys, for me you are all ( @wiser, @williambanks, @sigmajin, @shenanigator, @intelliguy, @richardjuckes and @innovatebiz ) tycoons and whales! :D

However, thank you @wiser for bringing this up as I would really like to know more in depth and for sure accurate how the things here truly work.

If you power up about $25 worth, you too can be a tycoon--just like me :D

lol - Well, I'm right on my way to catch that! ;) :D

The payout your vote gives is not strictly linear. It follows some quadratic function. It's very easy to notice, vote on a post with 3000$ of payout already and see how much it goes up, a ton. Vote on a post with $0.00 payout and it'll barely if even go up.

I'm not sure what value that site is using to determine your voting power, it's probably something in the middle range so it'll be a good estimate but know that the payout a vote brings will vary a lot.

Very interesting site. Sometimes I upvote and nothing is added to the total, sometimes .01, and sometimes even as much as $1. Other things must be involved. And fact, one time just two days into my steem ride, I clicked the upvote, watched the blue wheel spin, and the total jumped from ~$250 to ~$500. Wah, I thought, the hype about instant riches is true, and started to plan my retirement. But then I saw that the vote count had jumped by two, and at the top of the list was @dantheman ... within one click of a whale. I honestly did feel more than honoured. A strange thing is, that a week later it happened again.

Very interesting site. Sometimes I upvote and nothing is added to the total, sometimes .01, and sometimes even as much as $1.

WHen its way more than typical, its because between the time you opened the article and the time you actually voted, someone else came in and also voted... it doesnt refresh the $ total unitl you actually vote.

Could @dantheman demonstrate this by upvoting this post and then explaining the logic?

It would be an interesting demonstration, I think.

Thanks for your information apparently mine is worth 0.006 cents lol.. at least it is rising..