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RE: Why I removed all my posts!

in #steemitabuse8 years ago (edited)

I know you are upset - you are completely right to be. But please don't give up. You have been one of the few valuable contributors to Steemit. You are among the few dozen people I follow.

Steemit is still in beta. We should expect trolls, bigots and nastiness. We should expect unfairness. I'm confident things will even out on the long run. These miscreants will be driven into irrelevance and will give up.

Of course, there will continue to be problems, but on the long run, I think Steemit deserves a chance.

If you are really upset, perhaps you can take a break and come back a few months later when the platform has matured. But then again, we need steemers like you to make this a solid community.


Finally, I would like to defend those of us who like to post stuff they like, even if they did not make it, it’s a right we have by all laws of the universe. This place will turn into a compilation of mugshots, and low quality content and articles if it is forbidden to also allow external content, it cannot survive!

Yea, it would be pity to see you leaving! Really, maybe just step a few days back from you computer ...and the coming back . Also if your decision is finally, i'm understand this, it would be just pity.

Don't leave but let's make your voice count - and let's make steem better with such input and feedback!

Yes, I do hope @masteryoda returns after a hiatus. We need more steemers like him - whom we can always trust to contribute good content - to make Steemit better!

I am adding to my follow list! I dont mind a good repost. Its hard enough to find good material let alone totally original material direct from the source. YOU HEAR THAT MR. COPYRIGHT? Leave us alone!

Please, do not leave the community. Probably the majority of people such as you describe them, but there are also quite adequate people. Do not be excessive perfectionism about Steemit. It's just another social platform, which is a bit of a perfect being

The community can be strong only by having strong people within the community. Steemit always needs people who are dedicated to making it the best it can be.

Who is the boss? 370 for 14 votes... Dizzam!!

I will contribute gotten rewards of my comment to @masteryoda

After u got some break - come back and man .. u shouldn't care about naysayers and complainers .. i know this is somethings a though thing to ignore .. (i had to learn these lessons as well over the past 3 years)

Seems like someone stole your post and is begging in posts to upvote it.

My post with the beg in comments (dont know how to link directly to the comment itself)

And the user stealing your post is @angelinaalba

I've read and upvoted your post earlier today, that's how i spotted it was a fake duplicate.

Hey so I appreciate everyone's time and I understand where YOUR coming from, but I was wondering does Steemit want to be known as JUST a blogging site?
Check it out and please let me know what you think..

You guys are so funny. Why does @masteryoda's voice count but all the people who are talking about inequality doesn't?

@masteryoda we all need to find that spot where we could change this world to make it a better place to live in. i support you on this but you don have to stop. we dont quit, we only get better. Some steem tuna also cautioned me on a post that was clearly not my own video but posted it as with acknowledgement in the hopes of sharing it with other people because i found it to be helpful. I tried to explain only to get flagged down losing my rewards but hey i could not get any worse, i accepted it, and here i am trying to do what i love doing here on steem, to post great contents, engage in intellectual discussion, to ispire and motivate others to do the same... your among the gems of this platfor, you dont have to go away... pick up your self , continue to add value and move us with your great works.

I seriously cannot agree with you more, summon. Steemit is still an experiment in beta stage. There are obviously flaws in the system fundamentally.

But quitting does not help. Really does not. It would mean that you'd be missing out on everything that this community is striving to achieve in the future.

But again, as summon said. It's your choice eventually. And we can't stop you from quitting.

It is a true pity.

Thank you, you made it count in an amazing way, I’m really thankful!

Does similar posting on Facebook result in law suits for profiting billions upon billions of dollars on copyrighted material? I don't think so, this is social media on the Internet. Everything is linked together, you can see the source in the URL and everyone has the right to carry on a public conversation. Most content authors are happy to have people discussing their work as such on Social Media. I agree, the only person who has a grievance is the original author of the content.

It's not the same AND just because other sites get away with it to some degree, doesn't make it ethical or legal to do. In this particular case Masteryoda is directly profiting without the permission of the original content creators.

If the original content creators were asked ahead of time by @masteryoda "Hey, would you mind if I posted your pictures on my blog and if I make any money on it, can I keep it all for myself?" do you think any of those professional photographers would have agreed to that?

He is hiding behind the "if they original content creators have a problem with it they can ask me to stop". Well, this presumes they can ever know that one has stolen their content and is profiting from it or not. By the time any of them find out, and I doubt any of the owners of the 100 or more links that have been used are aware of their content being profited on are, @masteryoda would have placed the profits away in bitcoin or elsewhere and how does the original content owner verify how much exactly was made? "What the hell is a Steem???" they might say.

Just be honest and look at what has been done with open eyes and not make excuses. This is ill-gotten gains, plain and simple.

How do you know @masteryoda does not have the rights to use the works? There is royalty free for example in several media types like photos, music and video.

If @masteryoda is breaching copyright, then the owners have recourse through the law, Steemit does not need vigelantes acting as judge, jury and executioner.

Definitely. It happens on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram - on all social media. Content copyright owners notify the social media websites, and they have no choice but to remove the offending content. In fact, YouTube even has automatic detection of copyright content under pressure from the movie and music industries.

This is a very big problem with community in steemit for now.

Unluckily,you get money here,and other people can see how much you got it.
That means the envy and jelousness is getting to work,and changing people.

They hate seeing you posting new,great photos (like u did already,i have really enjoyed watching them!) and they are saying it is a plagiarism and reporting you just because of a simple reason-they know you are going to get money from it.

However don't worry my friend,steemit is upgrading everyday.
We got BETA now,so you need to wait some time if you are not alright with posting new photos now,i would be happy if you do :)

Post photos of work you have rights to post, simple as that. It puzzles me how people want to make excuses for this sort of behavior.

just because of a simple reason-they know you are going to get money from it.

Yes, this. We are not pleased that someone is getting money for nothing. It is not RIGHT! Pay the original content creators, get their permission, or don't use their work for your own profit. How in the world is this unreasonable to ask?

You @hrottie are getting rewarded for creating your comment here, and even if I were to think "This person is getting rewarded for doing nothing! They don't deserve that!!" I would never downvote you to try to take that reward away, because you created that original comment yourself and people democratically voted on it because they agreed on its worth. In the case of @masteryoda, he did not create that work. They posted content that belonged to someone else and based on this copied content was rewarded for it. If there were no pictures from others, he would have made no money. So who should the reward go to? The person that used someone else work to then make profit or the person that created that work initially? This is not only common sense, it is law.

Just because you and I like the pictures from others that he posted, doesn't change the fact it was an unethical thing to do.

Now Masteryoda is aware of this fact so can no longer feign ignorance. I hope you and others rethink this situation clearly instead of jumping to his defense without weighing the facts. is still in it's infancy and NOW is the time to set our best practices in order to make a strong, vibrant, FAIR platform for sharing content. It is in all of our best interests to get things done right from the start instead of letting something fester on and on and then having to try and remedy a situation that has grown out of control.

I hope all of you that are jumping to Masteryoda's defense can see that it's not about envy, it's about what is best for the platform in the future and that we care strongly about being a success. Condoning theft of others hard work goes against that success.


It's sad to see there are so many deaf ears here. If any of these people were photographers who had spent their own time and money creating work which was then used by others to profit I think they would change their opinions.

It's also sad that they are getting at least one whale up-voting their misinformed opinions. This only serves to encourage it.

@ned and @dan will need to deal with this sort of thing sooner rather than later or it is likely it will be seen as tacit approval for law breaking. The Feds love going after anyone who breaks copyright law particularly if there is money involved.

That would be a disaster not just for Steemit but for the whole cryptocurrency scene in general. It would generate more bad press and confirm the public perception that these sorts of things are "shady" and used only for crime.

Sometimes the sophistry is so strong that it overpowers reason.
Thanks for being logical.

I seriously and earnestly tried my best. Spent many hours trying to show our side of the issue over the course of a week with evidence and attention to detail, and it all fell on deaf ears.

If I would have instead posted one comment in support of @masteryoda I could have made $400 on one post, but instead I stuck to my principles in support of those of us that have a different opinion and was rewarded with derision and maybe $15.

It is very disheartening to say the least.

And thank you immensely for suggesting my posts are logical and promote reason. Those are two of my over-riding principles to live by. I go wherever the strongest arguments take me. Usually. However, I see where I went wrong in attacking the problem as we saw it on I thought others could be swayed by reason and facts and a sense of doing what is right. I was naive and I've learned my lesson.

I've given up, for now, on trying to explain the inequities of the system as we see it and to get replies from those that feel there aren't inequities in the system. The power of money and it's affect on free speech is so clear and demonstrable, it saddens me that so few can admit to it publicly. Understandably so, but unfortunate in any case.

Thanks again Positive, and anyone else that appreciated what I was trying to do and say here.


That is a really, really bad place to be, if your posts on Steemit are fueled by jealously or envy.

The only way you are going to create good content is if you write what you believe in and do your best. The rest is not in our hands.

Exactly. We are not here to hate. We are not here to envy.

We are here to express what we love, and what we are passionate about.

I am new to steemit, but I hope this will be a place were enthusiasts can share what they love without being judged all the time! I'll give it a try!

Are posts like his expected to become as valuable as they once were? Possibly more?


Steem is a permanent record of content creation stored on a blockchain and real money is involved. People are going to get upset, envious, be offended, and experience all sorts of volatile emotions. This is like reddit + FB but with bigger stakes. So if you want to thrive here in the long term, you're going to need to have thick skin, stay positive, and adapt to what comes your way. Ragequitting is an unprofitable and unproductive strategy. Whinging is the same. I hope @masteryoda doesn't leave because we will be worse for it. And so will he.

@liberosist is absolutely right. Don't feed the troll @masteryoda . We are in beta, many nasty people who think better than the others will come. It is normal here on the Internet. But communities tend to balance, and these people or get tired or no one ends up voting for them.

They only win if people like you let them free path and leave.

I agree with you - Do not give up.

A little patience, my dear friend. All will be.

to @masteryoda :

At the moment you have: $109,527.02 on you wallet... stop complaining.. all of that and more you probably have already withdrawn was make almost on 3rd party work, meaning, other people lost time and gave their most to create something. You pick that in seconds, compile and profit....

you should be ashame of this post, it's insulting for all, sorry to be so direct.

It feels like certain people are being discouraged to post while others post and get upvoted for posting crap. Wish there was something we could do immediately.

i wish the same too. so that good content will prevail and the bad content will die

I hate to say it, but it's almost like we need to make people pass a test before joining steem.
In school, we are taught all of the most basic rules of publishing, such as grammar and how not to plagiarize. Do we need steem to test us on what we learned before we post so that it can remain a civilized place? Don't people know they shouldn't plagiarize, and how to refer to things in a way so it's not plagiarism? This is ridiculous.

Thank you for your support and kind words!

Nobody wants you to leave. I have zero animosity towards you and while I can't speak for anyone else, since I don't know what is being said in Slack, I can only assume nobody else wants you to leave either.

You have to understand that I come from a background of graphic design/illustration/photography and know what it's like to have others profit from our hard work.

I can see it from your post that you feel everyone is jumping on you, and that must feel awful. Please know that I have nothing against you personally and quite frankly don't know anything about you. I can only hope you will accept my apology for any unhappiness you feel based on anything I've ever said or done here. That certainly was not my intention.


So good to have you back, @masteryoda! :) I sure hope you continue posting some good stuff as you were.

The biggest issue with steemit, from what I can tell, is that delivering value is not the same as getting value. The interests and people that are rewarded here are VERY narrow and seem to be more about whom you know rather than what you write. And sometimes it's just random. I saw a post that was "I'm skeptical about getting paid" - like 3 sentences of this, and it was over 1k in rewards.

There are plenty of vastly more valuable posts for the community here getting like.. 20cents. This is defended by posts about how the "whales" are choosing what will be big to bring in peope.

But if you LOSE people then you have to bring in even more. I expect steemit to get flooded for a while, then "churn" will be HUGE and it won't matter. Just a flash in the pan.

This is the beginning of the churn. If the main thing that gets money here is praising steemit and boobs, then expect it to just become a soft porn site powered by bitcurrency. The worlds first digital strip club? Groundbreaking, I guess. But probably not what was intended.

Regarding the variety of content, a fair point indeed. I see lots of great content in niche topics go completely unnoticed.

I suppose that's just a result of it being a brand new platform. I bet these things balance out as Steemit becomes popular. To be fair, Steemit developers are on it - the hard fork today adds several measures to improve content.

i see no rules no where :) i just see steam power

I agree that on introduce yourself could be misused. because I think the anonymous online world, so privacy is maintained.

Tomorrow things change,the excess will be filtered out ,and the mode is still Beta.

I completely agree) I will read intetesting people that they engage favourite work

Hello masteryoda!
These things (trolls , etc) are bound to happen as the site is in a constant state of growing. Don't let this drag you down and continue making posts and pictures. You should just post what you like not what others dictate you to do , because everytime will be that "one" guy who doesn't like you and he will keep trolling you until you give up.
I am a new guy here and I just start to better understand the site and I your post have good value , so to me that is a sign to never give up.... only one time you can say things are bad and that is when you post something here and you dont receive not even one single vote or a comment ...or at least a dislike (that flag button) . But this is not a case for you so keep making pictures and post any content you like!

Donald Trump is the culprit

@masteryoda, hello. These people were and always will be. Don't pay any attention to them. Because more than 500 people voted for your post ! Most of us support you! It's great!