
Greetings @janton.

Thank you for your reply.

Lovely to hear your brother has studied under Pastor Thieme, his ministry is one of the best.

Interesting query you have here.....regarding the word 'scholar'. Definition of scholar

1 : a person who attends a school or studies under a teacher : pupil
2 a : a person who has done advanced study in a special field
b : a learned person
3 : a holder of a scholarship

The answer to your query according to this defintion would be....yes.

Mostly I just consider myself a student.....always learning....the perennial student.

Thank you for opportunity to think on these things.


haha! bentleycapital! are you sure you can't add "politician" to that list because your answer was spoken like a commitment! lol.
I'm sure you are all those things on the above list.
ok, are you a lay pastor or a teacher in a church by any chance?

Greetings @janton.

Always appreciate bringing a smile to someone's face.

No....not a politician....otherwise honesty would have to take a back seat.....would it not?

A servant of the Living God......a student of the Word.…is the best description for bentleycapital.

All the best to you.


haha! sir bentleycapital..oh shoot well I'm assuming it's Sir you are obviously an art lover also do you paint as well yourself or just collect or appreciate?