Hello @tesscooks4u, you have really refreshed our memory on one of the greatest gift of nature which is lemon..
Lemon cake and lemon custard in one recipe is definitely Yummy Yummy
I can totally imagine how it taste and therefore will definitely give it a trial.
It is really amazing using one of the greatest gift of nature to make delicacies. Custard which is starch and lemon which is a vitamin have an alternate relationship,the first is best for quick energy generation and the latter an appetizer good for body nourishment. So intake of this recipe, i can imagine the good it does to our body cells. As a biochemist I therefore recommend that we steemians take our time and try this recipe.
Lemon Sponge Pie recipe is of no doubt a good delicacy. I believe in its uniqueness.
Thank you for the copious and detailed information of how it can be prepared.
Thanks @danielsaori for another wonderful opportunity like this to get informed.
Will you be trying to make it yourself? I hope to get some time for it myself in the near future to try it out.
Yes of course sir...
I must give it a trial...