Relationship is the joining of two imperfects hearts who to become one perfect heart.
It means two imperfect people who have decided to accepts each other's weakness and build it to be strength. Therefore requests in relationship is normal, and as long as it's done in love and respect to the other partner, the respond will be positive if truly there is love or there should be a reaction in love too to the request if there's any reason why the request will not be granted. Both of them understanding each other won't have issues in times like that.
So my advice is when a spouse wants to make a request to the other, it should be in love and respect e.g honey, please i need you to help me out with something.. That shows respect .
Love is kind and is worth the sacrifices made in the relationship. Man love your woman, woman respect your man... And you'll thank me later.. Thanks for reading@danielsaori first i would like to appreciate you for the work you are doing. God bless.
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That is a nice way to put it. Thank you for joining!