I enjoyed this exercise, mainly because all the best responses had already been given. It made me dig deep. So here is my comment to @christalopez, such as it is:
Welcome again, @christalopez! I wish I could add to the already fabulous advice given to you by others like @davemccoy , @amariespeaks, @smylie2005, @bashadow, @liberviarum, and others, but they've summed it up nicely. They've demonstrated the best thing about Steemit - it is a wonderful, supportive, community of people, all working to lift one another up.
Because of your questions regarding how to gain traction, I went back and read a couple of your posts, including your first introductory post. After reading your writings, I wish I knew you better. For instance:
- Where are you from?
- What are you favorite hobbies?
- Do you have pets?
- What were some key experiences in your life that made you who you are today?
- Have you always loved writing, or did you have a "back-up plan"?
- How did you find out about Steemit, and what drew you here?
Answers to those type of question could help people know you better, and that's what it is all about here at Steemit. Relationships It's all about getting to know each other and building a new kind of community, as well as a new type of economy. For instance, you mentioned a "we" in the above post...who is the "we," and do we get to meet them?
Lastly, what is "copyscape"? lol, sorry if that is a dumb question...I'd search it, but I'd rather hear you explain what it is, as a way to engage with you. You know something I don't - most people so. You have an area of expertise that I lack, and I'd rather learn it from a person I know, than to simply use a search engine.
This is an incredible platform, but what makes the platform great, is the people here. It is a community, and to be successful here, just dive in! Join...and then join in, not just with blog posts, but by swimming with other Steemians.
I look forward to knowing more about you, Christa, and I'm so glad you are here!
what a great response!! VOTE!
Not as good as yours, @amariespeaks , and I mean that very seriously. You wrote a terrific response.
you are too kind @seaslim ! thank you :) but don't sell yourself short my dear! ;-) I loved your response it was so personal and really sparks more conversation which I think is the heart behind @danielsaori's whole challenge, so really great job!
Great comment Seaslim and nice you managed to approach it in a different way than many of the others.
Thanks! I only approached it like that because everyone else gave such great, thorough responses, it was the only thing i could think of, without duplicating someone else's response. It was a good exercise, thanks for the vote @danielsaori !