Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me
That is untrue. The effects from words actually last longer than the bruises from stones.
While doing the Steemit Manifest Challenge, many thoughts have arisen regarding how we shape our world around us simply by how we use words and what we tell ourselves and others.
The energy and intention behind your words has a profound effect.
Here is a simple experiment I did with my boys a few years ago. I urge you to try it, the results are remarkable and will change how you view the world and interact with your people.
What You Need
3 seal-able jars
several pounds of white rice
a dark place
a voice

Cook the rice as directed.
Label the three jars Beautiful, Ugly and Nothing
Let the rice cool after cooking, then fill each jar and seal, and place in a cool, dry, quiet place.
Each day for 30 days you will take each jar out and treat it as it's name suggests. Except for the nothing jar- you will completely ignore that jar.
Call the Beautiful jar sweet, loving words in a nice voice. Tell it how loved and needed it is. How wonderful of a jar of rice it is. Let your gentle voice soothe it and feel the care as you're talking to it.
Place Beautiful back in the cabinet or pantry and pull out Ugly.
Bully the Ugly jar. Put on your disgusted voice and tell it how ugly it is, how worthless and useless. How you wish you'd never met it! Go off on it and make it feel unwanted.

Put it back till tomorrow.
Remember to do absolutely nothing with nothing. Do not even take it out of the cabinet.
At the end of the 30 days open the jars.
Our results when we opened the jars:
Then my oldest son @juggernaught asked "what if we did the opposite? Called Ugly rice bad things in a sweet and caring voice with good energy, and yelled at Beautiful rice by saying positive words in a nasty, demeaning voice?"
We had to try it!
Thought creates energy and energy is the form of all life.

Has someone ever told you "I love you" in a way where you did not feel the love? Your feeling was probably correct- not the words they used.
Seriously, do the experiment yourself, it's pretty life changing.
People have done it with plants:
Water Droplets:
Sources: Dr. Masaru Emoto ~ Original research and rice experiment
Water science experiment Vice apples My original experiment post for Steemit Images via Creative Commons, Pexel, and sources listed
Today is Day 7 of the Manifest Challenge! Join today and create the life of your dreams :)
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With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!
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I have a book with images of the water. It's quite fascinating. At home, I take Bach Flower Remedies, and to help remember the remedy, I wrote key words under the name and stuck it on the bottle. It used to be for Pine, for example, I wrote Guilt, to know that when I feel guilty I take Pine, but it wasn't as effective. When I switched to positive affirmations, the Pine works a lot more effectively and removes the guilt. Now I write Self-Acceptance and Self-Forgiveness. I write the positive key words associated with each remedy on their bottle, which is mostly water, a drop of alcohol and a few drops of the remedy. So the water gets infused with the positive words.
Oh how amazing! Perfect example of how words and intentions shape our desired outcome!
Thank you so much for sharing!
"who needs actions when you got words" - Kurt Cobain doing a cover of Meat Puppets' Plateu
Remarkable job on this one. Words are powerful. For instance, wrong parenting (scolding) that could hinder a child's psychological development.
Words can evoke hate or joy, hurt or heal, it can destroy a life or nourish a soul.
Again, an excellent post!
The words used to rear a child absolutely shapes how they will perceive the world, and themselves.
Thank you so much <3
this is a fascinating experiment! thanks so much for sharing.
Try it yourself! I am so glad I found it. Reading it is one thing, seriously, try it with your family and loved ones, it will really make for a more peaceful existence ;)
haha only me and the plants. i'll talk sweet to them only.
Poor plants that faced the negative! It makes me sad!!! :(
Words words words, hmm, I feel nothing! Wait, you're right! Words do hurt because now I feel empty! sobs dramatically
Kidding, you are right about how hurtful words can be, but also how amazing you can feel from the sweet, enjoyable words! Compliment or being good with someone verbally can put a smile on their face to last the day. <3
LOL! Correct- a simple compliment can change someones entire life...
I read this story of a woman who wrote a suicide note then walked six miles to the Brooklyn Bridge, where she leapt to her death.
The investigators found her note at home afterward. It said:
I am going to walk to the Bridge and kill myself. Unless someone smiles to me or says a kind word along the way.
Six miles.
That is horrendous to know nobody was kind or smiled to her that whole way! I am always kind because it gets you so far and you feel so good knowing you were.
I am the same way. lol- I even smile while I am writing comments or emails! It's automatic, I don't know I'm doing it or even why or when I began!
It just feels good!
You're doing it because you're talking to THIS awesome guy! 😉
Haha smiling is always automatic when you do it more and more, it can be contagious too!
You are pretty awesome :)
I spoke of how contagious smiling is and gave it as homework on Monday!
Aww thank you! 😃 So are you.
Yup, I remember that one as I was apart of it with my comment support. :)
Great post. I've practiced this in my life to great effect. Especially on animals. The soothing, nurturing part, of course.
It truly works <3
This post has received a 0.52 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.
Wow what an amazing way to open the eyes of your children! This is fantastic, I almost wish I had a kid I could do this with.
Lol! Remember it for in the future :) And you can do it by yourself and even with your grown loved ones!
Very interesting experiment with the rice, and words.
I agree with you on intent being 'the power' behind the words - the important part and not the words themselves.
Equally, from a practical 'real life' standpoint - I am a great believer in the 'sticks and stones...', saying.
You' choose' what to let verbally hurt you - the power is within you in terms of what you allow within yourself. You are you're own authority.
Being beaten repeatedly with an iron bar, over your head, may be way beyond your control.
I find it amazing how blind some people are to receiving the intent of what is being said - and almost willingly - choosing to misconstrue it.
(Either positive intent to negative, or a negative intent to positive).
Very interesting post. I might try an experiment...
Here is my part 2 of the post you were interested in, btw - (link incl). lol
As a child, however, you cannot control how something hurts you. And as an adult, if you have barely healed wounds from something else, words can cut right thru- no matter if you allow them consciously or not...
I agree with you, but I think as you grow as an adult, the choice_of allowing words to hurt you is within your control.
A lot more control than someone hitting you with an Iron bar, over your head, least ways!
Yea, but I believe that to an extent...
Depending upon the foundation that adult had as a child, words can hurt and leave lasting wounds longer than the iron bar.
If someone grows up being demeaned and abused, they do not have shields against words, for instance. Then, as they are trying to heal as an adult and they finally let someone in and open themselves, they leave themselves wide open and that trusted one can sear them with words...
Just an example :)
It's proven that if even the strongest willed person is told something over and over, they begin to believe it...
And there is proof as to We are who we hang around. And to remove toxic entities from our lives :)
I agree, there is no choice - the reaction, the emotional reaction, comes first, then a rational response follows. People react to words in the same way as they do to beauty and ugliness - they are ultimately aesthetic reactions.
This also has an unfortunate consequence: that people will believe just about anything if repeated often enough as it is less effort to adjust to the "new truth" than to continually oppose it.
This is one of the reasons I began the 30 Day #ManifestChallenge. We each have so many preconceived notions, and so much of it is negative. I'm currently working on a post on affirmations for children. So much of their young lives is negative: No! Don't touch that! Stop! You can't do that. You're too little... I didn't even realize just how much until I began writing this article!
And sadly, as the child grown, so does the weight of the negatives...
I have a young daughter; she has an uncanny ability to bring joy to everyone she meets. My task is just to allow her to flourish. She has always insisted that she was perfectly able to do most "adult" things - indeed, she can even cook us dinner! She's 9. I teach, so can see how so many kids are warped into shape - sad and wasteful.
Another instance= if you suddenly said "man, you're ugly" to your girlfriend right now, no matter how strong she is it would hurt bad. Even if you've never said a mean thing to her before, and never will again, she will remember it always and it will leave a great pain in her heart...
I agree. (remember it for a week, maybe...)
It's a moot point anyway -
If I said "man, you're ugly" to my girlfriend right now, my heart wouldn't be pumping, by the time I hit the ground ! lol
I did a bit of research earlier in the year into the water/emotion anomolies.
Fascinating research babe.
Great post
It's amazing how the human intention has such power... and we don't even realize it...
Thanks T!
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Excited to try this with my 3 kiddos... 11, 9, and 6.... it's sure to make an impact!
Thats awesome to hear! They will get so much out of it!
That is a pretty cool experiment. I have heard of doing something similar with the plants, but I don't think I ever heard the results. Thanks for putting your results on there or I would have been in suspense for a month! I think we will have to try this out. My kids would like to see the result and maybe it would change the way they talk to each other. :)
It sure got mine to think...
I've had a feeling this is true for a while, but seeing the experimental demonstration really solidifies it for me.
Thank you for this great post!
You are welcome! Thank you for reading :)
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is that why my cats stay so close to me when I am home. I talk nice to them instead of calling them mean things? :)
Well of course, that- and I think they kinda like ya ;)
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Oh wow! What a great reading! Funny how I'm used to say to my students "Don't say "I'm sorry" if you aren't feeling it because I'm not feeling it. I prefer to hear one sincere "I'm sorry" instead a bunch of careless ones." Words do have a huge impact on us depending on how we speak. Thanks for sharing! Upvoted and resteemed!
So true.
Thank you :)