I agree with you, but I think as you grow as an adult, the choice_of allowing words to hurt you is within your control.
A lot more control than someone hitting you with an Iron bar, over your head, least ways!
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Yea, but I believe that to an extent...
Depending upon the foundation that adult had as a child, words can hurt and leave lasting wounds longer than the iron bar.
If someone grows up being demeaned and abused, they do not have shields against words, for instance. Then, as they are trying to heal as an adult and they finally let someone in and open themselves, they leave themselves wide open and that trusted one can sear them with words...
Just an example :)
It's proven that if even the strongest willed person is told something over and over, they begin to believe it...
And there is proof as to We are who we hang around. And to remove toxic entities from our lives :)
I agree, there is no choice - the reaction, the emotional reaction, comes first, then a rational response follows. People react to words in the same way as they do to beauty and ugliness - they are ultimately aesthetic reactions.
This also has an unfortunate consequence: that people will believe just about anything if repeated often enough as it is less effort to adjust to the "new truth" than to continually oppose it.
This is one of the reasons I began the 30 Day #ManifestChallenge. We each have so many preconceived notions, and so much of it is negative. I'm currently working on a post on affirmations for children. So much of their young lives is negative: No! Don't touch that! Stop! You can't do that. You're too little... I didn't even realize just how much until I began writing this article!
And sadly, as the child grown, so does the weight of the negatives...
I have a young daughter; she has an uncanny ability to bring joy to everyone she meets. My task is just to allow her to flourish. She has always insisted that she was perfectly able to do most "adult" things - indeed, she can even cook us dinner! She's 9. I teach, so can see how so many kids are warped into shape - sad and wasteful.
Awe, what a doll :)
My boys started cooking young, too. Probably because they like to eat ;) Athletic and overflowing with energy- I'm sure you can imagine my pantry can never stay full ;)
Being a teacher, yea, I can imagine how much you witness...
Another instance= if you suddenly said "man, you're ugly" to your girlfriend right now, no matter how strong she is it would hurt bad. Even if you've never said a mean thing to her before, and never will again, she will remember it always and it will leave a great pain in her heart...
I agree. (remember it for a week, maybe...)
It's a moot point anyway -
If I said "man, you're ugly" to my girlfriend right now, my heart wouldn't be pumping, by the time I hit the ground ! lol