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It warms my heart to see a rapper advocating education and community instead of drugs and murder. Next, we need to get Country singers to drop beer and trucks and support education too. Then the Insane Clown Posse can get all the Juggalos to start building community gardens.

This is real Hip Hop.

Absolutely. I think its great what he's doing, and fantastic that people are listening and supporting it. Lets hope he continues in this way, and that people continue to get behind him and follow suit as well. The more of this sort of input from trending, successful figureheads, the stronger the tide of change. It takes courage to use the spotlight for a noble cause, and then act on it, so its wonderful to see him being rewarded for that. I hope it gives more artists the courage to do the same!

Well said man, when I read the title, I was like What??? A rapper promoting education and not drugs, cash, cars, clubs and sex? This guy needs to be heard... I put him in my Spotify favorites.. ehehe.. rapper with a great cause..

Brilliant !

Muy buen post! Sigue así

Bery ameysing rayt?? ^_^

A very good post. Video rapper is very good, with this video i can learn rapp well again because i am a lover of rapp music. Thanks for share @hanshotfirst

Chance reminds me of Kanye early in his career. Superb writing and creative skills coupled with a social construct that attracts believers to a better world. Good to see his causes growing and prospering.

Knowledge,sense of humor and good attitude i think are the key to success. And better to stay away from people that do nothing but put you down. Believe in yourself.

I like rap musics. Tech9, Twista, Eminem, Dloc, krayziebone are my favorite rappers.

Feel free to see my post on how steemit will benefit the rich and broke-and send in your thoughts. Happy weekend.Wow this is amazing @hanshotfirst and shows how public service can benefot the society especially when well known people get involved..Upvoted and thanks for sharing.

This is a great post, I'm always on the lookout for activist musicians - NB here in the UK Lowkey and Akala are two of the most impactful, but not in money terms like this guy.

If only more people were like this guy maybe neoliberalism would actually work for the masses!

Every successful youth out there should emulate this pace setter. Complains doesn't solve anything. We can't certainly keep blaming the government for every issue because government cannot possibly solve all our problems.

Thanks for sharing such educative post @hanshotfirst

From your ardent follower, @eurogee

I agree 100% too many people sit around and complain. Its great to see someone willing to take action.

Very inspiring to see such influential people have a positive impact on the world. Its not everyday you see this happening. I must admit I hadn't heard of chance until this article, but will definitely keep my eyes peeled open for him now.
Now...Let's get him on Steemit and so that he can reach more people with his messages :)

Amazing! Now if every person donated 5% of their net worth for any good cause the world will be a magnificent place.

I am exactly 24 years old. No awards till now except some medals and shields at school. This man is great. Reached his dreams at his early age.

So maybe you'll get yours by age 25... or 30... or 35. It doesn't matter when. Keep dream and working hard!

Hands down! Investing in education is the best investment because its interest is exponentially growing.

Great post, i think this guy must have big dreams so he work hard and achieve them in such early age of his life.

Yes, very few people of his status realize what's going on in this world! Great idol

He's not perfect... no one is are. But he saw a problem and decided to do something about it. That is heroic.

Great artist, and great to see him using his recognition in a positive way to help the community. We are starting to see a lot more of this, as governments don't seem to have the ability to be close enough to these issues to solve them.

Oh god. This guy doesn't stop. Feels good to see someone actually taking benefit of their potential. We humans fail at it miserably, until a jewel comes and proves us all wrong and does wonders like he did. Thank you for motivating me. I am working to help people see this world without their colored glasses and was feeling as if all my efforts are going in vain as no one actually reads my stuff here on steemit no matter how much effort and time I spend. But after reading this article, I am quite motivated to work harder.
Thank you so much for helping me get back on track with all my strength once again. Keep up the good work :)

Wow, love this! Thanks for posting, people like this raise the bar for all of us.

Man, Chance is such an outstanding individual. He's taken something he loves and has absolutely, unqustionably turned it into a force for good.

To use art as a means of philanthropy, to show the world that you truly can change lives not only by what you present to the world but by what can be achieved when the world loves you for it.

Great write up, very cool that you decided to bring some attention to this. Looking forward to more my friend!

Are you familiar with Logic at all?

Very Good Post. Encourage education to every children surrounding the world is most urgent need today.

I heard what Chance had done, but your post gives so much more detail than the skimpy news articles I found.


Thanks! I thought it was pretty inspirational. If he had been arrested it would have been the number one story everywhere. Not enough attention on acts of kindness...

Good for him. Chicago can use all the help it can get!

If many well to day individuals toll this line, the world will be a better place for the coming generation.

He's creating Award shows for teachers too thats cool! :)

One guy trying to make change happen

This is great, I liked chance before, but knowing he is helping out communities just makes him even more likeable.

Very Inspirational. Rappera are indentic with sport cars, partying, weed and stuff. But this one is very different. He put himself as an "agent of change" by making the change by himself. What makes him more special is tjat he cares for the education of young people. Supporting them on education is the fundamental change. I salute him.

You don't want zero problems, big fella!
Much respect to Chance for contributing to the community unlike these other rappers having boat parties,throwing money in the clubs and buying the same car 10 times over in different colors -_-

loved chance since Acid Rap came out, great post check out that album if you havent heard his music

This line really made my day. Pubic Education...hahah
Wait! I have it! You visit the governor of your home state, get angry with the state of funding for pubic education

Oh man! Thanks for catching that. Did I do it more than once lol?

You have a great sense of humor.

Education(not school ) is the only tool that can completely drive away abject poverty and i am glad rappers of today understand and support it.

Wow! Seeing somebody like Chance willing to spend time and money to help people! This is more than a kind heart, I did not know this about Chance! His music is good too! It feels like he came up quick! Thanks for the post my friend!

thx for sharing

I'm sure it makes him and them feel better. But throwing money at it won't do much.

I guess it depends on your definition of "much". Will it fix the broken system? No.

But he made a huge difference for kids at 20 schools.

Plus the 30,000 kids who now have school supplies.


Awesome post. Really great content.

While his actions and donations are laudable, I can't help but mention that when it comes to the Chicago Public Schools, and Chicago politics, Chance is basically just a useful idiot perpetuating the myth that Chicago Public Schools don't have enough money. They have plenty of money, but the one party rule political system in Chicago is corrupt and that money is wasted.

Sure, Chance called out a Governor who has been in office for two years, but did he call out the Chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois who has been in office since 1972 and has been Speaker of the IL House for more than three decades, Michael Madigan? No, Chance is silent about the people actually in power, and only does their bidding in calling out an extremely weak politician from the "other" party.

Throwing more money at Chicago Public Schools won't work, its been done over and over and over. Those schools need reforms and innovations, but the mightily powerful teacher's unions stand in the way of anything they don't like. If Chance really wants better schools, he would be better served calling out Karen Lewis, the head of the teacher's union, and State Party Chair Michael Madigan than a weak Governor. Chance isn't wrong about the Governor, he is a turd, but Lewis and Madigan and Emanuel and Cullerton and Burke and the Daley's et all, are humongous piles of shit.

That White Sox hat he likes to wear? Might as well call them the Welfare Sox, their stadium was a huge "gift" to billionaire Reinsdorf, and its a gift that keeps giving every year. Free rent if their attendance is down, a free multi-million dollar restaurant built for them, $7 million for free video boards last year, an entire government agency complete with lucrative salaries and wealthy pensions and free healthcare for life for a few politically connected insiders who get to decide which campaign donors they'll dole out free tickets and free luxury suites to this year.

The City of Chicago has plenty of money to throw corporate welfare around to billionaire sports team owners and millionaire players, but can't afford schools? Give me a break. Soldier Field, $700 million to start and more every year since. Chicago is paying for a basketball arena for a private Catholic college as we speak. The United Center, the house the Michael Jordan built, was paid for by taxpayers as another gift to Reinsdorf. (Follow his campaign donations the last 30 years to see why.)

Democrats have had complete control over Chicago Public School for more than 50 years now. 50 FREAKING YEARS!!! And Chance doesn't call them out? Useful idiot.

He'd be better off using that money to start private schools to get as many kids out of the corrupt school system of the Chicago Democrats. The previous head of Chicago Public Schools was caught taking kickbacks in the form of campaign donations in exchange for steering contracts to the right people. The price CPS pays for milk compared to the rest of the state? On and on and on and on, corruption. All under Democrat's rule with elections rigged against anyone even trying to get on the ballot to run against them.

Sorry, Chance, I'm sure you're a good dude, but you're money is wasted propping up corrupt politicians and their wasteful standards of practice. Chicago Democrats are more interested in selling more of those Welfare Sox hats than they are in educating poor kids.

Although I don't agree with everything you wrote, I will agree that the system needs to be completely revamped. However, that creates a huge problem. What do we do with the kids who are living in the system right now? I don't think we can say "sorry you don't get an education because we need to rebuild the system." We need to change the tires and rebuild the engine of a moving car. I don't think a rapper or any individual can instantly fix the system. But they can try to help the kids who are currently stuck in it. That is what he did and I salute him for it. There are now 20 more schools whose students will have access to the arts. It won't fix the system... but it will make the lives of these students better today. I think that has tremendous value.

Being the champion for the kids stuck in a failed government public education system is not the same thing as being a champion for public education. By all means, help the kids that the Chicago Democrats are neglecting, but if you are going to start pointing political fingers, make sure they are pointed accurately if you really want to improve the future. Chance isn't doing that, he's providing cover to everyone in charge of the current corrupt and failed public education system who's only proposed solution is more money.

Of course you can't change it all overnight, I don't believe anyone is calling for that. It's sad Chance has to donate millions just to keep arts at 20 schools for only one year, especially when you know 100 other schools didn't cut their head trauma football programs like they did their arts. Is he going to donate the same amount next year to keep them? The $10 million the White Sox get every year from the Sports Facility Authority, plus the $7 million they got for the video boards last year also would have more than covered the arts for 20 schools for more than one year.

I just read Chicago Public Schools student population decreased by 12,000 students last year and will decrease by another 8,000 students this year. Graduation rates are between 50-60%. There is a crisis, both short and long term, and while band-aids are nice, the bleeding continues. Chance might want to direct a few more tweets towards the people who've been in power for decades and decades.

That is an excellent point. I may actually change the title to reflect that he is advocating for the children rather than the system. I feel that is a more accurate description of his actions.

As far as his providing cover. I don't disagree... but I think it is an unfortunate natural consequence of trying to provide immediate help. In the long run, perhaps it would be better to let the system hit rock bottom so it can be rebuilt from scratch. Unfortunately, there are thousands of people who would be hurt in the process.

I wasn't expecting that, but I do think your new title is a better fit. And I'm probably being too harsh on Chance, his heart seems to be in the right place. I just happen to follow Illinois/Chicago politics very closely and have for years. He got caught up in this mess when the Governor responded to one of his critical tweets. I don't believe Chance understood the history that led up to this crisis and he was just going with the flow of what other people were doing (such as his father who is a former deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Emanuel) which was blame the Governor.

When this all went down a couple months ago, I just rolled my eyes and thought, great, another celebrity in over their heads. (CaptiolFax Blog by Rich Miller covers IL politics every weekday and is usually a great source.) I will say, Chance didn't back down and has kept right up with his activism and donations. That is great. Chance is a stand up guy for doing that, and he deserves that credit. I shouldn't pee on his rug for trying to help, so I do apologize for that.

The reason I keep bringing the White Sox into this, is because Chance is being paid by the White Sox as an "ambassador" and has been paid to design special White Sox hats for them and to do other things to promote the White Sox. Before any of this school drama started, I saw that Chance was getting paid by the White Sox, and my thoughts were they (Reinsdorf) can afford to pay an already rich rapper to wear their hat, but they cry about being too poor to pay for their own video boards or luxury restaurants. So Chance got off on the wrong foot with me, which is my problem, not his, he didn't do anything wrong there and more power to him getting endorsement deals like that. It looks like he's donating more to Chicago school children than what the White Sox are paying him, so kudos for that too.

And for disclosure, I'm a huge Chicago Cubs fan, but that's not why I "hate" the White Sox. I just don't like corporate welfare being given repeatedly to billionaires to play games. The government is and has been failing those kids, and I should be more appreciative when someone like Chance steps up in whatever form. Thanks for the discussion, I learned more about Chance from this article and have a better opinion of him now.

LOL. Oh boy this is about to get even better. You who is the only person who hates Reinsdorf more than a Cub fan? A Sox fan! I was a hardcore sox fan for about 42 years. Over the past few seasons they have become the worst thing possible... boring. I used to attend 10 games a year. Now for the first time in my life I can't name the entire starting 9 players. I was also a Bulls season ticket holder for years (luckily got rid of them last year). Reinsdorf has made both of these teams unwatchable. (Although the Sox at least finally got Kenny Williams out of the way and made some decent trades for younger talent). His refusal to get rid of inept general managers is infuriating. Now that I got that out of the way, let's talk about the stadium.

My take is that if 1 penny of tax money is used, then the city should get to make every decision about the stadium. Tax money should only be used as an investment. It should be used with the goal of bringing back exponentially more in revenue for the city. But no. They let Reinsdorf pick the stadium. Comiskey was designed by the same team that built Camden Yards. My understanding is that they gave Reinsorf the plans for Camden Yards and the genius said "No". No. No he didn't want an actual tourist destination. No. No he didn't want a series and shops and restaurants attached to the ballpark. That could have brought in a ridiculous amount of money. Instead we got the last of the terrible 1980s mall like stadiums... and they faced it the wrong way! The skyline is kind of a big deal. You would think anyone with a brain would want the stadium facing that view. But no. He's an idiot.

Same deal with Soldier Field. If tax dollars were invovled, that should have been a giant dome. Do I like domes? Nope. But if it involved tax dollars it should have been an investment that would attract Super Bowls, Final Fours, giant boxing events and humongous concerts. The city should be making money hand over fist at a stadium in that location. Instead we got the smallest stadium in football... and it looks like a freaking UFO landed inside the columns.

So yeah this is a multi faceted problem. Perhaps the city should have stayed out of those deals. But if they were involved, they should have built things that would have been huge money makers.

I grew up in Peoria, so the Cubs/Sox dynamic was much different than growing up around Chicago. We were split Cubs/Cards mostly. Peoria's single-A team keeps switching between the Cubs and Cards affiliate every ten years or so.

I didn't start hating the White Sox until my late 20s in the late 90s when I was managing a Marriott hotel in Cook County and had to listen to complaints about the highest in the country hotel taxes every single day. When you get asked 5 times per day why the hotel tax rate is 20%, you learn why, and a good chunk of that was to pay the bonds on New Comisky/Guaranteed Lower Rate Field. It also irritated me that if the hotel tax rate was lower I could have paid my employees more and maybe kept the good ones longer instead of having so much turnover. With just a 4% reduction in that tax rate, I could've paid $1.20 more per hour, give or take.

And then a few years later I learned that the deal Reinsdorf got from Daley, Thompson, and Madigan was the first of its kind in this country. Before then, any subsidies for sports stadiums were minimal, mostly dealing only with infrastructure connections. Nowadays, almost every stadium is predominantly paid for by taxes and the economic benefits they promise never pan out. At best, those subsidies pick the winners and losers of entertainment dollars, they don't create new dollars. (Field of Schemes was a great book studying this dynamic.)

You are so right about Soldier Field. IF it was going to be publicly funded it should have been a Dome for year-round use with public control over how it was used. So many opportunities with a dome. And its just ugly now. That was a debacle, through and through.

Your White Sox got a ring recently enough, I had to wait until last year. I played little league against Jim Thome back in the day, and ran into him around Peoria a few times during his playing career, he is a great dude. As a 14 year old in 1984 I got crushed when the Cubs and my guy Sandberg just missed the Series. I put up with them for another 32 years, like a fool. But I feel your pain with the White Sox being boring right now and an owner not willing to pay for good players. Chris Sale, come on, you keep a guy like that to build around. Moncado better be the next Big Hurt. And the Bulls after Jordan? They lost me, too. Sad. Hang in there. Or don't, and move to Arkansas like I'm about to do. :)

Thanks for the feedback. I think this new title (and adjustments to a couple of captions) is a more accurate reflection.

To some degree it's true. The money needs to be used properly and Chance has a CHance to push for change.

Are you an Indian?

Couldn't agree more. The guy's heart in the right place, but in that state/city, his kindness will used to get some votes for Rahm and his crime syndicate.

Trust me, I have just been educated on a lot. I know of his music but not all this. And it's a great lesson on my end! :)

I like the flow of rapper music..

great post! I had no idea that Chance had done so much public service work.

Cool man , great content !

Only 24 years old and bagged 3 Grammy woow you are awesome dude!!

This rapper is doing a great job financing eduction looking for it to make it free which i think should be .. not only he supported with money but he also changed some peoples point of view about rapping and rappers in general (The gangster rapper the one who is selfish always talking about drugs money girls and way more things ..) It's rare to see a rapper contribute to the community in such a humble way.
Thanks for sharing @hanshotfirst

This is really a man these kids need to look up to, making it big and then giving all he can back to the youth and community. Would be great to see other influential public figures care this much and put in this much effort to improve on our youths education.

Another great piece of work: well taken photos and neatly written blog. Your pics are very immersive. Thanks for all the details.
hopefully you are successful forever become an inspiration to your followers.

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