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RE: San Diego Steemit Meetup on March 4th

Yes, I am in San Diego - but can't claim to be a California original :) I was born and raised in Germany - but have lived here for most of my adult life. My kids are all born in SoCal :)
I love San Francisco! But it is so expensive to live there - but you are in New York, right? The city is very expensive too :(
Love your stamp of approval :)


Woot Woot SD.
OH Germany, very nice!!
yes SF is way too expensive, my family is still there and still in the same house. :)
I was in NYC for over 25 years, I'm in Colorado now. Close to my ancient home lands.
Haha ... Yeah, I feel that since I am so picky about posts I want people to know that I love
originality. Probably a bit presumptuous but I created it anyway. Hee Hee Glad you like it.