So on the one hand you're telling me that I'm not considering other peoples viewpoints, but on the other hand, you posted a link to an article that effectively supports CENSORSHIP.
I'm happy to consider other viewpoints. It's usually the leftists who want to close down conversation.
It just happens that I think your concept of "cultural genocide" is fucking nonsense, and your initial post, just plopping out a link and expecting everyone to accept it, is unfortunately lazy and typical. I had an omelette for lunch today. EGG GENOCIDE.
Culture is an evolving, and multi-faceted thing. While it may be tasteless to impersonate another culture, something so frivolous should never be banned. I'm fundamentally against any attempt to legislate against hurting peoples feelings. Black, gay, white, trans ... don't care.
Leftists call it "cultural genocide" if a white person borrows from another culture in any way, but immigration to Europe or USA is of course, "cultural enrichment". I will never apologise for enjoying my own or other cultures, or ridiculing my own, or other cultures.
Up in Northern Ireland in recent years, Catholics are attending traditional protestant bonfires, and Protestants are getting involved in St Patricks celebrations. This "cultural appropriation" from both sides is extremely progressive because it focuses on RECONCILIATION, not SEGREGATION.
You see, the key to successful multiculturalism and a peaceful and fair society is not to take your own identity too seriously. Quite the opposite of what the professionally offended are calling for.