Honourable Mentions — 10 Steem Each
@k471 (https://steemit.com/photography/@k471/steemitphotochallenge-entry-14)
@felixxx (https://steemit.com/steemitphotochallenge/@felixxx/steemitphotochallenge-14-autumn-foliage- entry-1)
(https://steemit.com/steemitphotochallenge/@dreamstream/urban-autumn-steemitphotochallenge- entry-14)
Third Place — 50 Steem
@marinabogumil (https://steemit.com/photography/@marinabogumil/steemitphotochallenge-entry-people-in-foliage)
Second Place — 100 Steem
(https://steemit.com/steemitphotochallenge/@ilanaakoundi/steemit-photochallenge-14-autumn- foliage-three-entries-overlooking-5th-avenue-or-peeking-up-at-the-san-remo-or-central-park-lake)
First Place — 150 Steem
@romancs (https://steemit.com/steemitphotochallenge/@romancs/golden-autumn-steemit-photo-challenge-14-entry-2)
What do you think of the picks this week?
If you don't see your images here, don't be discouraged! There's just so many amazing images to choose from.
Make sure you go and vote for the entries that you liked!
Thanks to our sponsors, @berniesanders, and Steemimg.com the first dedicated Steemit Image hosting website, created by @blueorgy.
Give me some suggestions for next week's theme!
What would you like to see from the Steemit Photography community??
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 1 - Animal Portrait
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 2 - Shadows
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 3 - Desolation
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 4 - Nature Macro/Closeup
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 5 - Emotive Human Portrait
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 6 - Landscapes
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 7 - Architecture
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 8 - Long Exposure
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 9 - Action - High Shutter Speed
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 10 - Minimalism
[Steemit Photo Challenge Week 11 - Glamour / Fashion] (https://steemit.com/steemitphotochallenge/@jamtaylor/steemit-photo-challenge-11-winners-guest-judge-nicoledphoto-sep-29-oct2)
Great shots, but was the theme "autumn foliage" or "people in front of blurry autumn foliage"?
If anyone would like to see some photos of autumn foliage in New England, feel free to check out my entry for the contest!
I felt the same way when I saw these. Nice shots, but some were not what I would call autumn foliage. Mine weren't good enough anyway, but yours were. I put them up for the fun of it, and because I was able to get out last weekend. Second place is pretty cool, surreal even.
Dear Everyone:
I see now that these picks have caused some controversy, and I understand why. Please let me explain.
During this weekend and last night in particular, I was not able to follow along with the entries like I normally do, due to being really sick... Even the layouts and formatting this weekend were not done well, and I take responsibility for it and apologise for the lapse in judgment here which does not live up to the usual standard of the SPC. However, I do like to give my judges as much autonomy as possible, because the main point of using guest judges is so that my biases don't win every week.
I'd like to maintain a high level of quality for the SPC, and I don't want my being sick to seem like an excuse for shoddiness. So I apologise to the entries that deserve to be up there, but aren't. It is also not the fault of @dek, because I wasn't in the frame of mind to debate on the picks this weekend.
I hope that you understand and accept the apology, as we move on from this one.
If the winners would like to forfeit their prize and choose other entries in light of all of this, I would be happy to facilitate at this point.
Let's see what we can do with the theme next weekend.
Thanks for reading, for the feedback, and thanks for submitting each week.
Whoa! I didn't expect so many negative comments. Let me explain!
After looking at each photo submitted for the Steemit Photo Challenge, I selected only those, which I consider of acceptable quality (nothing blurry, crooked, etc.) - and believe me when I say that there are A LOT of photos for this popular challenge and reviewing each separate submission, by every author, takes hours.
I ended up with a selection of (technically good) photos, which had green leaves, brown leaves, red leaves, people's faces in leaves, feet in leaves , dogs running in leaves, kids throwing leaves up, friends laughing among leaves, houses covered in autumn foliage, autumn panoramas, where leaves were as big as a pixel, and so on, and so on.
So, the topic of the competition was perceived differently and subjectively by everyone, which is a very good thing - we are in search of diverse and original art work. As a photographer myself, I also favor certain styles of photography and therefore my opinion is subjective as well - that's the purpose of inviting guest judges. If you've followed me or Steemit's Photo Challenge, you will be very much aware of my style, as I've already had the privilege of winning a first and a second place in this cool competition.
As a street photographer, I would certainly favor any photos with autumn foliage, which had a subject in them, something to create a feeling of movement, of expectancy. It could've been a hand dropping a red leaf, a macro shot of a bug on a yellow leaf, or even a lovely autumn scenery of people in the distance (like the photo, which won second place). Foliage was the canvas on which you had to draw on!
I really didn't expect people to be disgruntled that a photo with a leaf centered in the middle of the frame didn't win the competition. If this was the idea of this competition, I have obviously failed your expectations. As far as my understanding of art photography, I've selected the best photos, featuring autumn foliage, from all the submissions.
p.s. Sorting through all the photos was hard work! @jamtaylor is doing it every week, for our pleasure - he truly deserves respect for his efforts (we should also buy him a BIG beer! :D).
As someone who did the judging one week, I agree it is not easy. It takes a LOT of time, mental energy, and computer memory (:P) to look at all of the posts and try to figure out which ones are best. I think you did a fine job, and only one picture selected as an honorable mention doesn't fit the theme (imo). Nobody's perfect :P
Not impressed with the judging this week especially when you've stated you didn't want blurry yet 70% of the photos you choose had blur
but thank you for your time and effort because there was a lot of entrants and it is in your opinion as a judge like all judges and humans we don't always agree
Your strong opinion signifies that you have enough photography experience to judge other photographers. Yet you are having difficulties discerning blurry photos from photos with bokeh.
so you voted my reply down how immature like burying your head in the sand
so your telling me that you choose 70 % of the photos with the Bokeh effect which in lay mans terms the Japanese word for blur or haze
seems a bit one way to me a variety would have been more effective choice, because the challenge brief did NOT say a "autumn foliage with bokeh effect and possibly if you can include a portrait while your at it"
Upvoted not in agreement but because I thought it was unfairly hidden by flagging. Carry on.
thank you for your support
@dek check better, the first prize is given to a human portrait, not autumn foliage.
Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth.I think you picked good submissions, @dek. The theme was autumn foliage, yes. But part of art (Afterall, what is photography if not an art form) is taking whatever theme you're given, and putting your own personal spin on it. Just because the theme was autumn foliage, doesn't mean it has to be STRICTLY of autumn foliage, so long as whatever submission adequately portrays the theme. Artists are supposed to think outside of the box, and nothing in art is ever just a literal interpretation.
Sorry to hear your still unwell @jamtaylor. Take it easy, and I hope you're feeling better soon.
As for @condra's entries, I thought each was really strong - I voted for 2 out of 3 of them. I feel like they were well suited for the theme. Photography is an art after all, a creative art form, and rules are there to be broken, once you've understood and mastered them.
Keep it steemy everyone!
I really don't see how your photo doesn't fit the theme, so I'd like to thank you for participating!
@jamtaylor I'm sorry you're not feeling well. And for, what seems like an unfortunate controversy. As editor of a mobile street photography column, I understand the incredible work it takes to make contests possible, the time involved, and coordinating guest judges, too boot, who also volunteer their time. If you need me to relinquish my place in the contest, though I was quite happy, I'd be happier to oblige in order to facilitate an easier outcome. Just let me know. You have my continued thanks for creating and maintaining this wonderful outlet here on Steemit. I hope you feel better soon! @dek thank you again for taking the time to be a judge.
yours so deserved to be there so loved your work when we saw it https://steemit.com/steemitphotchallenge/@knight-angel/steemit-photo-challenge-the-ups-and-downs
@knight-angel! Thank you VERY much! :D
we wrote this in honour of the steemit photo challenges
We appreciate your response @jamtaylor thank you maybe you should of delayed the results ,hope you get well soon! https://steemit.com/steemitphotchallenge/@knight-angel/steemit-photo-challenge-the-ups-and-downs
Not impressed with the judging this week especially when you've stated you didn't want blurry yet 70% of the photos you choose had blur
but thank you for your time and effort because there was a lot of entrants and it is in your opinion as a judge like all judges and humans we don't always agree
I've reposted this as the guest judge @dek down voted it for my opinion yes it seem the opinion is wide spread
I downvoted your opinion, because you don't see the difference between motion blur and bokeh. Your claim of 70% blurry photos, out of 9 in total, means that 6.3 photos are blurry and 2.7 photos are not. I will continue downvoting your posts, unless you stop posting such nonsense.
Why are you being such an arse! as you can see from my original post I actually thanked you for the judging so whats your problem
Does it make you powerful with your miss-use of a down vote?
The Bokeh effect which in lay mans terms the Japanese word for blur or haze
seems a bit one way to me a variety would have been more effective choice, because the challenge brief did NOT say a "autumn foliage with bokeh effect and possibly if you can include a portrait while your at it"
So you just copy pasted your response, without reading mine, but also insulted me. I will do the same, without the insult.
I downvoted your opinion, because you don't see the difference between motion blur and bokeh. Your claim of 70% blurry photos, out of 9 in total, means that 6.3 photos are blurry and 2.7 photos are not. I will continue downvoting your posts, unless you stop posting such nonsense.
There's a certain nuance in when making a point exaggeration may prevail over accuracy to accentuate the point being made. Ergo, sarcasm. Know you've had a rough time here being a punching bag for many but I would think your skin would be thick enough to handle some sarcasm.
Anyway, in your corner as you might see from my other comments on this post. Just lighten up a little please. Easy for me to say when I'm not being personally attacked the way you are. But please for everybody's sake handle the criticism for what it is. It's people's opinions differing from yours. Sucks for those who weren't judges on this contest am I right?
Ah, but you misunderstand.
Subjectivity goes along with criticism, which is perfectly understandable - you will see many users disagreeing with my choice for this week's challenge and others accepting my decision. I'm actually grateful to be supported by the authors, who submitted the most creative and professional looking entries, which shows me that experienced photographers agree that assignments should not be accepted literally. As I've said, autumn foliage does not translate to "one thousand shots of tree leaves", but people should've used the autumn foliage as their creative canvas. And the (subjective and according to my taste) winners did.
What I don't agree with is technically incorrect opinions and bashing by disgruntled users whose photos weren't selected.
For example, @t3ran13 posted multiple times in the comments, calling me crazy and a drug addict. I've not called his entries bad or insult him in any way, but there it is - a disgruntled user, whose photos weren't selected. I should've downvoted his posts, because of the personal insults, but I haven't.
But when someone, like @knight-angel, expresses an opinion, which shows his blatant lack of any photography knowledge (is there a photographer, who can't distinguish motion blur from bokeh?), I will downvote his comment. And I will continue downvoting any comments, in this or other threads, made by users who have no photographic experience, but who, for some unknown reason, feel the urge to publish their technically flawed opinion. This adds to the confusion of many aspiring photographers, who are here to learn from the work and words of experienced photographers.
I get the feeling a lot of entries did not get judged and the quantity of entries are going up all the time. Why not extend this weeks and future challenges to cover two weeks. I for one find it difficult to get the theme shots in the time allowed. I like the challenge to go out and take new photos for the challenge but find it difficult to do anything other than crop and post in the time allowed.
No worries mate! I hope you will feel better soon! Never mind about this week issue... I was thinking my first entry was enough to become "Honourable Mentions" but I was wrong!
Will see next challenge ;)
All the best.
Thanks for the reply @jamtaylor. I hope you feel better soon. Continued thanks for hosting this photo challenge.
How about spider webs for this week's theme? It's kind of Halloween-y, but doesn't restrict it to areas that celebrate the holiday or keep it focused on fall (for areas where it's currently spring). "Spider webs can be found in almost every imaginable place — even underwater — and have allowed spiders to populate every continent except frigid Antarctica."
I would be happy to be a guest judge if you like the idea for spider webs as a theme @jamtaylor :)
Second that. Creepy little things.
Solid suggestion this one.
i am surprised too, it were so many great photos! looks like Judge too lazy to see all of them
Again you're being disrespectful and making some unproven/unfair assumptions about the people serving the greater community by running this contest.
I saw each challenge photo and it is my opinion about challenge 14.
As always, it is highly subjective. Everybody of us would chose differently. In fact, all pictures that made it here are excellent.
My personal favs in this post:
For the idea and perspective.
For depth of field.
And finally, very simple, but powerful.
@okkiedot, these are also my favorite entries but CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS and every one who participated, this kind of challenge does make STEEMIT COME ALIVE every weekend Thank you very much @dek for doing such - much effort of sorting out the pics, tough job I can't imagine - kudos. @jamtaylor - Get well soon, looking forward to the next challenge. Someone suggested halloween - please know that not everyone celebrates that and not every place on earth do either.
Thank you, kindly! The problem with themes is that not everyone can always participate, e.g. if there's a Saint Patrick's day or a tropical theme, I'll be having trouble myself coming up with a shot :)
@dek, yes, so true :)
It is more close to reality)
SPC #14 _By The Numbers
The controversial ;) SPC #14 by the numbers is here make sure to go check out the raw stats behind the challenge this weekend!
@jamtaylor and @dek First of all get well soon jam. Second I'm a little disturbed by the controversy in the judging this week. People do understand the meaning of judgement call right? The fact that if we let everybody involved in the competitions judge we would likely have as many varied results as people judging.
I didn't have entries in this challenge because of the lack of autumn colors this time of year in my geographic area. That aside I would hate to see the photo challenge sunk by complaints about the judging. I'm certain this contest and the judging takes a lot of time and effort. I hope the community will echo me in thanking both of you for your time.
As for the interpretations used by the winning photos, I for one am glad interpretations are welcomed and rewarded. If we got 250 pictures of leaves on the ground or in trees that would be a rather stolid (strict) interpretation of "Autumn Foliage".
When it comes to these challenges I think the photographer should lean on "the exception proves the rule." The real sense of that phrase is in that the rules spell out what's allowed. The call for "autumn foliage" can be checked against. Would it be OK to submit a portrait with autumn foliage in it? Check! Because portraits were not specified in the criteria. So on so forth.
Please use your heads everybody. Autumn foliage could be artistically interpreted so many ways. I had half a mind to go to a crafts store and lay out some of the decorative leaves since we don't have fall colors where I live. That too wasn't specified against and I would feel slighted if disqualified for not being real foliage.
Let's not let this controversy hijack the creativity which makes this photo challenge such a special endeavor.
Steem on!
Honestly, I would've loved to see your idea - it would certainly be original. Recreating autumn would've been a challenging task! :)
in main you are right, but it(first place) is not the best challenge 14 photo, it is my opinion.
Great shots, but I also fail to understand why a portrait photo won this week. It doesn't make much sense. Can we make the next subject cows and when people start sending in the pretty girls at least we can have a laugh.
Congrats everyone! Again I thought @condra had this one in the bag... I think I might be a fan...
As for a theme, flowers*. What could be more photogenic? (Plus it's spring time in the Southern Hemisphere!)
Creative briefs shouldn't have to be taken literally, and photography is a rather subjective art. That's my 2 cents.
Congrats winners!
Congratulations to everyone! I didn't win but I don't mind as I can see that maybe I misunderstood the meaning of "Autumn foliage".
Congratulations to the winners! Nice but weird job @dek
WOWZA! I am thrilled to have received second place among all these beautiful images! Thank you to @jamtaylor for creating this super, cool Steemit contest and to this week's guest judge @dek. Congratulations to all the participants and winners! Cheers!
Your entry was excellent, the lighting and composition are great - it's like looking at a painting or a gobelin (tapestry). I would just back off on the filters a bit, but that's subjective :) Good job!
Thank you very much! :D
to all the winners, congratulations :) the photos are amazing. Although, I feel like some photos are not relevant to the theme. I hope I am wrong.
I want to be a a guest judge, If it will be possible:) But I need to know a theme, I'm not good in all spheres of photography
I missed the autumn colours.
Although I had to sit out this round because there's no autumn season in Singapore, I enjoy following the entries and reliving the autumn experience.
I have some thoughts on this, based on having entered many photo contests in my country:
I think it may help future contests to have multiple judges, so the opinions of one judge does not sway the results too much, say three to four judges. Also maybe allow more time to judge, maybe reveal the results at the announcement of the next photo challenge.
Next, maybe use a point scheme to judge each photo: for example, 50% for how well the photo fits the theme, 25% for technical skills, 25% for artistic merit/composition. Then take the weighted average from all the judges.
Finally, @stansmith has commented on some photos having too much editing. This part could be specified in the challenge more clearly, such as, "basic exposure, contrast, saturation is fine, but no multiple exposures, exposure blending, layer masking, etc." This is quite subjective to what one thinks photography is about though and I think if you want to limit what people can do, then you might as well only allow jpegs straight from the camera.
So many great photos. How do u pick the winners? Would not want to be the judge.
I agree that several photos are not relevant to the theme of the week. All of them are really beautiful and got my voice as a great art work. But it is not "Autumn foliage" in my opinion (if we talk about foliage, foliage have to be at the focus of lookers, have to be a central element, have to be a magnet for human sight). I hope in the future all participants will receive correct information about the topic because now I feel myself misguided, deceived.
Anyway I congrats all winners with great works and appreciation of their high art level!
Thanks again for running this thing! It was fun to get out a bit for a reason. Looking forward to next weekend!
Great challenge, and wonderful photos! Congrats to all! :)
Is it Autumn Foliage???Judge is drug addict
Some respect would be appreciated. Not everybody owes you their time and the judge I'm sure worked very hard doing the judging. This contest is a voluntary effort by the coordinators. I would think strongly about the services rendered before calling them names. My finger was very near the flag button on your post.
with all respect it is my opinion.
I'm just going to leave this here. http://apihtawikosisan.com/hall-of-shame/an-open-letter-to-non-natives-in-headdresses/
SJW nonsense. My Irish culture is "appropriated" non-stop around the world 24/7, and I think it's awesome. Except when I'm drunk, then I get rowdy.
A drunken Irish guy who wants to fight everybody? That's a stereotype!! Triggered!!!!
So your argument is that since you enjoy, are numb to, or ignorant of the legacy of your ancestors being annihilated by Christian missionaries, and replaced by empire, religion, plastic leprechauns, and green beer, that no one else has any cause for complaint.
Your submission to cultural genocide is now a badge that you wear, and anyone else who feels aggrieved that their sacred ways continue to be defiled as fashion accessories by the great grandchildren of the first colonials who brought ruin upon their people is simply spouting nonsense.
As someone with both Irish and native heritage, I myself have more sympathies with the First Peoples of this land. Also, I do not celebrate St. Patrick, the British, Christian missionary who helped to erase the history of my Irish ancestors, in quite the same way as you.
Sorry @jamtaylor, I won't let this hijack your wonderful photo challenge. I just had to distill my feelings on the matter, and say my piece.
Wow. Let's be honest here @lovejoy. I presented more of an "argument" than you initially did, so it's quite ironic that you belittle and misrepresent what I wrote. You just did the typical SJW thing of posting a link to some touchy feely article, assuming it would be self evidently correct. Well, tough shit. That's not how things work anymore. People are sick of SJW virtue signalling, and thank fuck, your bullshit is being called out.
"I'm just going to leave this here" ... What do you expect? People are gonna send you some ancient Christian cis white male tears in the post as a form of reparations.
I'm not going to try to hijack the suffering of my ancestors to gain a bit of victimhood status, or to use it as a stick to beat over other peoples head. Call me "ignorant" all you want. SJW shaming language has been watered down to be meaningless and nobody fears your shaming crap anymore.
Boo hoo, history happened, and now you're living in the most opulent of times in human history. Grow up and get over it.
Sent from a Czech pub, wearing a sombrero, listening to Nigerian jazz.
@condra, I smiled more than winced at your reply. Still less because I agree with you and more because your writing is highly fucking creative. "Sent from a Czech pub, wearing a sombrero, listening to Nigerian jazz." and "What do you expect? People are gonna send you some ancient Christian cis white male tears in the post as a form of reparations." being the gems.
Taking it from the top, Initially, -I- wasn't making an argument. I didn't assume anything about anything being "self evidently correct". The whole point of me saying, "I'm just going to leave this here" was to present someone else's perspective for consideration. Someone whom, as a First Nation person, has done a lot of thinking on the matter. I find it informative to consider other people's perspectives, don't you?
Your response to label that resource as "SJW nonsense", was the first shot fired. The first name calling, designed to polarize and discredit. And then you doubled down with the fallacious argument that "Since I'm not bothered, no one else should be." So I called you out.
And now with your SJW lingo, You've tripled down on a real turducken of a 'Straw Man Argument'.
You know, your acronyms don't actually help people understand anything. SJW (which I didn't know was a thing until I looked it up yesterday) Is just another code that tells someone to turn their brain off and stop thinking. It's convenient to apply broad labels if all you want to do is engage in demagoguery, but if you're looking to present an actual point of view, you'll need to skip the shorthand. "SJW virtue signalling" "That's not how things work anymore."?
Apparently I missed a lot of memos on the way to this conversation. I didn't know a whole language had been developed to protect sensitive tough guys from hearing other perspectives.
I guess I could make my own shorthand and run around applying it to anyone I want to silence and discredit. Let's call you the STG, and whenever I say, "oh that's just an STG" (Sensitive Tough Guy) everyone who already agrees with me will just collapse into polarity. You're either with the SJW's or the STG's... what's it going to be?
What were we talking about? Oh yeah. I was merely suggesting that one might consider not dressing up in First Peoples ceremonial outfits... you know, because history. Just consider it. And don't go black-face this Halloween either.
But apparently, considering other viewpoints will make you into a bad internet name.
So on the one hand you're telling me that I'm not considering other peoples viewpoints, but on the other hand, you posted a link to an article that effectively supports CENSORSHIP.
I'm happy to consider other viewpoints. It's usually the leftists who want to close down conversation.
It just happens that I think your concept of "cultural genocide" is fucking nonsense, and your initial post, just plopping out a link and expecting everyone to accept it, is unfortunately lazy and typical. I had an omelette for lunch today. EGG GENOCIDE.
Culture is an evolving, and multi-faceted thing. While it may be tasteless to impersonate another culture, something so frivolous should never be banned. I'm fundamentally against any attempt to legislate against hurting peoples feelings. Black, gay, white, trans ... don't care.
Leftists call it "cultural genocide" if a white person borrows from another culture in any way, but immigration to Europe or USA is of course, "cultural enrichment". I will never apologise for enjoying my own or other cultures, or ridiculing my own, or other cultures.
Up in Northern Ireland in recent years, Catholics are attending traditional protestant bonfires, and Protestants are getting involved in St Patricks celebrations. This "cultural appropriation" from both sides is extremely progressive because it focuses on RECONCILIATION, not SEGREGATION.
You see, the key to successful multiculturalism and a peaceful and fair society is not to take your own identity too seriously. Quite the opposite of what the professionally offended are calling for.
Because someone has a different viewpoint than you and would prefer you not use their cultural identity as a costume, and goes to great lengths to express why, in the most conciliatory manner possible, does not mean they support CENSORSHIP, in the modern sense of the word. By your reading, it would seem that any opinion or expression of one's preference anywhere amounts to supporting censorship, which is obviously absurd.
Politically I identify most closely as an anarchist, does that make me a leftist? Could you please define leftist, as you understand the word?
I didn't expect everyone to accept the contents of that link, I didn't expect anything at all, 'just planting seeds', as Bill Hicks would say.
Yes, "Culture is an evolving, and multi-faceted thing", but sometimes people have their cultural ways threatened, or destroyed by force of violence, or a change to their means of survival by forces greater than their capacity to adapt. The latter is cultural genocide, or extinction I suppose, if you want a less politically charged word.
National Geographic reports that:
It's great to hear about the Protestants and Catholics getting together, and putting aside their differences. This sounds to be, however, voluntary and mutual, in contrast to a defeated people, on the brink of survival having their traditions stolen, and misappropriated, in their eyes.
I suspect now that there is a degree of parity in political power and voice, between the Protestants and Catholics, that there can be this reconciliation between them.
But if I am under your boot, we will not reconcile. That is the problem with the question of First Peoples in the Americas. They don't have political power, or voice, having been shoved onto reservations in the least desirable land in the country, over the last several generations. So there is currently no basis for reconciliation, and understandably, there might be a good deal of resentment.
It's always easy to say everything is ok, when you're in a position of power.
How do you feel when know that you made mistake?
And why don't you can choose next judge from winners?question to @jamtaylor:
Mmmmhhhh. .. slight edititing. .. looks like massive photoshop work for the winer. Good work bye the Way! Congrats to the winners...
Could you elaborate?
Basic processing is allowed. That's the 7th rule of the Challenge. ;)
what is mean basic?
For me is spending less time on the computer than during the process of creating the picture with the camera.
And what's wrong with that? In the old days photographers would dodge and burn, mask, push or pull process, and so many more techniques that we can now do so much easier on a computer. Was it immoral back then when it was done by hand with stinky chemicals? No! It's part of the artform that is photography!
Nothing is wrong with that. But slight editing is à rule of the challenge...
It's so subjective, I'm not sure how you'd detect or even enforce any limits... and where do you draw the line? As I said, post production is part of the photographic artform.
You have a point... for me its when you pass more time on editing than the process of creating your image with the camera. .. subjective ;)
Congratulations to all the winners this week! Tons of excellent entries!
Amazing photography! Hope to be on here one day soon. Upvoted followed and Reblogged 🍀
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