Not impressed with the judging this week especially when you've stated you didn't want blurry yet 70% of the photos you choose had blur
but thank you for your time and effort because there was a lot of entrants and it is in your opinion as a judge like all judges and humans we don't always agree
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Your strong opinion signifies that you have enough photography experience to judge other photographers. Yet you are having difficulties discerning blurry photos from photos with bokeh.
so you voted my reply down how immature like burying your head in the sand
so your telling me that you choose 70 % of the photos with the Bokeh effect which in lay mans terms the Japanese word for blur or haze
seems a bit one way to me a variety would have been more effective choice, because the challenge brief did NOT say a "autumn foliage with bokeh effect and possibly if you can include a portrait while your at it"
Upvoted not in agreement but because I thought it was unfairly hidden by flagging. Carry on.
thank you for your support