I got interested in Steem Monsters thanks to that big Newbiegames contest. There's still a lot that I don't understand, like leveling up. I know that combining two of the same card will level it up, but what determines how much XP it'll get? Is it the rarity or is it card specific? And is there a max level cap already?
Ugh, also, the Steem Monsters site gives me so much trouble! Really hard to navigate for blind users using a screen reader. I had to dig into the site's Javascript code to find the cards you're selling.
So many Divine Healers in there (spreading healing magic through the market? I already have it, though). So many Pirate Captains too, which is a card I keep stumbling into the name of but don't have yet. But if I could have a card, I'd pick the Silvershield Knight. Knights make me think of protection, and the Life element sounds nice (divine stuff, blessings etc.). (hahaha, just some baseless ramblings from someone who knows nothing about card games and has no idea what these cards might do :P )
you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 22.20%. Estimated dollar amount of $0.56
Glad to hear your response. This might be the most frustrating time for you in this game, but once it begins play in about 5 to 6 weeks (I believe somewhere in that time frame) this is a game that could really be very well suited for you. I will get something put together and sent your way, don't about picking them out, I can help on this end of it. Thanks for participating, great to hear to from you and try not to catch the addiction to this game like I have. I also recommend tuning in to those dlive shows, the audio is amazing that is what i tuned into last week for the first time on @littlescribe, she has a dlive production for this through her user name with all kinds of amazing guests and the inner workings of the game. Also, one of the people who co-host this show with @littlescribe is @coruscate. @coruscate is hosting a drawing based on the submission posts she receives on what crypto has meant to you, and some other really great topics, she has the info on that on a post that came out either yesterday or the day before. She is drawing 4 submissions for a chance to win 5 booster packs each, then 1 submission to win 5 packs that is her choice, so 5 total winners. Great idea, I recommend submitting yours you have a great story for that. Go to steemmonstersdb.com and type in your user name in the dialog box. You will see a gift of cards there. Thanks for commenting @aiyumi, best of luck enjoy your week!
I just got them sent. I every common minus a few that I didn't have level ones of, some rares and and some epics. You are off to a good start I see, I would wait to level anything up yet, we don't know the rules and it's good to keep your options open, nothing hurts waiting to make that decision. It's cool you have got into this I think you will be a very crafty and tough opponent in this. Keep in touch, I will let you know what I find out and if you could do the same that would be great! Enjoy the rest of your day!
Wow, I didn't expect you'd go the extra mile and send me so many cards :D . Thank you so much!
I think I've been very lucky with getting cards so far. I met a user who gave up on his cards and I bought all his 34 cards for 1.2 SBD, and now you've sent me all these! :D
Ironically, even though I probably have all cards from the starter pack already, I'll still have to buy the starter pack to qualify for tournaments (I'll have to save up some SBD for that, as I need SBD to grow my account too). Once that's taken care of, I think I'll be done with my collection for a while. (I hope the addiction doesn't catch me :P )
I agree on waiting to know the rules before deciding what to do with the duplicates. I only hope they can do something about the accessibility of the site until September, or I'll have trouble even to choose the cards for battle. I left a suggestion as a comment to one of the official posts a few weeks ago, but don't know if they've seen it.
Yeah let's hope that bug does not get you. I would suggest leaving a message with @yapabmatt, that guy can probably answer the question what it will be or not very likely so you could have some idea, he's a really good guy on here and does a lot of work across the board on steemit. If you mentioned it direct to him that may get through the chain of command better, I don't know what to tell you there. They are swamped, I can only imagine how badly working like maniacs to get this ready so I certainly don't know what to say but mention that to him and get his thoughts is my best advice.
I had mentioned his username in the comment where I made the suggestion, and also in the post where I said I had gotten interested in Steem Monsters. I got no reply, but he actually upvoted my post (the one where I said how I got interested in Steem Monsters and mentioned the problems on the site, though I didn't mention how to solve the problems there). So, I know he's seen my post, at least. Well, let's hope that the upvote means something!