Hi Luke, can you explain on the "total number in existence" if this is referring to the number of cards opened at the time of opening, or does it count them after they have been combined....
Ie if people level up 10 commons, is it counted in your number as 10 issued or will it account for only 1 since the other 9 have been "burned"
i would guess the combined even a max leveled Common with 379 cards count is counted as one. It would be interesting to see the current stats if there are decreasing numbers it would a clear sign for my theory.
@onetin84 that's what I was thinking too since the Selena is the most issued of the golds in his numbers, but also the highest price... My guess is that means that people are not leveling her up and thus the higher count relative to the cheaper ones. Let me know if you find out! :)