The Top 50 Most Addicted Steem Monsters Accounts!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

I've been collecting @steemmonsters cards over on my @lukes.random account, and it reminds me of my childhood days collecting basketball cards. Collecting has always been fun for me because you get to show off something you think is special.

Have you seen the latest gold cards? Here's my current collection:

Here are my Epics (still missing Swamp Thing and Defender of Truth, message me on Discord if you'd like to trade):

Update: Big thanks to @mattclarke and @oliverschmid who gifted me the two epic cards I was still looking to collect. Wow! Thank you!

I only have 3 Legendary cards so far:

You can see my full set using the Steem Monsters explorer.

I started thinking... Am I addicted to this? I enjoy buying a pack here or there as a way to destress after a long day of work. Or is that just my excuse? Looking through my wallet, it's clear I'm spending some real money on it:

2 minutes ago   Transfer 3.634 STEEM to steemmonsters   P-OF8FCDZZKG
2 days ago  Transfer 1.561 SBD to steemmonsters P-4POV0EEI0W
3 days ago  Transfer 5.663 STEEM to steemmonsters   P-PXCHJ06H5C
11 days ago Transfer 3.523 SBD to steemmonsters P-T6TOW5NYM8
12 days ago Transfer 2.798 SBD to steemmonsters P-YSV4N0O7I8
12 days ago Transfer 2.798 SBD to steemmonsters P-SK44KBJ7PS
12 days ago Transfer 2.798 SBD to steemmonsters P-VI0WZWCJS0
12 days ago Transfer 3.498 SBD to steemmonsters P-4HIFIN9B4G
15 days ago Transfer 3.401 SBD to steemmonsters P-GX7WW8IO68
18 days ago Transfer 6.286 SBD to steemmonsters P-8AU9AED38W
18 days ago Transfer 6.286 SBD to steemmonsters P-HF33LK0AXS
20 days ago Transfer 3.728 STEEM to steemmonsters   P-NMBK5M7YNK
20 days ago Transfer 1.864 STEEM to steemmonsters   P-ISW0Q65KB4

So that got me thinking, who is more addicted then I am? As you may know, I really like doing statistical reports like the Exchange Transfer Report and the Witness Engagement Report. I thought it's about time for a Steem Monsters Addiction report. :)

So, I wrote up some PHP tonight to query the STEEM blockchain and figure some things out. Here's what I found:

Top 50 Most Addicted Accounts

Addiction RankAccountCards Purchased

It turns out, I'm only the 181st most addicted steemmonsters user out of a total of 917 accounts that purchased cards.

Another analysis I've been wanting to do is evaluate card frequencies for different Rarities. Here's what I found:


CardTotal in Existence
Giant Roc9,276
Kobold Miner9,258
Fire Beetle9,305
Pirate Captain9,209
Crustacean King9,393
Sabre Shark9,256
Flesh Golem9,331
Minotaur Warrior9,309
Silvershield Knight9,427
Silvershield Warrior9,161
Animated Corpse9,268
Skeleton Assassin9,235
Spineback Wolf9,456
Haunted Spider9,217
Spineback Turtle9,332
Goblin Sorcerer9,410
Goblin Shaman9,187
Feral Spirit9,307
Divine Healer9,427


CardTotal in Existence
Pit Ogre3,253
Frozen Soldier3,263
Lyanna Natura3,361
Earth Elemental3,316
Stonesplitter Orc3,285
Tyrus Paladium3,236
Silvershield Paladin3,206
Twisted Jester3,346
Undead Priest3,427
Haunted Spirit3,384
Water Elemental3,282
Stone Golem3,200
Serpentine Soldier3,305
Clay Golem3,271
Malric Inferno3,291
Alric Stormbringer3,256
Zintar Mortalis3,285


CardTotal in Existence
Fire Demon1,435
Serpent of the Flame1,403
Mischievous Mermaid1,410
Naga Warrior1,384
Magi of the Forest1,399
Swamp Thing1,392
Defender of Truth1,397
Air Elemental1,427
Enchantress of the Night1,397
Screaming Banshee1,408


CardTotal in Existence
Elemental Phoenix328
Frost Giant325
Spirit of the Forest331
Angel of Light346
Lord of Darkness366
Selenia Sky376
Lightning Dragon296
Chromatic Dragon288
Gold Dragon289

It seems like the Dragon cards are slightly more rare, which is interesting.

Well, if you're a Steem Monsters geek, hopefully you found this as interesting as I did. I probably should have been working on something more important tonight, but this was more fun.

Life needs to have more fun now and again, don't you think?

Maybe I'll run this report in the future once in a while whenever I get curious.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, programmer, STEEM witness, DAC launcher, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Learn about cryptocurrency at

I'm a Witness! Please vote for @lukestokes.mhth


Great post @lukestokes! Im planning on buying a starter pack, as soon as I earn enough SBD. I also entered the art contest @steemmonsters.
As a collector myself, its almost painful I am missing out. It looks like so much fun and addicting! Thanks for sharing the top steemmonsters junkies!

There's some help towards it 😊
Nice artwork - you've got real talent, I'm sure you'll be a Dolphin in no time at all.

Everyone, vote for @pattoounlimited to put toward a starter pack. I mean, good grief. Get your starter pack already. And there are lots of ways to win free booster packs as well. @carrieallen does dlive giveaways all the time. She's a freak. I love that girl.

Appreciate the support... Dont want a hand out but the rather earn it. I feel left out coming into this contest without a starter pack but that will change as soon as I get a few payouts next week. Thanks again!!

Freak, indeed. 😎
Come join a live stream- get stuff. The more folks that come play, the more I give away!
I might have a problem...but I can quit any time! 😎

I sent you a free booster pack of cards! @pattoounlimited :-) Go tot to view them!

Thank you again @clove71 for my first cards! So stoked!!

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Wow!! Thank you @clove71! What a great community here. When I get enough SBD, I can pay ya back or send ya some boosters if I win the contest. Either way, thank you for the starter pack... Been so anxious to get in on the @steemmonsters action.
giphy (1).gif

Haha the feeling of missing out an opportunity and fun it really so hard to contain. Steem monsters will be fun and addicting for sure. More booster packs for sale!!!!

Hi Luke, really interesting post; I've been away from Steemit for quite a while now (I came across your post on Twitter, since I follow you there too and I'm still active on that platform), so it's exciting to see that the community is still really engaged and continuing to innovate - that this revolutionary platform is still going strong.

Since you're someone with quite a lot of enthusiasm for @steemmonsters, and undeniable technical expertise, perhaps you could help clarify something for me. From my understanding, Steemit doesn't have "smart contract" capabilities - that's one of the reasons why everyone is excited for EOS, correct?

Don't these @steemmonsters just exist in a database owned by a single entity, controlled by unverifiable code? There's no provable scarcity etc. The ownership could be taken away from you. Most of what the new wave of CCG and Non-fungible tokens offer.

I'm wondering what I'm missing here... Do you think that it's the ability to buy and trade the cards (almost instantly with no transaction fees) for STEEM & SBD alone that's driving the interest in this project or is there something more to it?

Well, yes and no. It is centralized in terms of how the data is interpreted, but all the data I gathered here I did so from the blockchain. That data exists as records in the custom_json. If they didn't fulfill their commitments and started faking the numbers (either on blockchain or off) they would lose credibility with their community.

I do think the interest relates to many things people want to see on STEEM: fun, activity, engagement, novelty, excitement, potential for future rewards, potential for future gaming, etc, etc.

I totally agree that its really addicting by just openning the cards and mind you, its not yet the tournament and many were already addicted, lol

It creates an intense buzz within the steemit community and this is a great sign that this will be a successful project.

Strange. I gifted you a Swamp Thing a couple of days ago.
Edit: My bad, just realised you're collecting at @lukes.random. He must be lonely over there :)

Thank you so much! I'll create an account there and transfer it over. Thank you!

Protip: Get your kids to open them, for luck.
Expect to see me higher in the rankings next time.

My son opened a pack recently, and we got a legendary!

Oh, fu**! :D

Cool Stats, thanks! I just gifted you the Defender of Truth.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-06-16 um 10.46.27.png

Wow thank you! I'll have to transfer it over to my playing account @lukes.random

You're welcome! :)

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Hi Luke, can you explain on the "total number in existence" if this is referring to the number of cards opened at the time of opening, or does it count them after they have been combined....

Ie if people level up 10 commons, is it counted in your number as 10 issued or will it account for only 1 since the other 9 have been "burned"

i would guess the combined even a max leveled Common with 379 cards count is counted as one. It would be interesting to see the current stats if there are decreasing numbers it would a clear sign for my theory.

@onetin84 that's what I was thinking too since the Selena is the most issued of the golds in his numbers, but also the highest price... My guess is that means that people are not leveling her up and thus the higher count relative to the cheaper ones. Let me know if you find out! :)

I pulled up someones spending last week and they asked me not to publish a list like this! Although, showing cards bought is probably a nice way to present the list than SBD/STEEM spent.

I'm in the game, but wondering how the mechanics will give the the folks who haven't spent 000's of dollars at least some chance.

I suggested a mechanic for introducing some more chance. Feedback appreciated.

Is there a summary of the 2+ hour show @aggroed did explaining things?


Anyone asking someone else not to publish data which is on a public blockchain doesn't understand how public blockchains work. :)

Yeah, I too have concerns about the game play dynamics and was telling @aggroed recently how that's the number one challenge they will have to overcome. If it's just another "the rich people win and everyone else loses" that won't be a very compelling game for everyone.

Indeed :) I did pull the list for him privately which made him feel better - some serious players involved!

@mattclarke's suggestion, which I see you've commented on, is a good start I think - a bit more work for the devs but hopefully they will have something in place to avoid the above.

Thanks for the info on the rarity of the cards, makes me feel better about not owning that many :)

hahahah I knew I had spent some dough on these cards, but didn't have a clue where I would fall on the top 50 when I got the notification I had been mentioned here. 48th most cards purchased.... guess I have some work to do to catch up to the top buyers up there. hahaha

Ooh... my only legendary is a Chromatic Dragon, nice to know he’s the rarest, by at least a 1 card margin for now!

Steem monsters is really an addictive game

I'm not addicted. I can stop any time I want.

I just don't want to!

Wow this work of art are very insightfull i love them.

I wanted to buy more booster packs but yeah, i am stopping myself since it is still money im spending. Thankfully when i opened my steemmonsters account the other day i got 1 pack gifted to me from which 1 got 3 rares. I do not have a legendary still though. 😢

I am on last spot :-) I have to fix this :-)

Damn, I'm #46... Didn't know I spent that much hahaha

Lol. Im 25th place 🤣 Awesome work @lukestokes

You can tell by the list I am a total nerd lmao!

quite cool

I was going through that top 50 list saying to myself "please not me... I love this game but please not me." Turns out that I am likely where you are at (ish) as I have 4 legendaries. Thanks for compiling this data and showing me that Selenia Sky should not be the highest valued card ;)

Hmm, I was afraid that I might be on that 31 means at leat that there is some people who are worse...

1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!

I'm addicted too BUT don't have the funds to back up my addiction :)

There are so many people talking about steemmonsters on the steem blockchain but I hvn't seen one person talk about card stats. That is the number of cards available...............thanks for sharing that.
I think the best comment would be to show my cards:




I can't imagine how the game would be if there's like 10,000 accounts joining it purchasing booster packs everyday! It's one of the most addicting topic in steemit so far and I'm hoping Steem Monsters can deliver what the users expect.

Please don't post too much of your gold and legendary card @lukestokes because it makes me very envious!!! Haha you're so lucky!

Thank you for the great analysis! Now the cat is out, i'm in the upper ranks. 😁

Please do it for the gold foil edition! Currently there should be only 2 Selenia Sky Gold out there! I have one Lord of Darkness Gold and i'm curious to know how many are in existence.

I haven't looked at the JSON to see how it's different for gold foils, but I'll update this post if/when I figure that out.

Well done @lukestokes! You successfully guessed the match result.

Group Phase - France vs Australia
Click on the badge to view your Board of Honor.

Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard!

Very interesting post, I think dragon cards were the most beautiful, because they were gold, personally now I don´t love them so much, so maybe there will be more existing in the future.

Very interesting that @steemmonters account is the third most addicted ahahah.

Thank you for the great analysis! Now the cat is out of the bag, i'm in the upper ranks. 😁

Please do it for the gold foil edition! Currently there should be only 2 Selenia Sky Gold out there! I have one Lord of Darkness Gold and i'm curious to know how many are in existence. Theoretically just 7 with a drop rate of 2% out of common Legendary.

Cool post and stats, thanks for sharing

What an interesting analysis! I’m not surprised with the names that made it to the top spot. They are definitely very involved. I look forward to seeing more of your analysis, they are very interesting stats.

Thank you for stopping by and showing support to my Selenia Sky story post. 🙂 I wanted to join the fun this one time with the storyline writing, but writing fiction is tough business!

I'm addicted to silver & gold hunting no doubt. I've always been a collector and decided in my 30s to old collect things that store wealth: coins, precious metals, crypto, rare books, vintage Jewelry etc. I've been resisting monsters, but it's only a matter of time :)

Come to the dark side!

We have worthless imaginary playing cards paid for with worthless magic internet tokens. How could you beat that?!?!

(I'm being sarcastic, of course)

Ha, nice list! Just not made it into the top 10 :). Gotta get some more packs!

Got to update your list, number 10 now. Sorry @clove71 ;)

Hahah. Already people want a live list. :)

Maybe I'll turn this into a website or something.

I enjoy buying a pack here or there as a way to destress after a long day of work. Or is that just my excuse?

Sounds like you could be easily referring to a pack of cigarettes! So...I guess you could qualify as a monsters addict.

I am a wannabe monsters addict. I'm spending all the money I WOULD spend on buying packs, and channeling that into my White Team backstory challenge. I have to pace myself on the funds. But if I had my way, I'd seriously buy like 10 packs a day. he he he.

A website would be killer as I want to find out how many cards I have bought. Maybe a live list and a search function to find our ranking and stats?

Ok, as a homesteading, homeschooling Mama of 4, let me just say, there's often something more important you could be doing with your time, but having a bit of fun is underrated. Doing this type of analysis where you are researching and using your brain and enjoying it is such a wonderful use of your time! It's healthy exercise for your brain and the fact that you were enjoying the work is a boost to your overall health and well-being! Yep! CrowbarMama said so! Lol! Seriously though, I'm new to the gaming world, but these little cards are pretty cool. I collected a few packs and was lucky to get a couple Selenia Sky's before leaving on a road trip that kept me distracted. Now that I'm back, the monsters are calling my name again! I'll be buying a few more packs this weekend!

Haha does this check WHO purchases or who recieves the cards? I've bought cards for @monsterworld.

Btw this is wonderful thanks for creating this. We're hoping to see this on the steemmonsters block chain explorers some folks have been making. Thanks for doing it already. Helps verify some things. The dragon drop rate was interesting.

The writing contest reeled me in and I finally caved to monster madness. I'm hooked.... mostly for the stories. Should be fun to see the tournaments when they start. Have fun! ;-)

Could You share how do You created this list? From my understanding, the Steem blockchain contains only ID's of cards - You don't know what is this card name without asking How do You handle that? Is there any API?

Wow, that is pretty impressive. I am afraid it is going to be hard to compete against these people who are able to put a lot of money into the game when tournaments start. I want to get excited about it, but if it is all going to be tied to how much you are able to spend, I probably won't last long. The same is probably going to be true of a lot of the other smaller account people.

What are the best cards to buy as investment?