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RE: Season 6 Updates and Balance Changes!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Great balance changes as always. You guys are always spot on.
But I have to challenge this notion of getting overs for the rewards.

Expected Rewards vs Reality

In bronze you will spend 20 mins working a quest, and more than likely get a card worth less than $0.10

Gold foil Legendaries should have been taken out of the equation and treated as a bonus (an extreme rarity) as that's what they are.

The true expected rewards is a lot less than was reported which will make people feel cheated. Again people at higher levels are getting more rewards and the gap is getting greater.

If you want to make this bot problem to go away, you need to make the quest harder. It is too easy for bots to complete quests, and even easier now since giving someone a win for a surrender.

Making the Quests Harder

Instead of just winning 5x in one splinter make it about beating a better player x times, splinter vs splinter, defense - last 5 rounds in 3 games or win with each splinter color etc.

These quests should be something you achieve while you climb the leader board, not something that stops you at a certain level while you play the same splinter over and over again.

It'll be much harder for a bot to adapt to changing quest types and sure it'll be some extra coding but it does need to get addressed.

Killing the rewards just keeps putting real players off. You'll notice the bots never care when you make these changes.

Think of the impact to real people and the potential harm to the game. The rich kids don't care but the next generation of top line players might never get there because they quit too early.


I get your point.. but on the other hand:
With my life splinter team I am constantly in champions league...
To buy this team you would need less than 100 bucks atm...
looking at what kind of other items "kids" are buying today this seems not un-affordable for the normal kid... in developed countries or emerging markets... (it will be a totally different case with developing countries, however then a starter pack of 2 bucks should still be possible.. !if! I-Net is for free.. and then the rewards will be a real incentive... but I fear the huge amount of data steemmonsters is consuming is the bigger problem there...)
especially as 50 bucks (or even 25 bucks) also will give you teams to get up to the gold league...
trick is: just concentrate yourself on one splinter... period...

Think of the impact to real people and the potential harm to the game. The rich kids don't care but the next generation of top line players might never get there because they quit too early.
