Season 6 Updates and Balance Changes!

Season 6 is going to shake things up in the world of Steem Monsters! Between some balance changes, a new ability that will make some previously underplayed cards more useful, higher mana caps, and the new reward edition cards being released, it may seem like a whole new game!

Read on for more details about what's in store and start getting your collections ready!

Balance Changes

As we have mentioned numerous times in the past, keeping the game balanced and fun at all levels of play is of the utmost importance, and is ultimately what drives the value of the cards.

We do our best to get the balance right the first time, but with such a complex game and a constantly growing list of cards, there will always be some things that we don't catch and that need to be adjusted later.

The following are the list of card balance changes we plan to put into effect at the start of Season 6 in approximately three days. We will continue to evaluate the cards and gameplay to see if any future changes are necessary, and we always welcome your input as well!

  • Rexxie - Mana cost reduced to 7 from 8. Rexxie is pretty much the poster child of the game, so we want to see him played more!
  • Hydra - Reduced Health at lower levels. The high health plus the Heal ability is OP at lower levels of play.
  • Sacred Unicorn - Reduced Health at lower levels. Same reasoning as for the Hydra above.
  • Royal Dragon Archer - Reduced Ranged attack at lower levels. Three Ranged attack damage with Snipe at level 1 was too much, especially since he is typically paired with Selenia Sky.
  • Vampire - Mana cost reduced to 5 from 6.
  • Grumpy Dwarf, Minotaur Warrior, Giant Roc, Silvershield Warrior, Spineback Wolf - Each of these under-utilized cards will be gaining a new ability called "Reach" which allows them to use Melee attack from the second position on the team. Some of their other stats will be adjusted downwards to compensate for the new ability.

Minor Adjustments

  • Serpentine Soldier - Adjusted stats so that there is an increase at each level.
  • Spineback Turtle - Adjusted stats so that there is an increase at each level.
  • Crustacean King - Adjusted stats so that there is an increase at each level.
  • Gold Dragon - Reduced Magic attack to 3 from 4 at level 3. This was what was intended and was a typo on initial release.

Expanded Mana Caps

Many of the new Reward edition cards being released have relatively high mana caps. That is on purpose as we will be increasing the range of mana caps available for battles. For season 6 we will start by increasing the maximum mana cap to 32 from 27 starting at the Gold league.

In the future we may increase this even further, and also potentially decrease the minimum mana cap below 15. We hope that this will provide even more variety in the battles and allow a more diverse set of cards to be played in different situations. It should also make many of the legendary cards, which typically have a high mana cap, more playable.

Reward Updates

As we're sure most of you know, we're currently giving out a lot of reward cards. On one hand, this is great, because we like to be able to reward our players, but on the other hand it lowers the value and scarcity of the cards.

On top of that, due to the fact that we don't have a ton of players playing at all levels of play at any given time, it's currently too easy for automated bots with very low level cards to get into Silver league or higher, and farm the rewards.

As a result, we feel that it is necessary to reduce the number of Reward edition cards that can be earned for quests and at the end of each ranked play season, especially in the lower leagues.

The new rewards for each league and tier are as follows:

Before you start lodging your complaints, please take a look at this post which calculates the expected value of the daily quest rewards at each league based on current market prices:

That is a LOT of value being returned to players right now on a daily basis, and it's real value that you can actually get on the market, not theoretical value. Additionally, we expect that the value of daily quests might ultimately rise as a result of these changes.

Even though players will be earning fewer cards on average, that means that the market price of the cards (especially the new ones being released daily) are likely to increase, making the overall value potentially even higher than it is right now.

Power Up Promotion Ending

The power up promotion we are currently running where 10% of the value of all card pack purchases are returned to the purchaser as Steem Power was initially scheduled to end at the end of 2018. We have obviously kept it running for longer than that, but we wanted to let everyone know that the promotion is scheduled to end on January 18th, approximately one week from today.

If you've been thinking about boosting your collection, now is the time to pull the trigger and take advantage of this great deal before it's too late!

Thank You for your continued support!

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Ahhh too bad the power up is ending, I really liked the idea of 10% getting invested into the platform.....but I understand. Great job.

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With all respect, but it looks to me like the lower level accounts and the people that can't afford to build high level decks are once again punished for that.
(I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record).

I agree with @palasatenea: I think it is more important to tackle the bots than to reduce the reward cards, because the way things are going now there won't be a lot of lower level players left to give reward cards to. Quite some people already told me that there's no more fun in the game because of all the bots. A considerable amount of those people were thinking about leaving, even before the announcement that they would receive less rewards for the same work.

And I'm not talking about the level 1 bots that make it to the gold league. They just make it easier for a player to complete the DQs. I'm talking about the level 2 and 3 life splinter bots that are blocking the way in the silver league. It is a huge problem and it is driving people away. I see it happen every day.

Taking away existing abilities on lower level cards will limit the chances of reaching a higher league with a low level deck... again. And will make the level 2 and 3 bot problem in the silver league even bigger, because many people won't be able to get passed them at all.

I understand the number of free cards that you are giving away has an influence on the price of cards. However, I'm still waiting for the betas to go up in price.

(I'm not following up on the prices daily, so maybe it could be useful to make some of the information on price fluctuation you have public)

@cryptoeater, I assume you've taken gold cards into consideration when you calculated prices? Because a set of 5 reward cards with 2 vampires ($0.03) a genie ($0.02), a wood nymph ($0.07) and a Naga fire wizard ($0.11) is only worth $0.26... The chances of pulling an epic or legendary card are very low, definitely now all the new cards have come into play. Or maybe I'm just reading your stats wrong. In that case, would you mind explaining?

I realize I always take the time to write down the negative things, and forget to say that everything I don't mention is a positive thing. I don't want you guys to have the impression that I have a negative attitude towards SM, because I have not. :0)

I think it is more important to tackle the bots than to reduce the reward cards

I couldn't agree more @simplymike. Why can't the accounts that use them be banned? Are they owned by the big spenders? They are easy to identify and it doesn't take much work to discover the bot network they are part of. Can't that be programmed in?

Not all of us want to work our way up to Champions League. Until this season I have really enjoyed playing in Silver and working my way to Gold by the end of the season.

That wasn't the case this season as the Level 2 and 3 bots have made it practically impossible to play a Life quest when they are around. My life cards won't beat theirs so there have been many times when I've had to walk away and wait until they've moved on.

When they aren't around I've had fun but I'll doubt I'll continue to play. I'll probably wait for delegation to be set up and then let others who are more skilled than I am play with my cards.

When I started it was said that we would be able to level our cards by playing them but that also was taken off the table.

It just seems so unbalanced towards the top players. I get that they have invested the money but I don't get why solving the bot problem has to penalise the genuine lower level players.

The bots and the value of the cards are two separate problems. Wouldn't it be better to find two different solutions to them?

I agree about the average prices too. It would be more representative to use the mean amount rather than the average.

The daily quests and season rewards have been great and I'm glad I started playing right at the beginning and was able to earn some.

It's been fun seeing how games such as these get developed as well.

They can't ban players due to this being on the blockchain. Its too bad that a team or possibly a person or two has to set up those bots and ruin the fun. Try using your sneak monsters in the back when against those bots. I can't exactly remember the combo I used but sneak was the key to me beating them.

They can't ban players due to this being on the blockchain.

I don't get what being on the blockchain has to do with it @rentmoney. This is a business. They set the rules about everything else to do with the game. What's the difference?

Were you able to beat a level 3 bot with a level 1 summoner when both are playing life? I can beat them at times but not in that scenario and so many of them play level 1 cards in the other splinters but up the level for the life one.

Anyway. I think my main point is the fact that there appear to be 2 problems and 1 solution given.

Maybe there isn't a better solution to the bot problem, I'm not a programmer, but if I can discover these nets by hand then surely it could be done automatically and they could be blocked.

I will be interested to see what the outcome of this solution will be at the end of next season. 😁

The majority are against banning people and nuking cards. I am not one of those people. The game being on the blockchain is the reason they give for being against it.

I understand your frustration. I was simply trying to help you find a way to beat the bots. Are all your summoners / monsters at level one ?

I was simply trying to help you find a way to beat the bots.

Thanks. I appreciate that @rentmoney. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. 😂

Not all my summoners are level 1, in fact I have started levelling up my main account but I like playing at the lower levels.

I will be very happy if this solution gets rid of the bots but what's to stop the bot builders just building more bots?

Time will tell . . .

@rentmoney, Is it a coincidence that they are all owned by one player? I wonder if he acts alone, or it's just convenient for SM to have bots around to make up for the low number of players in the lower leagues? This guy has worked for them before, developing the marketbot and the trading bot. Ii'm not saying it is like that, but the deeper I dig, the more it looks like that

I think if SM wants bots around to keep games active then they should add some themselves. No users should be allowed to use bots to collect rewards. I don't even agree with allowing bots in the market-place.

Bots have a bad stigma. Even if a person doesn't agree with that bad stigma its still there and its not worth the headache they cause to have them around.

The founders did a great job with fighting bots when they added the changes of excluding a splinter and Mana changes so that shows they are attempting to tackle the situation.

By the way, according to matt they weren't aware that it was rondras who owned 20+ bots. I showed him and asked him if he was doing this as part of an agreement with them, because I agree that putting the bots there themselves would be a lot smarter than letting a user do it.
But he claimed they had nothing to do with it.

So I assume they are just gonna let him continue. While banning those and setting up their own would mean that a whole lot of reward cards shouldn't be distributed.

I can't even imagine how many reward cards 20 bots (level 1 to 7 ot 8) rake in in one season...

Wow ... I was unaware that someone had 20 + bots in the system.

I have to give some credit to the founders here. They have tried to fight bots and implemented great changes in the past such as Mana cap changes and splinter exclusions for battles. We have to keep in mind they are trying to fight them in ways that don't hurt their claim of SM is a decentralized game.

There is no use in mentioning the word ban as a large amount of players are against it so banning will likely never take place due to the, this is a decentralized game crowd. How-ever I think a great alternative option would be to exclude those caught using bots. So these players won't be banned but instead they can be excluded from site sponsored games and league play.

I really hope you're right, @rentmoney. I really do.

Fingers crossed, the founders and team work hard so they more then anyone else want to see this game succeed.

I made a post yesterday detailing what I thought was a more fair cut back of rewards. Below is the graph ... what do you think of my suggestion ? I think 15 free cards daily is more then enough to give out to anyone and still might be on the high end. I agree with starting with 1 and I agree that some cutbacks are needed. I don't agree with how lop sided those changes are.

My system gives more to the little guy and takes away more from the top. Bringing the ratio of rewards down for the top players get from 20 - 1 to 15 - 1. Top players or champion league players also get a 30 - 1 ratio in league standings and get to fight for a top 10 league prize. With all these nice incentives for top players they don't need the daily swayed in their favor as much as it is. Something needs to be more geared towards the little guy or average player. Smaller accounts should get much less then the larger ones but not at the rate purposed.

I am of the opinion that Percentage wise lower level players should be getting more as to keep them active in the game and give them the feeling of winning. This creates positive moral and motivation for lower level players to move up the ranks and continue playing the game, which is very important for the over all health of any game and in the long run helps those of us that have invested.



Top players (Champion III and Champion II) are also going down on this. I'm a player currently residing at the lower end of Champion III and I'm perfectly fine with earning 4 less reward cards per day. These changes, even if the bot-thing was excluded, make sense to me, because:

Bronze league is more like a starter-league/learning phase. Players who can't get to Silver are players who don't yet know how the game works. Or they are just really, really bad, but then that's a different problem.

Now it's much harder for players to sustain a position in Silver I than to sustain a position in Silver III, so a difference in quest rewards between those 2 makes perfect sense. Good players will rank higher and higher, going to silver I and maybe even Gold III with just level 1 cards. Then the player can use their reward cards to go even higher than that!

Now you may say "But pizza, the higher players get way more reward cards than the lower ones! How is that fair?"

Well, my dear Mike, that's fair, since the top players have:
-Invested more
-The players at the absolute top (Champion I) are generally really skilled players. Even if you have maxed cards, it's very difficult to get there and then we're not even talking about finishing a quest there. That's much easier at the lower leagues.
-Need more reward cards to keep their decks at a reasonable level. In the lower leagues, there's limits. People don't need to buy a ton of reward cards to stick to the top of their leagues. In silver, you only need 25 commons, 11 rares, 6 epics and 3 legendaries to use MAXED cards for that league! In Champion, you need to use MUCH more!

And with those maxed cards in silver, you can easily get into Gold and start earning even more rewards to grow your deck. The bronze players don't need skill. The Silver players need a bit of skill. The gold players need either leveled cards or a good amount of skill. Diamond needs both and Champion I needs both at a very high level.

So is it fair? I say yes.

Probably more fair than you downvoting my comment, only because you disagree...

People seem to upvote comments because they agree.
So why wouldn't I downvote because I disagree?

Because it would be a lot more interesting and valuable to exchange thoughts and discuss the matter, and in the end maybe agree to disagree.

Are you aware of the consequences a downvote can have? If you do the same to others whos reputation level is lower than yours, it can have a serious influence on their rep score. Do you think it would be fair to lower someone's rep score, just because you disagree?

Indeed, I find it quite interesting and valuable to exchange thoughts and discuss the matter, and in the end maybe agree to disagree. However, people constantly upvote the comments they agree upon and I do the same, but also downvote comments I disagree upon.

And as a downvote lowers the reputation, so does an upvote make the reputation score of a user higher. Besides, my vote is really not worth a lot.

I think, that the reduction of rewards cards is an good idea, but I cannot understand why cutting off 40% of cards for all player in bronze 1 and all silver levels and nothing for players in champion 1 and only 4% for players in champion 2. If cut away 40% for bronze 1 and all silver levels, than please also cut the "champions" for 40%.

I completely agree with that. Once again, the bigger players are treated in another way that the smaller ones

Yes it seems to me, that want reward them for buying booster packs - think it's impossible to come to champions league without buying booster packs or get cards from somewhere else (f.e. market). I just think, that they for season 4 gave normal cards as rewards and for level 5 only rewards cards - if it would be so than this would be another way for selling, because you get through rewards cards only one summoner (I think chances to get him are quite low) and so in the end you can use all rewards cards only at level 1 or you are forced to buy summoner cards, isn't it in this way ?

If I understand correctly then this is indeed the case. Because the reward cards pile up, but you need a summoner to play them. If you only have level 1 summoners in your deck you can play only level 1 reward cards, even if you have 50 of them...

Yes that's it. It's not important how many cards you have and to what level you bring them because of the summoner you can use only at level 1. I think many players will think than to buy summoner cards or booster packs. In my opinion system is that player can reach without paying money only silver level. To reach gold level or higher you should invest something and to reach champions league I think you should invest some hundreds of dollars.

actually it is quite simple:
if steemmonsters creators would like to ban bots they could do this. period.
so short term it might be economical beneficial for the creators to allow bots..
.. in the long term it will definitely destroy some (or more) of the value of their enterprise...

I am sure that they will soon come up with a solution..

and hopefully also with this strategy game... ;-)

My best guess would be that the fact that they allow them (or even own them) is because the number of players is still limited - especially on the lower levels. But in that case, they shouldn't use the bots as an excuse to lower the number of reward cards, IMO

Especially when their changes are exactly the sort that'll keep new players away. This development team seems entirely focused on pleasing the mavs, and little else. Sadly.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels that way. Thanks

What happens if you can detect who is a bot and not allow them to use cards higher than level 2?

I feel like @gillianpearce, thank God I have letters that allowed me to face them, but it's too frustrating to be 5 points away from being gold and then just always get defeats for the same cards.

What happens if you can detect who is a bot and not allow them to use cards higher than level 2?

I'm afraid I don't get what you mean with this. Could you maybe try to explain?

I keep wondering if those bots that keep you from reaching gold ate put there by SM itself, or people related to SM, to make sure they can reduce the number of reward cards they need to send out, or maybe because there are just not enough players to kee the game going.
Or if they are placed there by people not related to SM, but then I can't think of a reason why...

I fear that you are all right.
And also I am in CL and have a pretty strong team I can understand your frustration being more or less hopelessly stuck on lower levels.. when they startet season 3 and everybody had to start at 0 all over again to get back to gold level was not a game.. it was hard work...
having said this and being frustrated about the bot situation I also have to say that I am still very very grateful towards the developers and this is still an amazing thing they built.
And I feel also that the balance changes are spot on...

And in regards to bots: I hate them nearly as much as I do with this disease called voting bots on the steem blockchain...
on the other hand there are reasons for a kind of automation for the battle system that could make sense... but as the developers have done first steps to stop bots I am sure they will solve the problem .. finally.. maybe with this google" I am not a robot" captcha or something similar... popping up randomly every 5 to 30 minutes...
I mean this would be the worst option but it would work.. I am sure they can access data where they can statistically see which account uses bots and which not...
but anyways.. I am confident they will value our feedback and think about changes..
actually looking at the traction this simple card game already has I am looking so much forward to the announced strategy game and other ideas.. and at the end this will all be financed by the selling the packs.. so seeing all the negatives and reasons for complains I am still very optimistic about steemmonsters in general.
And I also believe that our feedback will be a crucial part of the future steemmonsters success.. in hindsight...

@simplymike It would be too much work for SM to place custom bots for us hahahaha, in any case, it is better to reduce the amount of reward.
And, Yes, I'm gold, but it was just hard to get it.

I think they are people who want to have more cards to benefit later.

I was saying that, for example, suppose you are a robot, and SM detects it and, in the rules, you can not use cards that exceed level 2(only bots). Do you understand me? In this way, there will be bots to occupy the number of people missing in SM, but it will not affect you because your cards can win.

I think the idea of ​​@solarwarrior is great, from time to time a catcha: I'm not a robot hahaha!

I love this game, it has given me different possibilities, I just want it to be very successful, even on my website I talk about them hahaha.

But let's be honest, we know that bots are necessary to have enough players, but it's not good to lose with false accounts, that is, bots with level +5,4,3 cards. It's very sad.

Hi! I understand the chances of pulling one is very low, but it does happen. What expected values means is as the amount of cards you earn approaches infinity, the average value of all the cards approaches the expected value. This is very different form the median which is what you're describing above.

The median is much lower than the expected value because card prices are very positively skewed.

For example, I have had 0 legendaries this whole season and I'm earning around 20 cards per day, but today I pulled two unicorns from 20 cards. This changes my average earnings per day by a LOT but barely changes my median earnings per day at all.

When it comes to ROI and investment, we should be looking at the mean return if we're in it for the long term!

Because you took a snapshot in time your figures are already out by quite a margin. When new cards are released on the market the price is inflated. You should do your calculations based on expected value not point in time market prices.

For instance, a unicorn is worth around $4 now whereas was probably around $7-8 when you did your calculations. (And expected to drop to around $3. And Lord A is under $2.

Just changes in these two cards alone affect your pricing chart.

I could go on but I think you get the point.

Maybe you should do your calculations again with real expected market values. And if you do the calculation again in a few days time it'll be lower still.

Point in time math doesn't work for an active market place.

I think need to only pick cards that are at least a week old. The early inflation is mostly offset by then.

Yes, it takes at least a week to normalize.

Good thought process, but give it a season end and then you will get the real prices... if you get a whole season then you get the season dump at the end, then you will get the most accurate pricing.

Thanks for the explanation

Thanks for the downvote, @pizzachain. You could also have replied directly to my comment, telling me you don't agree. I'm fine with agreeing on disagreeing, but I actually see no use on downvoting a comment if you don't agree, definitely if you're not leaving a direct reply...

He's a teenager @simplymike, so take that into consideration when you put it into perspective. ;)

With all respect, but it looks to me like the lower level accounts and the people that can't afford to build high level decks are once again punished for that.
(I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record).

All their changes go in this direction, so it's not surprising you keep making the same complaint.

Also, the ratio of time spent to fun is already way too high (meaning, you spend too much time for how much fun/game there is), I need to spend 2 minutes for about 10 seconds' worth of thought, on each match.

And if you're going to bring up "But you earn money doing it!" Then at that point, we're no longer in "game-fun-time" mentality, and I must evaluate whether I get paid more doing this than I'd get paid spending an equivalent amount of time working. Lemme give you a hint: No. Even if you work at McDonald's in a second-world country, the answer is still no.

Who's earning money from SM? I'm not, that's for sure. I'm not good enough at either level to win tourneys, and I see no use in selling my 70 extra vampire cards for $0.02 a piece. That would earn me a little over 2 bucks. I'd rather give them away to the people who have been restricted from growing their deck because they can't afford it, now the free booster packs are gone.

If I use the time I spend on SM on writing posts for the platform, I would be earning a lot more...

And thanks... at least someone who thinks I'm not sounding like a broken record, lol.

To be honest, I'm actually thinking of selling part of my collection, because if they keep following this trend, I'm afraid the ship will start sinking soon. I'm not planning to go down with it...

My compliment and criticism:

First, I love the game and the gameplay... Brilliant. Matt and the team are doing a wonderful job of keeping us hopping with the challenges of keeping up with an ever-increasing game.

a) Second, you are losing your base. You are dead wrong on why people aren't playing and in fact leaving. The reason the prices have gone down is because you have intentionally stated a desire to overproduce them at 4x the rate of the betas (which themselves are only 1/2 sold out).

b) The fact that the Maverick insiders like @rondras and @wonsama are developing massive bots to game the system is very distasteful yes, but they don't control supply, you do. (NOTE: Many think these guys are linked to you as well and doing it with your permission) There is a saying in basic economics that supply should equal demand. You are not only breaking that axiom, but you are massively shattering it in this case. Love the game tons, HATE the overproduction equally in the opposite direction.

c) I would rather see no reward cards than see those assholes get tons of free cards with their bots. On top of that, you are making the rewards on the low end basically a farce, and at the same time rewarding the same assholes that have gamed the system by getting tons of free packs and cards at the high end. So until you can get a patch in place to stop the bots from playing every second of the day, then why not stop the reward cards?


  1. cut back the reward card supply to the level of beta at most (100k commons total and so forth)

  2. stop play til you can figure out how to use a Captcha or other device that make human play necessary.

  3. when you restore rewards, restore it back to where you ended season 5... There is no reason to cut back the little guy any further.

In conclusion, I love the technology, the idea, the implementation of the game. I don't like the solutions you have come up with to "solve" the bot problem, and I hate the fact that you are printing supply of roughly 8x more than CURRENT demand.

Trust is the most important aspect of building something like this. If you will overproduce now for whatever reason to solve whatever problem, what will stop you in the future from doing so? That is why this is such an important point and why I have tried repeatedly to let you know how people are feeling.

I trust you are trying and think you are both doing your best to deal with so many complex issues. But sometimes you have to break them down to the simplest issues and solve the solvable first. Overprinting of cards should NEVER be a solution, so take that out of the equation and go from there on your next step.

I recognize this is just my opinion and I have tons of respect for what you have done to this point. The only reason I'm writing this is to help you and I hope it is taken as so.

Very good comment. I agree

I am not sure how this is going to stop bots or decreace their numbers. Bots will receive less reward cards just like everyone else. So as there are less cards, bots will earn almost the same in value as before. Even if bots earned only half of the value, it would still be worth it for them.

But I still think that decreasing the number of reward cards is a good thing to secure the value of the existing ones, as there are not enough players for the number of circulating cards at the moment.

I like the balancing changes!

I was thinking the same - less cards at higher price doesn't change the profit. The real problem are not the bots, but the fact that this game can be won by bots so easily.

The balance changes all seem good to me.

The reward changes keep slanting the rewards ever more in favour of the players at the top. Making sure the players below fall behind at an ever-accelerating rate. Terrible.
You use the "Not many players" as an explanation for some of these changes. These changes are exactly what keep new players away from joining.

Here are some example league changes. The numbers are how much the rewards are reduced relative to current ones, by league:

60-20% less rewards daily
40% less rewards at end of season.

33-6.33% less rewards daily
25% less rewards at end of season.

20-0% less rewards daily
20-0% season less rewards at end of season..

Goal is to reduce rewards? Then why not reduce them for players at the top too?
Goal is to make the game more fair? Then why not reduce them for everyone equally?

Goal seems to be, as always, to make the players at the top feel special, and chase away everyone thinking of picking this game up, unless they're willing to put up a lot of cash upfront.

And if the goal is to deal with bots, then deal something with it, or accept it can't be done to the full effect, and if you're harming real players' experience overmuch while dealing with bots, you won't have any playerbase left either way.

This was the debate I brought up in SM chat. For some reason allot didn't see my point. Reduced rewards is ok imo but they need to be reduced equally across the board. If anything reduced more at the higher levels. Players don't need 20 free cards a day.

they become the king without his clothes in that environment... if the SM guys don't get out and talk to the regular folks, then this game will take way longer to prosper than it should have. Typical human nature, but they need to move past it if they are going to prosper.

You have to remember who the audience there is. It's either the ones who invested the most money, or the ones who dream they can make it big. They sound just like people in pyramid scheme meetups.

Or people who argue everything away with, "But it's in beta!" While not realizing many of the decisions currently made only make sense for a game out of beta, and don't make sense in the context of a beta game.
I've given up on that. I might make some posts on the topic this week, but I'm gonna aim them at the larger audience, not at people who already invested, and have their biases as a result.

And it just seems like all the devs care about is keeping the Mavs happy. Even if Mavs will be the ones to keep spending the most money (not guaranteed, since they already have everything), nobody likes to spend money on a dead game.

I happen to be a maverick myself. Lots of good people sharing their ideas to improve the game in that section but I do feel as some individual opinions are based on whats best for themselves when certain debates come up instead of whats best for the game as a whole.

You'll note I'm not condemning the mavs here, but the devs. The developers' job is to do what is good for the game, not necessarily what players are asking for.

And yes, since this is treated as an investment, many opinions are geared purely on what's good for the opinion-giver, and often short-term at that.

You could argue I do likewise. I mean, what low-level player will not argue against the current changes, right? Well, I end every season in Challenger. I already more than made out my money from this game. I just hate seeing the decisions going on.

And yes, obviously some mavs really are out there for others. Just like we have things like Curie on Steemit. But it's an exception (on Steemit, not gonna say one way or the other on SM), except for the devs' decisions all being the sort that are entirely top-of-pyramid focused.

Its hard to find a balance but I have faith the devs will do just that. They put in allot of work and are considerate of the opinions of the players when making changes. The concerns addressed in this topic won't go unnoticed by them.

Good luck in the battle field !

Bots generally farm at the lower levels. By keeping the rewards high at the higher ranks it gives real players incentive to move up.

Sounds to me like a better solution would be to deal with the bots.

What about weaker players? And you think players wouldn't climb if they couldn't? You're just punishing those who can't.

And here's a question, why are players in Champion 2 league getting hurt then? As mentioned, if the goal is to reduce goals, then everyone should be hit. If the goal is to fight bots, then fight bots.

Agree with you completely @geekorner! Very very very true

I agree with your points... You are spot on! Thank you for making them so clearly.

This update hones in on every one of my recent concerns, you guys are doing a great job! Reduced rewards are still more than generous in any case. And the new card changes are much needed.

I do wonder tho if stats will ever be "finalized" though since that is a potential issue that balancing can always affect value in a centralized game.

These seem like reasonable changes. I especially like the change in mana cost for Vampire. Mana cost 6 was too high a cost for the benefit. With reduced mana cost, I may be more willing to include him in more battles.

I also like the Reach ability for some the melee cards. That gives me extra incentive to include those cards in my line up. Some of the cards I mentioned I like but often don't use because other cards fit into my line up better. I look forward to playing around with my line up now to see if I can use those melee monsters more effectively.

Suggestion: Maybe on the rewards cards you can introduce newer cards more slowly. That would increase value, as well. And if you have them in limited edition like your Alpha and Beta cards, that would also increase value. Maybe not all of them. But some of the cards could have a distribution cap. And you may consider Special Edition Rewards cards that can be earned only during certain seasons or certain types of battles.

Suggestion: Maybe on the rewards cards you can introduce newer cards more slowly. That would increase value, as well.

I don't think so. The less reward cards there are, the more we get of each card. Which leads to an influx of them to the market, which is the cause of their low prices. If anything, they need to try and increase the quantity of the higher rarity ones, so they'd be as rare, per card, as their non-reward versions.

The more reward cards exist at the same time as a reward, the higher the value of each individual card, and thus, of them all as a whole.

increase the quantity of the higher rarity ones, so they'd be as rare, per card, as their non-reward versions.

I'm not sure how more of something leads to more rarity. Can you explain that?

Let's say you get a legendary reward card.

There are 2 legendary cards currently out, the odds you'll get each is 50%. That means there'll be quite a lot of those two (and why the 1 that was out till now is so low-priced, it's much more common relative to the card pool than non-rewards legendary cards).

Now let's say there are 20 legendary reward cards. You only have 5% to get each one. Each legendary reward card is now 10 times as rare.

It works the same for common cards and all other rarities as well.

Don't hate me for saying this . . . but I feel this is gonna hurt small players a lot and only benefit ppl with higher level decks. Just a reminder not everyone can afford to buy a bunch of cards or packs, just my opinion. So less cards, may be very discouraging, especially less rewards for the season rewards. Just my feedback that is all.

I suppose reducing the rewards might make it less attractive to start new bots, but it's just going to make it easier for the bots that already exist, as there will be fewer humans playing against them.

The marginal cost of continuing to run a bot is very nearly zero, so it doesn't really matter if you're giving them ten cards or six.

that is a very good point... I think they don't realize the damage this will do on the low end... if they cut everyone to 1 card, then ok... or even 0... but keeping the highest levels and cutting the lower levels is going to have an impact.

Being a non-gamer, I’m surprised I enjoy playing the game. Having said that, I do feel the same as some others that decreasing the quantity of reward cards for the smaller accounts is not the solution. A bot won’t care if it’s 8 or 10 cards being rewarded but for real players, some simply won’t be able to jump that gap from gold to diamond because they have to compete against the life bots. Many of these small accts won’t be able to buy a level 3 life deck to beat the bots there. The game will no longer be enjoyable for most.

I don’t know the solution myself. The bots do make the gameplay experience less enjoyable and I would rather that get addressed than taking reward cards from real players, especially for the smaller accounts.

I wish all the mavericks were like you @beeyou, this game would be amazing!

You are a bigger investor in the game than me @davemccoy!

I did read your comment above and let me just say, wowzer, when you unleash, you unleash! I know that you only have the game and the smaller accounts' interests at heart. I've been impressed with a lot of the strategy and course of action taken by SM. Let's hope we will continue to see more impressive moves, and ideally, that would be to tackle the bots. We need more players to give the game a try and changes in the season rewards will hurt the small accts more so than established players.

I agree with your last point... and I too have been impressed with many things done by SM.

ps... Its tough to figure out how to help sometimes. In this case I didn't feel that letting it go is appropriate as it will lead to more loss of players (you know as you see the decks being given back for lack of interest). So if I have to be the bad guy by telling people things they don't want to hear, then it is ok. I'm too old to worry about what people think of me anymore!

It won't be life bots that will be the problem at the lower levels soon. Get ready for the earth onslaught. Earth will crush life at the lower levels now:)

We are all thankful for the effort to make the game more and more balanced and to protect also the price of the cards. I think all the changes are good, but you must consider how to make the game appealing also for new players (which will not make any big initial investments). At the moment, a big problem for new players is the lack of summoners. They can grow their accounts with reward cards, but to earn them they will need summoners and beta cards. I would encourage to rethink the season rewards, and to bring back some booster packs.

Posted using Partiko Android

yes and no...

I believe if they will bring the game to a totally different level for example by using the cards in a turn based strategy game (as has been mentioned by devs already) this will propel steemmonsters into a different dimension..
I mean look what already has been achieved by just having such a simple card play game...
millions of dollars of revenues already and a huge community...
you can easily build a turn based strategy game like history line, war craft etc.. using the cards... or some MMORPG...

We appreciate the effort, I love rexxie, of all the changes I like the most hahaha.

It's okay to lower the amount of rewards, raise the value of the cards is the idea. I think the point for this is to find more new players, however I agree with @rentmoney, for the diamond and champion league the rewards are still quite high, I understand that getting there is not easy, but the difference is abysmal.

except it's bad idea to raise price of cards. Cards should be cheap so more people can afford more interesting setups and don't get bored without many new reward cards. Especially in mid levels where you need hundreds of them to level them up. With so low rewards people will level up for years and guess how many players will be playing quests for so long just to be able to go to champion? Imo almost none. And the step initial price will prevent new players from coming in.

@steelman, I can understand your point of view, but what happens if you think this: A pack of cards is worth $ 2, if each card would cost $ 0.45 to buy a package you would naturally be earning $ 0.25, a new user to see this would never hesitate to buy packages, because he knows that he will always be winning, and this is what suits SM, that people invest to make the tournaments and prizes profitable.

Great balance changes as always. You guys are always spot on.
But I have to challenge this notion of getting overs for the rewards.

Expected Rewards vs Reality

In bronze you will spend 20 mins working a quest, and more than likely get a card worth less than $0.10

Gold foil Legendaries should have been taken out of the equation and treated as a bonus (an extreme rarity) as that's what they are.

The true expected rewards is a lot less than was reported which will make people feel cheated. Again people at higher levels are getting more rewards and the gap is getting greater.

If you want to make this bot problem to go away, you need to make the quest harder. It is too easy for bots to complete quests, and even easier now since giving someone a win for a surrender.

Making the Quests Harder

Instead of just winning 5x in one splinter make it about beating a better player x times, splinter vs splinter, defense - last 5 rounds in 3 games or win with each splinter color etc.

These quests should be something you achieve while you climb the leader board, not something that stops you at a certain level while you play the same splinter over and over again.

It'll be much harder for a bot to adapt to changing quest types and sure it'll be some extra coding but it does need to get addressed.

Killing the rewards just keeps putting real players off. You'll notice the bots never care when you make these changes.

Think of the impact to real people and the potential harm to the game. The rich kids don't care but the next generation of top line players might never get there because they quit too early.

I get your point.. but on the other hand:
With my life splinter team I am constantly in champions league...
To buy this team you would need less than 100 bucks atm...
looking at what kind of other items "kids" are buying today this seems not un-affordable for the normal kid... in developed countries or emerging markets... (it will be a totally different case with developing countries, however then a starter pack of 2 bucks should still be possible.. !if! I-Net is for free.. and then the rewards will be a real incentive... but I fear the huge amount of data steemmonsters is consuming is the bigger problem there...)
especially as 50 bucks (or even 25 bucks) also will give you teams to get up to the gold league...
trick is: just concentrate yourself on one splinter... period...

Think of the impact to real people and the potential harm to the game. The rich kids don't care but the next generation of top line players might never get there because they quit too early.


Interesting update @steemmonsters

Are there any plans to enable tournaments directly on the steem monsters website? The current method seems very complicated.

Yes they are working on that. Last I heard was early 2019 for tournaments to be implemented, should be very soon if all goes well.


The nerfs and balance changes all look good.

But the reward cards? I am making c3-1 every season, so the change doesn't really affect me, but new players? You are punishing them even more. I realize the bots are a problem, but reducing the reward cards is going to do nothing to decrease the bots. They get free cards with very little effort. If anything, the bots will keep increasing. What's to stop them? Fewer reward cards? No problem: just make more bots. As you say, fewer reward cards may—one hopes—increase the value on the market, so if that is true, why would the bots be discouraged anyway?

The only affect here will be to disincentivize new players even more. New players have to deal with being constantly beaten by bots, and for their effort they get only a few cards worth a few cents at most. Why should they keep playing when they have to deal with such frustration for almost no reward? Sure, the goal is to get them to buy packs, but unless you get them excited about the game they will never have any desire to buy packs.

The problem as I see it is bots. But the solutions put into effect so far are not targeting bots, but rather new players.

I cannot see how these rules will prevent bots to play....
...i really dont get it....the bots will just not get as many rewards as they used i fsomeone used a bot to farm cards and he was farming lets say 10 cards per day,now the only thing he had to do is to put 2 bots to farm cards instead of one...and thats it....
....the only users that affect the new system is real players...the new system affect us....and it is not so lucrative to try to reach DIAMOND !!!!! in order to get 10 cards as a reward!!!....
...yes the price on the market will rise...thats we have to buy now that is cheap...
...who is gonna benefit from all of this??....big players for sure... i see it the game becomes to change in favor of the big players ...
...i do not is totally understandable that you want people to put money in order to play...
....but a small player cannot afford to survive with such changes...
....of course it is your game and you do what ever you like,i'm not arguing this,but please don't try to convince the community that everybody is gonna benefit from the new changes because they will not....
...NEW changes will be in favor of the BIG portfolios and not the whole community...this is the truth...and its good to be told so everybody wake up....
...i support the game and back it up at the amount i can afford...i have even back it up on kickstarter but the whole changes are very discouraging ...
...the fact that i have to tell a new player that is coming today in the game that...listen....if you wanna have a chance in the game you have to put your money in first is something i don't like and i will not do...

...instead of hurting small portfolios find a system to kill bots...i don't know how...but it seems to me that bots destroying everything....and the rules i have just read will do NOTHING to bots....

Yeah, it's not a good change. I am quite disappointed in Aggroed. In discord he said there was going to something to seriously reduce bots in Season 6, but this is not a good solution.

its not that 'this is not a good solution' ....its NOT A SOLUTION AT ALL....its not a solution guys....lets don't fool ourselves...this has nothing to do with bots....nothing ...totally nothing....
....lets say i am using bots....i don't give a fck if the rewards will be reduced....i don't bots will farm again...thats the ugly truth..

  1. Stop writing with all the .... I'm not going to read any more comments with that, since it makes it VERY annoying to read.
  2. It tries to cure symptoms, but indeed, it's not a 100% fool-proof solution. Okay, it's a really bad solution. Still some sort of a solution to a problem though. Reducing the rewards means bot-owners get less reward cards, unless they run more accounts, which would mean more money for Yabapmatt and his lil assistant

2 - More bots just means the issue becomes bigger. I don't want them to buy more accounts so they can enter more bots into the game.

feeding the rich and let the poor diying.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for creating a wonderful "intellectual" game that forces you to look for new combinations every day with new cards.

With all the respect for your work guys and I think that you're doing great but reduce the rewards instead of punishing the bot users because they farm too much, it's imo an error and somehow unfair.

Great news and I agree: TOO many cards were given, especially in highest leagues.
Thank you for your updat.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi, thanks for mentioning my article in the post! If you're interested in more updates on the expected value of reward cards, I'll be making a post every 2-3 days so feel free to us a follow!

Also, here's the post explaining how the expected value was calculated!

The worst news in this post is not the rewards cards, but the power up bonus being lifted. Do you guys have an alternative in mind? Maybe delegating some SP instead to the new players who come here just for this game?

A new account is great, but the only reason that account even works is because of the gifted steem power. Players don't really need to know anything about steem atm. Only hard core players would hit the RC after buying the starter set and boosters. That's going to change though when their new account has 0 SP and can't play a single game.

This is a very good point.

New SM accounts should come with some SP in them.

Yeah it will be pretty disenfranchising for players if they either had to learn enough about crypto to buy steem power, or sell their cards for what will be percieved as funny money that they got to lock up for 3 months.

This is not exactly true. Also a account with 0 Steempower has some resource credits, so he can play some games, but you are right that it should be possible to play without looking to resource credits.

You are correct but any gamer or anyone trying to climb the league will run out of RC in a hurry and it will take too long to regenerate with 0 SP in their accounts. SM currently delegates 20 SP to new players when they run out and even with the 20 SP delegation some still need more to meet their playing needs.

Rexxie at 7 Finally Seems slightly usable ha-ha just to costly before for deck balance when you can have a 5 and 3 mana card vs 5 and 2 especially with lower mana.
Now its a bit more balanced to consider in a deck. Still not a fan of vampire though although maybe someone will use it, that said I was wondering what Reach did and just got around to reading the update definitely will make a note of that addition. Darn on the Gold Dragon although I'm happy that the other 3 cards now see a change each level instead of those nothing levels.
I look forward to the mana cap changes as the diversity makes deck composition fun at the same time.
On the card calculation I don't mind the decrease as it will increase the value of the reward cards and balances it out fairly now that a new user can make a decent splinter from the reward deck when there were only 10 cards that would be quite difficult. I feel the spreadsheet was off though that said not a big deal I just see a ton of vampires and they be 0.01 to 0.02 ha-ha that said on aggregate it makes sense golds schew the average but the probability is the same would be better to separate it into mean and median.
I kind of wish I could see more than my top 10 cards in a splinter and wouldn't mind a shrink pane to see 15 at a time instead of shrinking that window using the browser, while keeping the original setting for those who need to read their card stats.
That said all in all thanks for your hard work in improving the game and I keep looking forward to what is to come :)

Some interesting changes, im guilty of never playing Grumpy Dwarf, Minotaur Warrior, Giant Roc, Silvershield Warrior, Spineback Wolf lol

Rewards are a bit of a downer, going to need a lot more work to get anyting each day but ok lets hope its for the best

Economic scale is only acquired through user adoption I would rather have a larger reward for end of season and NO Rewards for playing the game than seeing an across field wipe that is imbalanced.
It is tricky though a bots cost is 0 in effect, while a user with level 1 caps will not be able to outmaneuver a maxed bot.
The incentive to have a bot rank higher to get a larger reward pool may make more sense, although pareto optimal is set to silver perhaps the best solution is to try to change the max card formula and have the reward tier set to around gold instead of having it set to silver.
A longer and more gradual rise to the maximum levels will allow cards to compete to Gold and perhaps let users have a better chance of winning to the maxed bots and eventually outgrowing them and beating them as an obstacle.

I like the balancing changes... so let's skip to the question that many have asked...

I think the answer to BOTS is learning how to make ELO work for level 1 accounts fighting eachother in high leagues. You just can't give someone 10 points for beating a level 1 account in silver-diamond league.
Get rid of that that and say that if you loose to level 1 team in diamond then OBVIOUSLY you don't belong there and you should loose a decent amount of points.

While they may still get their quest rewards beating another level 1 ... they'll be doing that at lower levels soon enough.

Everything here is good news, but when are this changes going live?

next season

Man these bots are ruining things everywhere. And the biggest disadvantage is that they keep getting smarter and more powerful every day. More resources they get, bigger nuisance they become. Wherever there is money to be made, you will find bots.

Maybe having some sort of complex captcha after every few matches might help. But then again, it will affect User Experience negatively.

But I do agree banning bots is the right thing. Even if goes against decentralization. At one point you have to choose between a few bad actors who just take or real players which bring the actual value to the game.

Just giving a stern message that if found, then bot accounts will be banned and their cards be burnt (removed from circulation); will do a big help.

I would like to put here the example of EOS Knights. Both are of course different games, on different blockchains; but both Steem Monsters and EOSKnights are top played games (keeping aside gambling games) on their respective blockchains. Now, this EOSknights is totally against bots. Their community and devs. If bots are found, they are removed along with their items. Plus, they have a bounty programme to extend their reach.

Steem Monsters can also launch such bounty programme for bugs, bots or other vulnerabilities in game. It will definitely be cheaper than wasting rewards on bots and making real players a bit angry as seen in comments. Plus, a bounty programme will encourage even those devs to contribute who normally don't play Steem Monsters. I will suggest talking to Lukestones as he has made some tools for EOSknights. He might have some ideas.

I do however agree that rewards are more than enough even after rebalance. I haven't seen any other crypto game dishing out so many free rewards. But ya, we can't afford to keep lowering them after every season, especially for the lower tiers.

Interesting changes ....

I think we all knew that a debuff was coming for the unicorn. Its nice to see the spineback wolf and Rexxie get some buffs. The larger Mana caps will make things interesting.

I agree with reduced rewards but you didn't reduced them enough where its needed most.... at the top league. You gave lower to mid levels a good stomping in reduced rewards while only giving the champion league a slap on the wrist.

Who's farming Champ 1 with bots? Isn't most if not all of the abuse coming from the lower leagues?

I'm not sure if anyone is or isn't farming at those levels but in either case it doesn't change my opinion. People don't need 20 free cards a day. The gap between the lowest levels winning 1 card a day and the highest winning 20 is too big. The percentages they took away from the lower to mid tiers is too big compare to what they took away from Champion. I am not sure who looked at this and thought it was a good idea. As soon as I read the post I knew there would be a ton of negatively towards the changes. There would be allot less if the rewards were chopped at the top with the same percentages they were chopped everywhere else.

IMO, the rewards are still too generous in many of the leagues. I will make a post with my proposal on the rewards system today sometime.

if you reduce rewards so much you also have to reduce amount needed to level them up

The rewards are getting reduced regardless. Its only a matter of how much. Also keep in mind that the daily quest rewards is something that isn't gntd to us with out purchase of a starter pack. Its something extra the SM founders have provided us with.

These changes make a lot of sense. I especially like the reach attack. It's going to shake things up and it's going to be awesome.

I recently played a bronze tournament in which someone had a royal dragon Archer and a unicorn.

Definitely not fun to play bronze when somebody's playing cards that were at least gold level powered from the beginning.

All in all I'd say these are great changes.

from the bleachers
Steem Monsters .... dun dun dun

Steem Monsters .... dun dun dun

Steem Mmonsters dun dun dun

:) :) :) :) :)

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I think that lowering the rewards is a good idea, because these cards are literally worthless, because of how many there are.

actually you can score $multiple dollars a day for playing.

Hard to get the balance right. Appreciate the hard work you guys are doing.
One mechanic I thought might be fun; Limited ammo.
So magic and ranged get a finite number of shots, whether they hit or not.
It could work as a new card; say the farmer, with a double barrel shotgun.
He hits hard, but he only fires twice, then just stands there.
If not a card, then a ruleset. 'Magic and ranged can only fire twice each'

Interesting changes and you explain the justification for them well they all seem to make sense to me

At 1st glance I can dig the changes. Lower rewards suck, but the market would be flooded even more than it already is if there wasn't a change. Long live STEEMMONSTERS!!!

Everything is fine, but I think that as long as you don't set a minimum price for each card, there will be always people throwing the value to the ground, just to sell their cards before than the others. Is good when you are about to buy cards, but in the other hand, when you are trying to sell is pretty hard.

How many people actually end the season at champion 1 level? Perhaps you should do with the season end rewards the same as the daily quest rewards, and have season Rewards based on where they are at the end of the SEASON, not the reward based on where the reached the highest level. If a person can not maintain their higher level why should they be rewarded the same as those that were able to maintain the higher level?

That'd incentivize players to stop playing rather than risk losing, and kill any desire to experiment. Requiring you to only win is already putting a hamper on things, but there's a reason most games reward you based on maximum rank reached.

The alternative is to not have people playing, and much more rage if you ever derank.

I am sorry but you are totally wrong and off base on this in my opinion. What is fun about playing against someone who has a totally maxed deck, has a rank of number 5 and champion points of 2233, when all you are is ranked at 262 and have 0 champion points because you have never reached champion level. So yeah it is real real fun to be up against the number 5 player in a diamond round. Steem Monster is losing me as a player because of this. Thee is no matching anymore of players based on any damned thing as far as I can tell.

So tell me what is fun about a totally lopsided match. The matching of a Worthy Opponent is broken. There is no such thing anymore about Matching or about Worthy Opponent in the game. And I am not talking about just being over matched, I am also talking about it is NO FUN and has zero incentive to keep playing when the people you are battling are only level 1 cards.

If the game mechanics do not change and the match-ups do not get fixed, then there will be one less player at the end of season six when it happens.

How does that have anything to do with what I said? If anything, it supports it.

I'm saying you should be rewarded by the highest you got. So if you hit Diamond 3, and then go back to Gold, cause everyone above is smoking you, you'll still receive rewards for having hit Diamond 3.

If you only get the reward based on where you ended, once you hit Diamond 3 you'll stop playing for sure. If you do enjoy the game, you could keep playing, and if you fall back down to gold, you'll have closer games you'll enjoy more.

I think you do not get what I am saying. When people get to the champion 1 level they stop playing at the champion level and slid back into the gold and diamond leagues. They got their 150 cards, they no longer care about staying in the higher level because it is to much work for them.

How else do you explain the number 5 ranked person playing against number 250 ranked or lower in the diamond 2 level.

If they only got 80 cards at the end of the season instead of the 150 cards do you really think they would be tromping lower level ranked people to get their jollies????

The game matches are supposed to be *Ranked, there is no way that a match up between a number 5 ranked player and a number 250 ranked player is a Matched challenge. Just like there is no Matched challenge between the number 250 ranked person and the 2002 ranked person.

Rewards should be where they finish the season, not the highest they reached in the season.

can anybody explain how champion points are generated and for what they are good?

You get them for playing in the champion league. WHat they will be used for hasn't been announced yet.

The reward changes benefit the already rich more than the poor.

Better to just ban bot accounts. As some other commenters have mentioned.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice!! I LOVE Rexxie!!
Rexxie (701px, 10fps).gif

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I think it is not a question if this cards should be reduced or not, because I think that steemmosnters have good reasons to do so, but I really think that it's unfair to cut off in bronze 1 and all silver levels 40% and in Champions 1 nothing. Why not to cut all rewards by a third, also for champion 1. Is it not enough if a player in champions 1 earn 10-times more cards than a player in bronze 1 ? Must it be more than 16-times in the future ?

I've just become aware that there are bots involved. I guess it's inevitable if there's money to be made. I hope some ways are found to decrease what they can achieve as the game is supposed to be about people playing each other.

Nice new changes makes it a little more competitive and more reason to hit the top tiers. Cant wait for some money seasons :P


The rewards were were too high. There is no reason right now to buty any packs.

I like all the changes to the cards and the new ability. Will be nice to see more cards used. I don’t love the idea to lower the rewards at bronze so much. I am not sure a new player just buying the starter pack would stay around for long getting 1 card when others get 20. I won’t say you have to be a Mav to hit champion 3 I have done it with a level 5 deck. I make champion 1with a level 7 team if I play enough. Also those low level boys become easy wins once you get your deck leveled up a bit. The truth is new players just need to get more summoners. I feel like a better starter pack or a summoners pack on the market that you could buy with usd would help. A non steem new player already has a RC issue and the internal market is no use to them as they earn no steem for posting. Add on that they get 1 or 2 rewards cards a day and it a rough start to a new game. Still I am enjoying the game and hope to see it grow I just worry it won’t.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Bronze is more of a starter league. People generally get to silver quite quickly, even without leveling their cards. Of course most players won't immediately know how to play well, but that'll come quickly if they like the game.

I’ve had a great month getting reward cards but my betas are now eternally stuck on the level they are out unless I spend the cash . But the most short term problem for me is that with all the reward cards I am getting for the quests , my summoners are a couple of levels short which means I will have to pay to power them up. So level 6 to me Ian still really level 4 so I cannot push forward and compete in diamond and gold . Not complaining. At the endnote of the day we have to splash the cash in order to play games . Sometimes people expect things for nothing . Just Launch a couple of reward summoners and I’m happy .

There are quite a couple ways you can get this cash without the need of spending any more cash from the outside world. Two main ways through steemmonsters here:

  1. Reward cards: You get rewards cards everyday if you do the quests and depending on your league, that's quite a decent amount. You can sell them and buy other cards with them or trade them directly for other cards with other players.
  2. Tournaments: There are quite some tournaments being hosted currently. They are all manual, but if everything goes according to plan, we should see the first integrated tournaments in about 2 weeks. (They said late january would be time for integrated tournaments, but it's of course not easy to implement and some things may delay it)

Though we're all waiting for the integrated tournaments, you can already participate in manually held ones (mostly through discord for communication and challonge for the brackets.).

Good luck on your SteemMonsters journey!

Thanks for the reply Mr Chain . Guess I’m gonna have to sell a few vampires . 😀😀.

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