Yes, try to add "@deeznuts" in your post and the checky not might come and say you might have mispelled "@deeznuts". That's what I am hoping for. Below is an example of when I met chekcky.
or maybe it only works when you initially make a post with the wrong spelling? Maybe it doesn't come when you edit a post with the wrong spelling? dunno.
I love it! When i woke up this morning, I would have never have guess how i would end my night talking about nuts and laughing my ass off for so long. Thanks bro.
Thank goodness my wife turned off her Gina bot tracking my mellofello account because I finally set up Gina for myself, haha. She would have gotten blasted by two guys talking about juicy nuts.
This conversation is jam packed. boiled p-nut juicy, rap references, haikus, crazy deeznut dude, and now we trying to summon a checky bot. This is legend....wait for it...dary.
oh my goodness, have you read that dude's posts? wtf is he on?
sage words we should all heed from @deeznuts
this convo just keeps getting better, my fucking face hurts
there is actually a @deeznuts profile, dude read his shit, it's fucking nuts
but I get it...hold my beer, watch this
oh shit, no way!
well @juicynuts definitely doesn't exist, maybe the bot is slow? meh
or maybe it only works when you initially make a post with the wrong spelling? Maybe it doesn't come when you edit a post with the wrong spelling? dunno.
well, in the post it's now @mellofello aka @juicynuts, I think I'll leave it
I love it! When i woke up this morning, I would have never have guess how i would end my night talking about nuts and laughing my ass off for so long. Thanks bro.
Thank goodness my wife turned off her Gina bot tracking my mellofello account because I finally set up Gina for myself, haha. She would have gotten blasted by two guys talking about juicy nuts.
This conversation is jam packed. boiled p-nut juicy, rap references, haikus, crazy deeznut dude, and now we trying to summon a checky bot. This is legend....wait for it...dary.
oh shit, no way! That guy is nuts.