Well worth every penny. These laughs are priceless.
Hey I know how you can call this other bot. Edit your post with @deeznuts. If that account does not exist, then the bot will show up and let you know you have misspelled the name, i think. Worth a try.
I'm so confused, are you saying to put @deeznuts in my post?
oh my goodness, have you read that dude's posts? wtf is he on?
sage words we should all heed from @deeznuts
this convo just keeps getting better, my fucking face hurts
there is actually a @deeznuts profile, dude read his shit, it's fucking nuts
but I get it...hold my beer, watch this
oh shit, no way!
well @juicynuts definitely doesn't exist, maybe the bot is slow? meh
or maybe it only works when you initially make a post with the wrong spelling? Maybe it doesn't come when you edit a post with the wrong spelling? dunno.
well, in the post it's now @mellofello aka @juicynuts, I think I'll leave it
This conversation is jam packed. boiled p-nut juicy, rap references, haikus, crazy deeznut dude, and now we trying to summon a checky bot. This is legend....wait for it...dary.
oh shit, no way! That guy is nuts.
whaaaaaa? edit my post with your nuts? no comprende hombre