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RE: Steem Monsters Giveaways & Pack Opening!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

First off, thank you for your gift. That was an awesome surprise to start my day. I have been itching to buy a bunch of packs to experience the thrill of possibly finding a legendary gold foil, but I was advised not to buy packs but rather to purchase cards individually.

Sadly I have only cracked 3 packs and the best pull was an epic Swamp Thing.

My favorite card out of the whole deck is a Lord of Darkness. What's yours?


You have won a common card!congratulations @mellofello, check your collection!

Yeah buddy! Thanks for the card.

my pleasure bud, I always look to support those who consistently support my content here in this neverland.

Can't reveal my fav until after the post pays out, don't wanna give it away. But I do spend a lot of time on the water...

Ahhh I think I know what it is now.

lol, have you never eaten boiled peanuts? I'm dyin over here laughing!

Hahahahaha, i’ve eatened boiled peanuts, but they were never dripping with juice, lol. That’s why I was confused. Now you got me crackin up.

even the JUICE doesn't understand this

rollin' over here, my stomach hurts!

Bah hahahahahahahahahaha

brownie points if you even get this

I guess I just have juicy
whenever I make 'em at home they're dripping with the JUICE

You killin me, hahhahahabahabahahahba

hate to use a pic twice.....BUT
you're free to grab some of my nuts...caution, they're spicy!

I'd type more but my fingers are covered in boiled p-nut juice...gotta clean my keyboard tomorrow!

Boiled p-nut juice?

OK, there has got to be an interesting story to this...

I'm definitely taking a screen shot of this shit

Steem Monster should showcase our convo and add to their list of reasons why people
should join. Reason #47, you will crack the heck up when discussing p-nut juice with monsters, hahhaahahaha

hell yeah, tag 'em!

dude, I'm still cracking up over here....need to make a video of me eating some juicy nuts or something, lol

Make it an animate gif, haha. Oh man, this is great.

lol...too bad they're not quite as juicy as fresh outta the pot....wait...

Straight Outta the Crock Pot
Peanuts with Juice

Did NWA get it all wrong?
Should it've been PWJ, guess we'll never know

#steemmonsters - "making us laugh hysterically about juicy nuts"

Now that's a slogan!

I hope Matt or Aggroed sees this. Classic!

lol, just tag 'em and they might!

Yeah, This is the best convo I’ve had on Steemit, and the most i’ve laughed in quite some time. This is awesome.

absolutely, this made my day!