The above statement describes you perfectly. You are a smart young man but have allot to learn about debating. I will help you out, your counter point has potential to be a valid counter point but your reasoning behind its validity is straight out wrong which weakens your argument greatly.
You make allot of valid points in the rest of your statement and I agree with allot of it but there is some misinformation provided as well.
Yeah, I probably have a lot to learn... But you're not really the best person to learn those things from. You said this:
your counter point has potential to be a valid counter point but your reasoning behind its validity is straight out wrong which weakens your argument greatly.
Now that applies EXACTLY to you ALL THE TIME. Funny thing is that you're actually copying me here, as I've told you this before.
So I got a lil tip for you: If you try to sound smart, don't quote the person you're talking to!
I don't think anyone said in this topic to cut all rewards for top players. We are asking for a more fair reward distribution. As you and I both know ..... most already have alt accounts and a person can only play so many of them.
"A more fair reward distribution" equals cutting the rewards of the higher-league players. Not that complex to understand, my dear, dear rentmoney.
I agree with allot of that as well but again no-one is saying to give the top the same as the bottom or near the same. 15 - 1 is not near the same. Its not even close to being near the same.
Of course 15 - 1 is not near the same. However, as I've said before, 15 - 1 really only applies in really, really extreme situations... It's like comparing the pay of someone who just started playing soccer to someone at the absolute top (The newbie actually pays to play and the top player makes millions of dollars...). Now I don't think you would want that.
Now you may say "That's a bad comparison" or something similar... I say: That's entirely true! If you want me to learn, I'll just copy your techniques :)
A well balanced system is what everyone wants and is what I and others are arguing for. As I said numerous times ... SM biggest issue is its generosity. 20 cards for free while trying to sell 5 for $2 makes absolutely no sense.
Yeah, you and others are arguing for it? That's nice and all, but I haven't seen a good solution so far.
All my other points are well documented and I don't feel like going over the same things again. SO please try not to " disagree to disagree!" as I don't plan on responding to anything that distracts from the main topic or anything that requires me to go over my points with you yet again.
Yeah, the problem is that you do keep responding. And you do keep distracting from the main topic too and, yes, you also keep requiring me to go over my points with you yet again. So please stop acting like I'm doing things wrong here.
I kinda wanted to stop responding, but I saw this crap, so I had to clarify some things. I hope you understand my points and don't need more explanation.
I wasn't trying to sound smart and I wasn't quoting you. Take my advice or not that is up to you. If you wanted to stop responding you would have as we discussed this already in discord many hours before you decided to respond to me yet again here to rekindle the debate.
I was actually a little surprised that you started up the debate again with me in this topic not once but twice after both our points have already been well documented. I think you just like debating to be honest. The above is just you going in circles yet again and I don't plan on continuing to engage in such activity with you.
You even twist things you say to favor your argument for example you are now claiming ...
When in reality my response you quoted was to the below quote you said,
Notice how you used the word all and not just cut. A very significant difference.
Edit: I believe the issue with the above part of our debate is your statement can be read in more then one way so that is what is likely causing the misunderstanding. In either case both sides points are well documented and its up to the founders to decide if its wise to adjust the rewards system or not.
There you're accusing me of the same things as I've done to you before. I'm not going to even respond any further to that.