You are completely right, building levels were shifted by +1 too
Rebalance buildings and technologies cost
Right now buildings and technologies are too rich, compared to online calculator. In SteemNova they are shifted by +1 level. The plan is to fix formula, giving users possibility to advance +1 level of everything in the cost of already spend resources for buildings/techs.
On the other side, Crystal Mine is way too cheap. It increases its cost by factor of x1,5 instead of x1,6. Normalizing both above will approximately break even with slightly advantage towards younger universum players.
According to pull request such fixes did happen:
fixed formula for building cost
fixed formula for technology cost
fixed formula for statistics calculation
increase cost factor of Crystal Mine to x1.6 (already in sql script)
You are completely right, building levels were shifted by +1 too
Old values were inaccurate. Buildings cost were shifted by +1 level.According to wikia